"ensun is a smart way to find shortcuts for many problems."

René Voglmayr
Rosenbauer Group
Digital Enabler
Digital Enabler, Rosenbauer Group

4.100+ Employees

975+ Revenue

The challenge

For the production of the fire fighting vehicles, the superstructures of the vehicles are specifically produced on the company's production lines. "It is good to know when the respective production parts and production parts and assemblies are in which place." (René Voglmayr, Digital Enabler at the Rosenbauer Group). For this indoor tracking of course, there are already one or two IoT solutions in the company for this indoor tracking task, but but can they be optimised even further? You need a large number of hardware, which in turn requires a lot of effort and not and, last but not least, high investment costs. Exactly at this Apple has released its small tracking device, the Air Tag. The Air Tag is a small chip, hardly bigger than a coin, which can be located at any time app to locate it at any time. "I thought to myself, if Apple can do this it must also be possible to offer such a technology on an industrial scale industrial scale and therefore much more cost-effective." - says René Voglmayr. Can ensun help in the search for a perfect solution? help further?

The solution

ensun managed to provide Rosenbauer AG with exactly the results they were looking for. "I was thrilled with the quality of the results that the platform delivered to us. We found a committed new partner with ensun's help," reports the digital enabler. The solution is that small tags can reference each other, so only one needs to know its exact location. "This is a very intelligent solution that we have not encountered before".

Questions such as: "How long is a production part being processed? How long does it remain at what temperature? When will it be available for the next station?" can be answered at any time with the new solution. With the help of this information, productivity can be significantly increased in the future. Through the cooperation with the mediated partner, even more exciting ideas for an innovative product expansion in the fire brigade environment emerged.

The conclusion

"ensun is a smart way to find shortcuts to many problems. After the first project was so successful, we advertised two more on the platform. However, these were more to broaden our view, as we already work with companies for this. The results ensun provided us with, both on an internal and external basis, were the perfect proof-of-concept of the platform for us - besides exciting and new experts, ensun suggested to us (among others) exactly the partners we already work with. This simply shows that the system works and that you can save a considerable amount of time by replacing your own research with the platform. Nevertheless, one should not ignore the fact that it still requires someone to take a little time to enter the projects. But once you have a functioning workflow, the benefits and the resulting efficiency are more than obvious! I felt extremely well looked after by the team behind ensun and you can see from day to day how the platform is growing and becoming more rounded." (René Voglmayr)


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