
Top 3D Microfabrication Companies

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7 companies for 3D Microfabrication

Nanoscribe's Logo


Karlsruhe, Germany

11-50 Employees


Discover the new BIO INX series with hydrogels and biodegradable bioresins specifically designed for Nanoscribe Photonic Professional systems as promising materials for live cell printing and tissue engineering. Two-Photon Polymerization as a key enabling technology for a fully functional heart chamber, driven by the contraction of heart muscle cells. Join this webinar and discover 3D printing at the scale of biological cells and tissues. Experience a live demo of Quantum X bio and explore cutting-edge biological and biomedical applications. 3D-printed heart-on-a-chip with a fully functional heart chamber that pumps fluids through its system, driven by the contraction of heart muscle cells.


The new Quantum X shape for high-precision 3D Microfabrication

... The new Quantum X shape for high-precision 3D Microfabrication ...

Horizon Microtechnologies's Logo

Horizon Microtechnologies

Karlsruhe, Germany

1-10 Employees


We are respected for our experience, technical knowledge, and the pursuance of a logical, level-headed, approach that ensures that we “go beyond” to achieve customer goals. Dedication means that we are always fully accountable and defined by your success. We are purely focused on the achievement of optimal results to your timeline and performance requirement, and pre-emptively address situations as they arise. Horizon’s mission is to enable success for our customers by delivering innovative micro-scale conductive parts and components. We do this by harnessing the power of today’s highly precise polymer additive manufacturing (AM) technologies in combination with coating processes tailored to 3D precision parts. We exist to deliver exceptional results for our customers by constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible in 3D microfabrication. Embedded in our DNA is an obsessive focus on achieving success in challenging micro-scale part and component manufacturing. What makes us stand out as a company is that we offer in-depth experience in design and development of 3D microparts as well as a full 3D microfabrication production process chain under the same roof.

Core business

3D coating processes for more functionality and material options in 3D microfabrication

... for more functionality and material options in 3D microfabrication ...



Heidelberg, Germany

101-250 Employees


We are dedicated to producing leading-edge solutions for micro- and nanofabrication which meet the specific Direct Write Lithography requirements of our customers, with whom we form long-lasting partnerships by helping them deliver specific applications for today and for the world of tomorrow, while also supporting system solutions throughout their product lifetimes. At Heidelberg Instruments, we are committed to constantly redefining the limits of laser lithography and exploring new methods of micro- and nanotechnology. The ISO-certificate is our mission and aspiration to deliver the highest quality for our customers. We have established and apply the Quality Management System ISO 9001 for development, manufacture, sales and service of laser lithography systems. It is the foundation to face new challenges and to unremittingly improve our processes and company. Drove business development for Direct Writing applications from 2011 to 2015; became Product Manager for the MLA (Maskless Aligner) series; created a market for MLA products and increased overall systems sales by more than 30%, before becoming Managing Director and a member of the Executive Board. Joined Heidelberg Instruments as a Project Engineer initially; soon became Product Manager for the DWL series and got engaged in major R&D projects. Matthias Bürke is a business economist and holds a Master of Science degree from the HWZ University of Applied Sciences Zurich.


High-speed 3D microfabrication

... High-speed 3D microfabrication ...

FEMTOprint SA's Logo


Lugano, Switzerland

11-50 Employees


- 2D and 3D free-form manufacturing - Writing of optical patterns - Glass-to-glass encapsulation - Drilling and cutting - Polishing for surface treatment. FEMTOprint acts as a Single Source Partner: from R&D and rapid prototyping to serial production of 3D microdevices, or 3D printing platforms for educational purposes. Rapid prototyping Serial production of 3D microdevices Industrial production of 3D microdevices Metrology inspections Certification of conformity. Working with FEMTOprint allowed us to design chip-sized optical systems we believed impossible to manufacture. We are thankful for the FEMTOprint team for their implication solving our specific needs.

Core business

FEMTOPRINT® is the sole 3D microfabrication platform capable of material structuring using arbitrary patterns to produce challenging, monolithic 3D shapes in glass with high precision, sub-micron resolution, and with an additional polishing step, optical surface quality. 

... FEMTOPRINT® is the sole 3D microfabrication platform capable of material ...

Microfluidics & lab-on-chip research lab's Logo

Microfluidics & lab-on-chip research lab

Belfast, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


Our research lab offers an excellent environment for research with several laboratories that are fitted with state-of-the-art equipment. Our recent research focuses on three major areas using Emerging Technologies: nanoparticles for imaging & therapeutic applications, lab-on-a-chip & microfluidic devices, and implants for therapeutic delivery & tissue engineering. Our current work builds a bridge between engineering, pharmaceutical and medical research. The multidisciplinary nature of our Research Lab has been the major strength of our research since we began our work in August 2012. We are transforming care with Emerging Technologies & Novel Drug Delivery Devices.

