
Top Anti-Counterfeiting Companies

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246 companies for Anti-Counterfeiting

VCQRU - We Secure You's Logo

VCQRU - We Secure You

Gurugram, India

51-100 Employees


Welcome to VCQRU, your trusted partner for protecting your brand from the risks of counterfeiting and duplication. Welcome to VCQRU, your trusted partner for protecting your brand from the risks of counterfeiting and duplication. We are a group of young professionals with a distinct purpose and goals. VCQRU offers an innovative and highly effective anti counterfeit solution to address this problem. Our mission is to assist you in expanding your enterprise and accomplishing unparalleled achievements. Our vision at VCQRU is to be the global leader in securing brands and enhancing customer experiences. We are committed to being the forefront of innovation, driving excellence in every aspect of brand security and customer engagement. At VCQRU, our mission is to safeguard your brand integrity and empower businesses through cutting-edge solutions.

Core business

Powering the Future of Anti Counterfeiting

... VCQRU is a leading anti-counterfeiting solutions company in India, offering one-stop solutions for anti-counterfeiting, custom QR code, smart packaging, labels stickers, and e-warranty solutions with dynamic QR code. ...

ZealSeal's Logo


Santa Clarita, United States

1-10 Employees


Consumers identify ZealSeal™ certified products and scan them using the ZealSeal™ App, with their NFC-enabled smartphones. The ZealSeal™ App verifies the smart label against our secure servers. We certify products by issuing smart ZealSeal™ labels to verified manufacturers. Manufacturers then apply these labels to their products. If the label found to be authentic, the App displays the product information to the user. Any other authenticity label currently on the market can be faked, just like the product it is trying to protect. A unique patent-pending technology allows the ZealSeal™ smart labels to be dynamic. Each time anyone scans a ZealSeal™ smart label using the ZealSeal™ App, a new identification code is generated and applied to that label.

Core business


... ZealSeal is the only anti-counterfeiting solution that truly eliminates fake consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, spirits, documents, ID cards, passports, and much more! ...

Morphotonix's Logo


Lausanne, Switzerland

1-10 Employees


Domains in which we provide cutting edge solutions are the following. Our innovative marking technology on an industrial piece. We bring 100% original recyclability preserved, fully product-integrated, lowest carbon footprint physical security solution and best alternative for large volume production.



... Morphotonix - Solutions - Anti-counterfeiting ...

Stigma Search's Logo

Stigma Search

Tigard, United States

1-10 Employees


Stigma Search's mission is to protect a brand's intellectual property online from all copyright and trademark violations. Founded in 2014 by Kevin Hoda, Stigma Search provides a service called Online Brand Protection.


Anti-Counterfeiting Service

... Anti Counterfeiting Service - Stigma ...

OREV's Logo


Magliano de' Marsi, Italy

1-10 Employees


Embedding the OREV® Crypto-Tag into your products is easier than you can imagine. The objects embedding the OREV® Tag can be easily traced in all production phases, along the entire supply chain until they arrive in the consumer hands.

Core business


... Frank Cornelissen has chosen OREV® as the anti-counterfeiting solution for his Grand Vin Magma® ...

Rezmo's Logo


Bengaluru, India

1-10 Employees


Our services specialize in creating customized AI applications tailored to the specific needs of your plant. Our Vision is to offer comprehensive AI solutions for pharmaceutical companies, guiding them to unlock the full potential of AI within their facilities. Utilizing AI and computer vision, we specialize in defect detection and prevention within pharmaceutical production lines.

Core business

AI based Anti-Counterfeiting solution

... AI based Anti-Counterfeiting ...

Origosat's Logo


Alba, Italy

1-10 Employees


Origosat is an innovative company born in 2015 from the will of some people to develop anti-spoofing technologies and apply them in the various relevant PNT (positioning, navigation and time) domains. Since Origosat was founded the team has developed and filed 2 patents on the topic of anti-spoofing. Today, Origosat is a company operating in the field of GNSS satellite signal anti-spoofing technology and presides over two macro areas in the Italian and European markets:. Origosat provides services for the certification of time and position based on a novel augmentation of the Global Navigation Satellite System (e.g. Origosat has implemented a portfolio of antispoofing mechanisms which is targeting a large set of applications, including mobile ones, and a patented algorithm is integrating data coming from different sources of information. We are interested in finding the most suitable solution for companies in various sectors through a co-innovation approach to help them strengthen their market presence through process and product innovation. Aerospace, electrical, IT and management engineers create value and continuously develop solutions through short production cycles through an evolutionary process. The key driver for HGR application class is the ability to detect spoofing and meaconing, therefore determining the authenticity of the location-related data.



