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Top Software As A Service (Saas) Companies in United States

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60 companies for Software As A Service (Saas) in United States

CollegeNET's Logo


Portland, United States


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

CollegeNET pioneered the delivery of administrative Software as a Service (SaaS) to higher education, notably with its ApplyWeb® system for recruiting and admissions. Their web-based services streamline processes and significantly reduce resource consumption, supporting institutions in operating more efficiently.

Highlighted product

Core business


SaaS Solutions's Logo

SaaS Solutions

Media, United States


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

SaaS Solutions is a specialized Software as a Service (SaaS) implementation and integration firm that focuses on CRM solutions and custom development. They offer a comprehensive range of services including implementation, configuration, training, and ongoing consulting to help clients achieve CRM success and enhance their business operations.

Highlighted product


Services - Main

Saas Solutions provides high-quality and cost-effective enterprise application solutions for companies of all sizes.



Edison, United States


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

Heyas positions itself as a leader in Business Intelligence, offering Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions with cloud hosting that can enhance dashboard and analytics development. With a strong track record in successful Qlik implementations and a focus on delivering exceptional client value, Heyas is well-equipped to support businesses in their analytics journey.

Highlighted product


SaaS with Cloud Hosting – Heyas Group

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Aryavrat Infotech's Logo

Aryavrat Infotech

Foster, United States


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

ARYAVRAT is a leading SaaS development company that specializes in creating scalable and secure SaaS solutions for enterprises and startups. Their expertise includes developing cost-effective big data management systems and implementing essential components for successful SaaS applications, ensuring robust and reliable services.

Highlighted product

Core business

SaaS development Company Scince 2009 | SaaS App Development Servce

Arya is a leading SaaS development company in USA that builds scalable and secure SaaS solution for enterprises & startups. Our skilled SaaS developers and designers create business-centric, and profitable SaaS products.

Software Prophets's Logo

Software Prophets

Painesville, United States


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company specializes in Software as a Service (SaaS) application development, emphasizing risk reduction and tailored solutions that align with your business goals. Their support services and ability to scale automatically ensure that your applications not only meet specifications but also adapt to growing demands.

Highlighted product

Core business

Software Prophets

SaaSList's Logo


Miami, United States


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company highlights the advantages of Software as a Service (SaaS), noting its flexibility and scalability for organizations, particularly for small and medium-sized businesses. An example provided is a CRM system that integrates with other SaaS applications, emphasizing the cloud-based nature of these solutions.

Highlighted product

Core business

About Us | SaasList

SaaSList is a business software comparison guide, offering reviews and a blog addressing various software trends solutions.

Stubbsware Corporation's Logo

Stubbsware Corporation

Wilmington, United States


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Stubbsware specializes in developing robust SaaS applications that enhance business operations through a secure, multi-tenant framework. Their web-based solutions ensure 24/7 accessibility to company data, making them ideal for modern business needs.

Highlighted product

Core business

Stubbsware :: SaaS web based applications

ViTech LLC's Logo

ViTech LLC

Tucson, United States


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers a Support-as-a-Service (SaaS) model that provides comprehensive tech support, enhances productivity, and ensures data security against various online threats. With over 10 years of experience, their SaaS solutions aim to reduce operational costs and effectively address tech issues.

Highlighted product


Products - ViTech | Computer Technical Support | Managed Business Support

SaaS (Support-as-a-Service) Products

Cloudsquare's Logo


Los Angeles, United States


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Cloudsquare offers a Software As A Service (SaaS) Agreement, which is designed to enhance business processes and drive efficiencies, ultimately supporting sustainable growth. Their expertise in Salesforce solutions has helped numerous clients, from startups to enterprises, achieve measurable outcomes.

Highlighted product

Core business

Software As A Service Agreement

Cloudsquare's Software As A Service Agreement

SaaSify's Logo


Redmond, United States


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

SaaSify has effectively addressed our needs by developing a "Bulk-Upload" feature and enabling us to create custom offers and plans, which enhances our operations and benefits our customers. Their platform simplifies the process of listing and growing SaaS businesses in major cloud marketplaces like AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Highlighted product

Core business

SaaSify - List, Transact & Grow In Cloud Marketplaces

SaaSify offers the fastest way for your SaaS business to list, transact and grow in Cloud Marketplaces like AWS, Azure and GCP.

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Information about Software As A Service (Saas) in United States

When exploring the Software as a Service (SaaS) industry in the United States, several key considerations emerge. Regulatory compliance is paramount, as companies must adhere to data protection laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). These regulations dictate how businesses handle user data, impacting operational strategies. Additionally, understanding the competitive landscape is crucial; the SaaS market is saturated with numerous players, each vying for market share, which can drive innovation but also intensify price competition. Challenges include managing scalability and ensuring robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive information. The rapid pace of technological advancement can create opportunities for businesses that are agile and willing to adapt. Furthermore, environmental concerns are increasingly relevant, with a growing emphasis on sustainable practices in technology. Investors and consumers are more inclined to support companies that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. Lastly, the global market relevance of SaaS cannot be overlooked, as businesses in the U.S. often serve international clients, necessitating an understanding of global market dynamics and cultural nuances. Overall, a comprehensive approach to these factors will provide valuable insights for anyone interested in the SaaS sector in the United States.

Insights about the Software As A Service (Saas) results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Software As A Service (Saas)

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1081
Amount of suitable service providers1186
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1977
Youngest suiting company2022

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Software As A Service (Saas) Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Software As A Service (Saas)

Based on our calculations related technologies to Software As A Service (Saas) are Education, Engineering Services, IT & Technology Services, Healthcare Services, Consulting

Start-Ups who are working in Software As A Service (Saas) are Stubbsware Corporation

The most represented industries which are working in Software As A Service (Saas) are IT, Software and Services, Other, Telecommunications, Consulting, Marketing Services

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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