Core business

Emerging Technologies | Lamprou Lab | Belfast

... Lab is Applying Nano and Microfabrication Techniques (3D Printing & ...

Horlovia-Chemicals's Logo



1-10 Employees


Horlovia-Chemicals est l’interlocuteur privilégié pour formuler les solutions parfaitement adaptées à votre besoin et votre cahier des charges. Vous avez l’idée d’un revêtement organique “vernis et/ou peinture” fonctionnel innovant, anticorrosion, ou un besoin en revêtement biosourcés ? Vous ne trouvez pas le produit idéal répondant parfaitement à votre besoin et à vos attentes industrielles?

Core business



Alvéole's Logo


Paris, France

11-50 Employees


Alvéole (Paris, France) was founded in 2010 by two researchers from CNRS1-2 in collaboration with Quattrocento, a “creator of young innovative companies” in the life sciences field that allows academic researchers to transform their inventions into commercial products. In 2010, Quattrocento founded Alvéole, with their collaboration. Alvéole’s research, development and industrialization experts use the latest innovations in cell imaging, chemistry and biology. Since it was founded, Alvéole has concluded solid and sustainable academic partnerships, to become a leading player in technology. They are headed by internationally recognized experts who are PRIMO’s ambassadors. Since 2010 and the knowledge that the microenvironment controls cells, biology research experts have required new tools. This innovative technology makes it possible to create tailored environments in the laboratory where cells (including induced stem cells) can behave as they do in the body and therefore be studied more reliably. The goal of this contest is to support and reward innovative Parisian companies in quickly growing fields, which develop the economy in Greater Paris.

Core business


... Photopatterning on 3D microstructures Microfabrication Hydrogel ...

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Insights about the 3D Microfabrication results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for 3D Microfabrication

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers1200
Amount of suitable service providers1439
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1992
Youngest suiting company2021

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about 3D Microfabrication

What is 3D Microfabrication?

3D Microfabrication refers to the intricate process of creating three-dimensional structures on a micrometer scale, employing various techniques such as lithography, etching, and 3D printing. This advanced manufacturing process allows for the precise manipulation of materials at the microscopic level, enabling the production of components with complex geometries and features that were once deemed impossible to achieve. The significance of 3D microfabrication lies in its vast range of applications across multiple industries, including biomedical engineering, electronics, and microfluidics. In the biomedical field, for instance, it has revolutionized the creation of microscale devices such as lab-on-a-chip systems and scaffolds for tissue engineering, which are critical for advancements in diagnostics and regenerative medicine. In electronics, this technology has facilitated the miniaturization of components, leading to more compact and powerful devices. Furthermore, 3D microfabrication's ability to produce highly precise and tailored products has opened up new possibilities in the development of microfluidic devices, enhancing research capabilities in fields like chemistry and biology. The impact of 3D microfabrication extends beyond its technical achievements; it represents a pivotal shift towards the miniaturization and customization of complex structures, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in science and engineering.

Advantages of 3D Microfabrication

1. Increased Precision
3D microfabrication allows for the creation of structures at a microscopic scale with exceptional accuracy. This high level of precision is crucial for applications in fields like medicine and electronics, where even minor discrepancies can lead to significant functional differences.

2. Complexity and Versatility
Unlike traditional manufacturing methods, 3D microfabrication can produce complex geometries and intricate designs without additional cost or time. This versatility opens up new possibilities for innovation and functionality in product development.

3. Material Efficiency
This technology minimizes waste by using materials more efficiently than conventional subtractive manufacturing processes. By adding material layer by layer, it ensures that only the necessary amount is used, leading to cost savings and a reduced environmental impact.

4. Speed and Flexibility
3D microfabrication can significantly shorten the development cycle of products. It allows for rapid prototyping and easy adjustments, making it possible to go from design to final product much quicker compared to traditional methods. This flexibility is invaluable in a fast-paced market where speed to market can be a critical competitive advantage.

How to select right 3D Microfabrication supplier?

1. Technology Proficiency
Evaluate the supplier's expertise in 3D microfabrication technologies, such as two-photon polymerization, to ensure they can handle complex designs.

2. Material Compatibility
Confirm the range of materials the supplier can work with, including polymers and metals, to match your project requirements.

3. Resolution and Precision
Check for the supplier's ability to achieve high resolution and precision, crucial for microscale features.

4. Production Capacity
Assess whether the supplier can meet your production volume needs without compromising on quality.