... Anti-counterfeiting - ...

MicroTag Temed's Logo

MicroTag Temed

Dimona, Israel

1-10 Employees


MicroTag Temed Ltd., is a proven provider of top security authentication and anti-counterfeiting technologies for the most demanding Brand Protection applications. The company possesses a high-level R&D expertise in solid-state physics, chemistry, materials science and signals processing, which served as the basis for MicroTag own invented and developed novel and unique authentication technology, now patented world-wide. MicroTag is serving by now, large companies with world-wide distributed product lines, ranging from consumer electronics to high fashion apparel. These products have all belonged to large multi-national companies with world-wide sales networks and long supply-chains. Business Partners MicroTag policy is to cooperate with Integrators so as to provide the end-customers with complete comprehensive security packages that include multi-layered technologies Brand Protection and comprehensive service package to support customer’s security policy. This combined multidiscipline track record and capabilities results in high quality products and services to the top Brand Protection applications. MicroTag and it’s business partners / integrators offers the customer comprehensive Brand Protection service package including consulting for security policy and implementation based on accumulating expertise of various projects. The application of the µicroTag anti-counterfeiting and authentication technology provides both blocking and deterrence of fake documents and products, as well as tracing the routing of genuine ones.

Core business


... defense line Magnetic Resonance meets Artificial Intelligence Research Grade Spectrometer on your palm Easy-to- apply Invisible Robust Personalized ANTI-COUNTERFEITING& AUTHENTICATION TECHNOLOGY  µicroTag TEMED Ltd. Still not compromised Ultimate defense line Magnetic Resonance meets Artificial Intelligence Research Grade Spectrometer on your palm Easy-to- apply Invisible Robust […] ...



Fribourg - Freiburg, Switzerland

1-10 Employees


ZEKMED Smart LUNA AG COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test, an over-the-counter SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test with sate of the art protection against counterfeiting. ZEKMED, aims, with ZEKID to bridge the connection of real-world assets with the tamper-proof technology of NFTs by offering a suite of healthcare physical products backed by imprinted authenticity proof. Since ZEKMED initial creation, we have continued to improve the accuracy and quality of the ZEKMED rapid test with our partners. Switch to ZEK-ID, and establish your own secured environment, that provides total data ownership and guarantees the highest possible level of confidentiality. Addressing both contemporary and future needs for pre diagnosis supplies is our mission in becoming a key player in helping the world adapt to the new normal. Offering unrestricted access to meet client's manufacturing needs across the entire COVID19 spectrum of products. We believe every one of our clients deserves dignity, choice and independence. We constantly strive to provide consistent and high-quality products.

Core business

ZEKID® Traceable Anti-Counterfeiting NFT Certificate

... ZEKID® Traceable Anti-Counterfeiting NFT ...

Maxxholo Sdn Bhd's Logo

Maxxholo Sdn Bhd

Selayang Municipal Council, Malaysia

1-10 Employees


At Maxxholo, we provide a full range of eminent products and services in the form of high-quality security features such as hologram stickers, security labels, specialised product packaging and app developments for businesses in Malaysia across a variety of market segments. We are the leading company in providing cutting-edge holographic systems as a solution to prevent counterfeiting and maintaining brand image, as well as improving product traceability throughout the supply chain. Maxxholo has emerged as the pioneer in catering various innovative products such as the Hologram Stickers, Tamper Evident Labels, Destructive Label Security Vouchers and Wowchecker-Online Interactive System in combating counterfeiting issues. Our mission at Maxxholo is to provide the best security innovative solutions that generate business growth while protecting your brand’s image and preserving customer loyalty. We are committed to providing quality security services and products to businesses in Malaysia. At Maxxholo, our user-friendly and highly effective anti-counterfeit features are wired towards ensuring brand integrity protection and instant traceability in the stockflow process, making it easy for our clients to keep track of their products at each point in the supply chain. We provide a full range of eminent products and services in the form of high-quality security features such as hologram stickers, security labels, specialised product packaging and app developments for businesses in Malaysia across a variety of market segments. At Maxxholo, we’re dedicated to enhancing your brand’s security with innovative holographic and security printing solutions.


