
Top Quantum Simulations Companies

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39 companies for Quantum Simulations

QSimulate's Logo


Cambridge, United States

11-50 Employees



We Solve Industry Problems Through Quantum Simulation

... is using innovative quantum simulation technology to solve ...

Q-iSIM's Logo


Munich, Germany

1-10 Employees


To revolutionize the methods on how are carried out the computational numerical simulations today, towards a higher level in their natural process of evolution. Alongside this purpose, we widen the ability to develop a new software generation capable of providing solutions for problems from different fields, where principles from classical and quantum mechanics are combined. The boundaries of the computational power of a quantum computer are redefined daily. Inside this world, genius solutions are waiting to be discovered. Together, inside our research project, could unveil those new perspectives.

Core business

Quantum Interdisciplinary Simulation

... Quantum Interdisciplinary Simulation ...

Xanadu's Logo


Old Toronto, Canada

51-100 Employees


Work with our team of high performing quantum experts and builders, leading the path towards fault tolerant quantum computers. Stay in the know and get our monthly news straight to your inbox.


Accelerate quantum circuit simulations

... -based tensor network contraction engine for quantum circuit simulation ...

Cryptosense's Logo


Paris, France

1-10 Employees


In the tech and data intelligence worlds, a sandbox is where innovation is born. It’s a place where the brightest free-thinking minds from across disciplines come together to reimagine what’s possible. A collaborative environment where the whole is infinitely greater than the sum of the parts. At SandboxAQ, this forward-looking vision is core to everything we do. It’s how we became who we are and it’s how we know our solutions can shift the way your business competes in tomorrow’s marketplace.


Quantum ‍Simulation & Optimization

... Sandbox AQ's Quantum Simulation & Optimization (S&O) merges quantum- and ...

Matterwave Ventures's Logo

Matterwave Ventures

Munich, Germany

1-10 Employees


We are focused on solutions that shape the future of industrial value creation. We are proud to have the European Investment Fund (EIF) as an investor in our first fund (btov Industrial Technologies SCS SICAR). Our portfolio companies offer ground-breaking software and hardware solutions. Their category-defining products and services shape the future of industrial value creation. We support our portfolio companies with a genuine interest in their products, deep market knowledge, strong industry connections, and unparalleled investment experience in the sector. Yet, we believe they pose the most exciting investment area because of their massive impact on our entire planet. Industrial products have advanced humankind but at the same time pose a challenge to the environment and our societies. We understand that it takes time and patience to develop those technologies, prove product maturity and achieve broad market acceptance.


HQS Quantum Simulations

... HQS Quantum Simulations – Matterwave ...

BosonQ Psi's Logo

BosonQ Psi

Central, United States

11-50 Employees


Time-to-market is critical for engineering-heavy industries, heavily reliant on simulations in the product lifecycle. Despite supercomputers, computing power remains the bottleneck, taking months. Quantum computers offer immense processing power and a solution to significantly reduce time-to-market and save costs. Emerging technologies pose challenges, and Quantum computing is not an exception. To keep our promise to customers, we have formulated short-term and long-term strategies. Our immediate focus is on hybrid approaches using NISQ-era Quantum computers and classical HPCs.

Core business

Accelerate Simulations with Quantum Computing

... BosonQ Psi offers quantum-powered cloud simulations to accelerate CAE ...

National Quantum Computing Centre's Logo

National Quantum Computing Centre

South Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

51-100 Employees


The National Quantum Computing Centre is a new research centre, funded through UK Research and Innovation, which is dedicated to accelerating the development of quantum computing by addressing the challenges of scalability. The Centre will work with businesses, government and the research community to deliver quantum computing capabilities for the UK and support the growth of the emerging industry. The leadership team are responsible for the design of the Centre, including its operating model, engagement strategy, the process to determine technology priorities and the design of the building. As part of their work, they will engage broadly with key stakeholders in government, academia and industry to establish a user community, create a roadmap for the development programme and establish a Centre at the heart of the UK’s quantum computing community. The team brings together expertise and experience from across the UK’s quantum technology sector.


Quantum Computing & Simulation Hub

... Quantum Computing & Simulation Hub - UKRI ...

OTI Lumionics's Logo

OTI Lumionics

Old Toronto, Canada

11-50 Employees


Core business

Advanced Materials for OLED Displays | OTI Lumionics

... -generation electronics using quantum simulations, AI, and pilot testing. ...