5. Lead Time
Inquire about lead times to ensure they align with your project timelines.

6. Cost-effectiveness
Compare costs to find a balance between quality and budget.

7. Quality Assurance
Look for certifications and quality control measures in place to guarantee the final product meets your specifications.

8. Post-Processing Capabilities
Identify if the supplier offers necessary post-processing services, such as cleaning and surface treatment.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for 3D Microfabrication?

3D microfabrication has transformed the medical industry by enabling the production of complex, patient-specific devices such as hearing aids, dental implants, and prosthetics. This technology allows for the creation of devices that perfectly match the patient's anatomy, improving comfort and functionality. The precision of 3D microfabrication ensures that these medical devices can be produced with intricate details, essential for their effectiveness and patient compatibility. In the electronics sector, 3D microfabrication plays a crucial role in developing components like microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), sensors, and connectors. This technology enables the production of parts with high precision and complexity, which are vital for the miniaturization trend in electronics. By allowing for the creation of components at a micro-scale, 3D microfabrication supports the development of more compact, efficient, and powerful electronic devices. The aerospace industry benefits from 3D microfabrication through the creation of lightweight, high-strength parts that contribute to more fuel-efficient aircraft. The ability to produce components with complex geometries and tailored properties allows for the optimization of aerodynamic performance and the reduction of material waste. This technology supports the aerospace sector's ongoing efforts to enhance aircraft performance while minimizing environmental impact. Automotive manufacturers utilize 3D microfabrication to develop parts that offer improved performance and innovation. Components such as lightweight structural elements, intricate cooling systems, and custom connectors can be produced more efficiently. This technology enables the automotive industry to push the boundaries of design and functionality, leading to vehicles that are safer, more efficient, and better performing.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of 3D Microfabrication

3D microfabrication, a pivotal technology in the realm of manufacturing, is predominantly at TRL 6, a stage characterized by the demonstration of a prototype system in a relevant environment. This positioning reflects the significant advances in precision and control achieved in recent years, allowing for the creation of complex microstructures with unprecedented detail and functionality. The progression to this level has been propelled by breakthroughs in photopolymerization techniques, such as two-photon polymerization, which enable the fabrication of structures at the sub-micrometer scale. Moreover, the integration of digital light processing has further enhanced the efficiency and resolution of 3D microfabrication processes, making them more applicable to real-world scenarios, particularly in the biomedical and electronics sectors. However, the technology's placement at TRL 6 also underscores the challenges that remain, including scaling up production and ensuring the economic viability of manufacturing at such minute scales. Additionally, issues related to material properties, such as durability and biocompatibility, need to be addressed to broaden the application spectrum of 3D microfabricated products. These technical hurdles are critical to transitioning the technology to higher readiness levels, where its full potential can be realized across a wider range of industries.

What is the Technology Forecast of 3D Microfabrication?

In the short-term, advancements in 3D microfabrication are expected to focus on improving precision and reducing production costs. The development of new photoresins and printing techniques will enable the creation of more complex and detailed microstructures. This phase is likely to see the introduction of multi-material printing capabilities, allowing for the fabrication of components with varied physical and chemical properties within a single print cycle. Such enhancements will be pivotal for applications in microfluidics and biomedical devices, where intricate designs and material diversity are crucial. Mid-term developments are anticipated to revolve around the integration of 3D microfabrication with other emerging technologies such as AI and IoT. This convergence will enable smarter manufacturing processes, where predictive analytics and real-time monitoring can optimize production efficiency and material usage. The focus will also shift towards scalability and throughput, with innovations aiming to transition 3D microfabrication from prototyping to mass production. This period will witness significant strides in the manufacturing of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), leading to more compact and powerful electronic devices. In the long-term, the trajectory of 3D microfabrication is set to redefine the limits of miniaturization and functional integration. Breakthroughs in nanoscale printing techniques will unlock the potential for constructing devices at the atomic or molecular level, paving the way for revolutionary applications in computing, healthcare, and materials science. This era will likely see the emergence of self-assembling structures and bio-inspired manufacturing processes, offering unprecedented control over material properties and device functionalities. The long-term advancements will not only enhance existing technologies but also foster the creation of entirely new markets and industries.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about 3D Microfabrication Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for 3D Microfabrication

Based on our calculations related technologies to 3D Microfabrication are Industrial Electroplating, Industrial Filtration, Industrial Sintering, Industrial Extrusion, Industrial Handling

Start-Ups who are working in 3D Microfabrication are HETEROMERGE (EXIST Transfer of Research bei Technische Universität Dresden)

The most represented industries which are working in 3D Microfabrication are Manufacturing, Other, Machinery Manufacturing, Marketing Services, Printing

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