"The research and development department of us depends on new technologies. ensun is the optimal platform for this."

Florian Adelmann
Südzucker AG
Group Leader of Macromolecular Carbohydrate Chemistry
Südzucker is an internationally operating group of companies. Südzucker AG, headquartered in Mannheim, is Südzucker Group's parent company and also its largest operating company. The group comprises the five segments sugar, special products, CropEnergies, starch and fruit.

18 K. Employees

7,6 bn. Revenue

The challenge

Researching new technology providers via the general search engine is cumbersome and imprecise. Südzucker AG, headquartered in Mannheim, Germany, also faced this problem: "In general, of course, we used general search engines. However, with Google, for example, it is difficult to scout corresponding companies really effectively without advertising and other priority systems. Therefore, before working with ensun, we also approached and interviewed older colleagues with certain experience in certain technology areas and the corresponding network. However, new technology areas are usually left out of this method." Florian Adelmann, Group Leader of Macromolecular Carbohydrate Chemistry, tells us.

"We knew there was a problem, but often had no idea in which technology area you were dealing with it."

The result

The ensun platform quickly convinced: "We were supposed to test in the different departments whether the ensun platform generates added value for us. I happened to be the one who needed it the most and I was thrilled. Through ensun, we can scout a lot more technologies than before and thus make a lot more contacts. You can also use patents as inspiration as a starting point for searches," said Florian Adelmann. "Alternatives to the technologies mentioned in the patents can be identified very straightforwardly with ensun."

The conclusion

"You can scout more technologies with ensun in a given time. The problem can be described easily and superficially and you get good results. Thus, the time savings are gigantic. Because of the many contacts in a short time, our network also increases enormously. You don't have to spend all your time researching anymore." ensun's platform was able to convince Südzucker: "The feedback culture in their company is super as well as the communication with us. The user interface is designed in a simple and transparent way. The challenge design is very good and the duality is also great. The research and development department of us also relies on technology. ensun is the optimal platform for this."


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