Anti Counterfeiting Packaging Technologies in Malaysia | Maxxholo

... Explore our range of Anti-Counterfeiting Security Packaging to protect your business. Available in customise. See more. ...

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Products and services for Anti-Counterfeiting

A selection of suitable products and services provided by verified companies according to your search.

Product: Certify - Product Authentication


Certify - Product Authentication

Go to Product >

Use cases around Anti-Counterfeiting

A selection of suitable use cases for products or services provided by verified companies according to your search.

UseCase: Certify for Plywood Manufacturers

Use Case

Certify for Plywood Manufacturers

Plywood Manufacturing, Agriculture

Kitply, the pioneer of plywood in India faced a severe counterfeiting challenge, with 50% of its products being fake, resulting in a yearly revenue loss of approximately 120 crores and significant damage to its brand image and consumer loyalty. Acviss's solution enabled instant authenticity verification and fake product reporting, leading to a 2x increase in overall sales. Specifically, monthly revenue from the Chennai region surged from 1 crore to 2.5 crore due to the elimination of counterfeit products. This technology facilitated entry into new markets like the North East region, bolstered brand value and customer trust through its user-friendly app, and allowed Kitply to leverage its marketing power by highlighting its commitment to customer care, ultimately eradicating fakes from the market.

Insights about the Anti-Counterfeiting results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Anti-Counterfeiting

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers165
Amount of suitable service providers138
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1993
Youngest suiting company2020

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Anti-Counterfeiting

What is Anti-Counterfeiting?

Anti-counterfeiting refers to the systematic measures, technologies, and strategies implemented to prevent the imitation or replication of products, documents, or currency without authorization. This practice is pivotal in safeguarding intellectual property rights, ensuring the authenticity of goods, and maintaining consumer trust. Within its operational domain, anti-counterfeiting encompasses a broad spectrum of activities including, but not limited to, the development of sophisticated holograms, watermarks, and other unique identifiers that are difficult to replicate. It also involves the deployment of digital solutions such as blockchain technology for secure and transparent supply chain tracking, and the use of forensic markers and RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) tags to verify the legitimacy of products. The impact of anti-counterfeiting measures is profound, spanning economic, health, and safety dimensions. Economically, it protects the revenue of genuine manufacturers and supports fair competition, while also safeguarding jobs. From a health and safety perspective, it is crucial in preventing the circulation of substandard or hazardous counterfeit products, particularly in critical sectors such as pharmaceuticals and automotive parts. Hence, anti-counterfeiting not only plays a vital role in defending the integrity and value of brands but also in ensuring the well-being of consumers and the broader public.

Advantages of Anti-Counterfeiting

1. Protection of Brand Integrity:
Anti-counterfeiting measures safeguard the authenticity and reputation of a brand. By ensuring that only genuine products are available in the market, companies protect their brand identity and maintain customer trust, which is crucial for long-term business success.

2. Consumer Safety:
Counterfeit products often bypass safety standards and regulations, posing serious risks to consumers. Anti-counterfeiting strategies ensure that customers receive products that meet safety and quality standards, thereby protecting them from potentially harmful goods.

3. Revenue Preservation:
Counterfeit goods significantly reduce the revenue of legitimate businesses by diverting sales to fake products. Implementing anti-counterfeiting measures helps in recapturing lost sales and ensures that revenue streams are protected, supporting the financial health of businesses.

4. Support for Legal Recourse:
Anti-counterfeiting technologies and measures provide companies with the necessary evidence to pursue legal action against counterfeiters. This legal protection is crucial for enforcing rights and securing compensation for damages caused by counterfeit products.

5. Economic Stability:
By combatting counterfeit products, anti-counterfeiting measures contribute to the stability of the economy. They ensure that taxes are properly collected, reduce the funding of illegal activities, and support legitimate employment, thereby fostering a healthier economic environment.

How to select right Anti-Counterfeiting supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Technology and Innovation
Evaluate the supplier's commitment to technology and innovation. The ideal supplier should offer advanced anti-counterfeiting solutions that are difficult for counterfeiters to replicate.

2. Customization Capabilities
The supplier should be able to provide customized solutions that fit your specific product and industry requirements, ensuring a higher level of security.

3. Integration Ease
Consider how easily the anti-counterfeiting solution can be integrated into your existing production and distribution processes without significant disruption.

4. Regulatory Compliance
Ensure the supplier’s solutions comply with international and local regulations related to product safety and anti-counterfeiting measures.