Quanscient's Logo


Tampere, Finland

1-10 Employees


Before Quanscient got started, we saw a glaring deficiency in the performance of simulation platforms.In fact, our CTO, Dr. But an algorithm library, no matter how advanced, is not a product and therefore remains inaccessible for most due to the steep learning curve and purely code-based access. We founded Quanscient in the September of 2021 and have since grown the team to 18 awesome professionals, with the first version of the product launched in late 2022. Of course, this was just the beginning, as new releases of Quanscient.allsolve are rolling out while our quantum team is continuing to conduct spearhead quantum research. We're always pushing ourselves to improve and deliver top-notch products and services to our customers.

Core business

Multiphysics Simulation | Cloud & Quantum | Quanscient

... powered by cloud and quantum computing reducing simulation time ...

IQM's Logo


Espoo, Finland

51-100 Employees


IQM was founded by a highly ambitious team of world-leading scientists having built several successful quantum labs and research centers globally during the past two decades. The team’s pioneering work started with breakthroughs in qubit reset, readout, and thermal management towards large-scale quantum processors. Since then, the work has progressed to unique hardware advantages and novel concepts around digital-analog quantum computing. Our Nordic values and the vibrant ecosystem gives us a unique advantage in building the future of quantum technologies. IQM is the European leader for quantum computers.


Co-Design Quantum Simulation of Nanoscale NMR

... Co-Design Quantum Simulation of Nanoscale ...

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Insights about the Quantum Simulations results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Quantum Simulations

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers1380
Amount of suitable service providers1127
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1999
Youngest suiting company2021

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Quantum Simulations

What is Quantum Simulations?

Quantum simulations involve the use of quantum computers to model phenomena that occur at the quantum level. This advanced form of simulation is particularly crucial because classical computers often struggle to accurately predict the complex behavior of quantum systems due to their exponential scaling with system size. By leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement, quantum simulations can efficiently simulate the behavior of molecules, materials, and even quantum fields with unprecedented precision. The impact of quantum simulations within scientific and engineering fields is profound. They hold the potential to revolutionize various sectors, including pharmaceuticals, by accelerating drug discovery; materials science, by facilitating the design of new materials with specific properties; and energy, by improving the efficiency of solar cells and batteries. Moreover, quantum simulations are also paving the way for advancements in understanding fundamental physics, enabling researchers to test hypotheses about quantum phenomena in a controlled, simulated environment. This technological innovation not only enhances our ability to solve complex problems but also opens new avenues for research and development across multiple disciplines, promising significant breakthroughs that were previously deemed unattainable with traditional computational methods.

Advantages of Quantum Simulations

1. Enhanced Computational Power
Quantum simulations leverage the principles of quantum mechanics to process complex calculations at speeds unattainable by traditional computers. This significant boost in computational power enables the analysis of phenomena that are currently beyond the reach of classical computing methods, facilitating breakthroughs in fields such as materials science, pharmaceuticals, and cryptography.

2. Accurate Molecular Modeling
One of the standout advantages of quantum simulations lies in their ability to model molecular and atomic interactions with unprecedented accuracy. This capability is crucial for the development of new drugs and materials, as it allows scientists to understand and predict the properties of substances without the need for costly and time-consuming physical experiments.

3. Efficient Problem Solving
Quantum simulations excel in solving optimization problems, which are prevalent across various industries including logistics, finance, and energy. By accurately simulating and analyzing different scenarios and outcomes, these simulations provide optimal solutions more efficiently than traditional methods, leading to significant time and cost savings.

4. Advancement in Quantum Research
By simulating quantum systems, researchers can gain deeper insights into the principles of quantum mechanics and the behavior of quantum particles. This not only propels the field of quantum computing forward but also aids in the development of quantum technologies that could revolutionize multiple sectors.

How to select right Quantum Simulations supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Technical Expertise in Quantum Physics
Ensure the supplier has a deep understanding of quantum mechanics and its application to simulations. This knowledge is crucial for developing accurate and effective quantum simulation solutions.

2. Computational Power and Resources
Verify that the supplier has access to high-performance computing resources necessary for running complex quantum simulations. This includes both classical supercomputers and quantum computers, depending on the simulation requirements.

3. Experience with Simulation Software
Check for experience and proficiency with leading quantum simulation software. Familiarity with tools like Qiskit, Cirq, and others is important for efficient simulation design and execution.

