"For us, this is the step from the real to the digital world".

Christoph Huber
Director Innovation Management
Whether furniture, façades or interior fittings: Fundermax stands at the interface between idea and material. We understand architects, fabricators and the furniture industry - and also the real decision-makers: namely their customers.

Our partner search so far

Innovation at Fundermax has so far been largely driven by internal innovation. When it came to questions outside of our core competence, we mainly relied on our internal network to find partners, under the motto "Does anyone know anyone? With ensun, we now have the opportunity to address an even broader network in a very short time. For us, this is the step from the real to the digital world, so to speak, with the advantages of speed and breadth.

The beginnings with ensun

We uploaded our first projects on the platform right at the beginning and are very satisfied with the process. The short introduction at the beginning on the logic of the company pre-selection and the TOP 5 companies selected based on it helped us a lot in selecting potential partners. By the way, we are still working with the suggested favourites!

What happens next?

We already have more ideas up our sleeves that we would like to implement together with ensun!


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