5. Global Track Record
Look for a supplier with a proven global track record in successfully implementing anti-counterfeiting solutions across various industries.

6. Cost-Effectiveness
While cost should not be the sole criterion, evaluate the overall value the supplier brings in terms of technology, service, and support relative to their pricing.

7. Customer Support and Service
The level of customer support offered, including training, maintenance, and troubleshooting, is critical for the long-term success of any anti-counterfeiting strategy.

8. Scalability
The solution should be scalable to accommodate your business growth and the evolving nature of counterfeiting threats.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Anti-Counterfeiting?

In the pharmaceutical industry, anti-counterfeiting measures are vital for ensuring the safety and efficacy of medications. Companies utilize sophisticated tracking systems, such as serialization and secure packaging, to prevent the infiltration of fake drugs, protecting both their brand integrity and public health. This approach not only helps in maintaining compliance with global regulations but also in safeguarding the supply chain from manufacturer to consumer. In the luxury goods sector, brands employ anti-counterfeiting technologies to preserve their reputation and ensure customer trust. Techniques like holograms, RFID tags, and blockchain-based authentication are used to verify the authenticity of high-end products. This not only combats the sale of counterfeit items but also enhances consumer confidence in purchasing genuine articles, thereby supporting brand loyalty and value. The electronics industry also leverages anti-counterfeiting measures to protect against the proliferation of fake components, which can compromise the performance and safety of electronic devices. Manufacturers implement traceability solutions, including unique identification codes and tamper-evident packaging, to secure the supply chain. This ensures that only genuine parts are used in products, preserving functionality and preventing potential hazards. In the automotive sector, anti-counterfeiting technologies safeguard against counterfeit spare parts, which can pose significant safety risks. By using authentication solutions, such as QR codes and encrypted labels, manufacturers can ensure the integrity of their parts, maintaining vehicle performance and consumer safety. This also helps in protecting the brand's reputation and minimizing potential legal liabilities. Each of these use cases demonstrates the critical role of anti-counterfeiting measures across various industries, highlighting their importance in protecting brand integrity, ensuring product safety, and maintaining consumer trust.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Anti-Counterfeiting

As of the latest assessment, anti-counterfeiting technologies span various Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), with the most advanced systems operating at TRL 8 or 9, indicating that they are fully or almost fully developed and tested in real-life scenarios. This high TRL is primarily due to significant advancements in digital verification, materials science, and blockchain technology. Digital verification techniques, including QR codes and NFC tags, offer robust, user-friendly authentication methods, directly integrating with mobile technology to allow immediate verification of product authenticity. Materials science has contributed with innovative solutions like unique spectral fingerprints and tamper-evident packaging, which are difficult to replicate and easy to verify. Furthermore, blockchain technology has emerged as a game-changer in anti-counterfeiting by providing a decentralized and tamper-proof ledger, ensuring the traceability and integrity of supply chains. These technical achievements reflect a mature understanding and application of anti-counterfeiting measures, effectively addressing the complex challenges posed by sophisticated counterfeit operations. The high TRL of these technologies underscores their readiness for widespread adoption, showcasing their potential to significantly mitigate the impact of counterfeit goods across various industries.

What is the Technology Forecast of Anti-Counterfeiting?

In the short-term, advancements in anti-counterfeiting technology are expected to focus on enhancing digital verification methods. Near-field communication (NFC) tags and blockchain technology will become more widespread, offering secure and instant verification of product authenticity. These technologies enable consumers and businesses to easily verify the provenance of goods through encrypted digital certificates, significantly reducing the prevalence of counterfeit products in the market. Mid-term developments are likely to see the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into anti-counterfeiting systems. AI will enhance the capability to detect and differentiate between genuine and counterfeit products with unprecedented accuracy, analyzing patterns and anomalies in product data that are invisible to the human eye. Machine learning algorithms will continuously improve these systems, adapting to evolving counterfeiting techniques and thereby staying one step ahead of counterfeiters. In the long-term, we can expect the emergence of advanced materials and smart packaging as frontline anti-counterfeiting measures. These materials will have unique signatures or characteristics, such as color-changing inks and embedded micro-tags that are extremely difficult to replicate. Smart packaging will interact with consumers and supply chain systems in real-time, offering a new level of product security and authenticity verification that goes beyond digital verification, making counterfeiting not only more challenging but also less economically viable.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Anti-Counterfeiting Companies

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