4. Customization Capabilities
The supplier should be able to offer customized solutions that cater to your specific needs and challenges in quantum simulations.

5. Security and Data Protection
Ensure that the supplier has strong security measures in place to protect sensitive data and intellectual property involved in simulations.

6. Support and Maintenance
Look for robust support and maintenance services to assist with any issues that arise during the simulation process.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Quantum Simulations?

Quantum simulations offer transformative potential for the pharmaceutical industry, where they can dramatically speed up drug discovery processes. By accurately simulating molecular interactions at a quantum level, businesses can predict drug efficacy and side effects much more quickly than traditional methods, reducing the time and cost of bringing new drugs to market. In the field of materials science, companies leverage quantum simulations to design new materials with desired properties, such as increased strength or improved electrical conductivity. This capability is crucial for developing advanced products, from more efficient solar panels to stronger composite materials for automotive and aerospace applications. The finance sector benefits from quantum simulations through optimized risk analysis and asset management. By simulating market dynamics and financial systems with unprecedented precision, financial institutions can enhance their decision-making processes, leading to improved investment strategies and risk mitigation. Energy companies utilize quantum simulations to explore more efficient methods of energy storage and conversion. This includes the development of better battery technologies and more efficient catalysts for chemical reactions, significantly impacting renewable energy sources and contributing to a more sustainable energy future. Each of these use cases underscores the breadth of quantum simulations' impact across industries, highlighting their role in driving innovation, reducing costs, and solving complex challenges.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Quantum Simulations

Quantum simulations, a promising frontier in computational science, currently hover around Technology Readiness Level 3 (TRL 3). This stage is characterized by the experimental proof of concept, where the basic technological components are integrated to establish that they can work together to simulate complex quantum phenomena. The positioning at TRL 3 stems from several technical challenges intrinsic to quantum computing and simulation. First, developing stable qubits—the fundamental units of quantum information—that can maintain coherence for sufficient durations is an ongoing struggle, as quantum systems are notoriously sensitive to environmental noise. Additionally, error rates in quantum calculations remain high, necessitating sophisticated error correction methods that are still under development. The scalability of quantum systems is another hurdle; while scientists have successfully demonstrated quantum simulations on small scales, expanding these systems to a level where they can outperform classical computers on a wide range of problems is a significant technical challenge. These issues collectively contribute to the current TRL positioning, reflecting the embryonic state of quantum simulations where foundational principles have been proven, but practical applications and widespread utility are yet to be realized.

What is the Technology Forecast of Quantum Simulations?

In the Short-Term, quantum simulations are poised for significant advancements in algorithm optimization. This phase will see researchers and developers focusing on refining quantum algorithms to enhance simulation accuracy and efficiency. The immediate future will likely witness the integration of quantum simulations with classical computing techniques, offering a hybrid approach that leverages the strengths of both paradigms. This period is critical for building the foundational capabilities necessary for more complex simulations, with initial applications emerging in materials science and chemistry for drug discovery and materials design. The Mid-Term outlook for quantum simulations heralds the development of more sophisticated quantum processors, capable of handling larger qubit counts and reducing error rates. This phase is expected to unlock new possibilities in simulating complex quantum systems with unprecedented precision. Mid-term advancements will enable more accurate modeling of quantum phenomena, facilitating breakthroughs in understanding high-temperature superconductivity and quantum chemistry. This period will also see quantum simulations becoming more accessible to industries outside of academia, including energy and finance, for optimization problems and risk analysis. Looking into the Long-Term, quantum simulations are anticipated to reach full maturity, with the technology becoming a cornerstone in solving some of the most intricate problems in physics, chemistry, and beyond. The long-term phase will be characterized by the widespread adoption of quantum simulations across various sectors, driving innovation in drug development, climate modeling, and energy solutions. Quantum simulations will play a pivotal role in uncovering new materials with tailored properties, potentially revolutionizing industries such as electronics, aerospace, and manufacturing. This era promises to usher in a new age of scientific discovery, with quantum simulations at the helm of exploring the unknown realms of the quantum world.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Quantum Simulations Companies

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Based on our calculations related technologies to Quantum Simulations are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in Quantum Simulations are Feynman Solutions, QMware GmbH

The most represented industries which are working in Quantum Simulations are IT, Software and Services, Other, Finance and Insurance, Research, Education

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