
Top Brain Computer Interface Companies

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101 companies for Brain Computer Interface

Grapheton, Inc.'s Logo

Grapheton, Inc.

San Diego, United States

1-10 Employees


Grapheton’s main products are next generation carbon-based implantable devices with integrated on-chip self-powering energy sources. Equally importantly, Grapheton’s probes can simultaneously read both the electrical and chemical signals that regulate processes throughout the body. Grapheton continues to build a rich portfolio of forward-looking solutions, proprietary technologies, and intellectual property in these cutting-edge areas. Bioelectronics, the treatment of disease, injury and disability using electronic devices, is a huge and growing market. A much more natural fit with biological processes, our products are made of a homogenous non-granular carbon material that could stay implanted in the human body for several decades without degradation or damage to the underlying tissues. The sensitivity and selectivity of Grapheton’s probes exceed state-of-the-art as supported by peer-reviewed scientific publications. Over the past fifteen years, the underlying technology of Grapheton was developed at and licensed from NanoFAB.SDSU, which is part of the Center for Neurotechnology (CNT) Engineering Research Center, a collaboration between University of Washington, MIT and San Diego State University. As our technology comes out of the laboratory environment and enters clinical applications, Grapheton’s technology has the potential to revolutionize human bioelectronic implants by creating lifelong treatments that continuously adjust through closed-loop monitoring of the body’s electrical and chemical environment.


Technology – Grapheton – Brain Computer Interface –

... Technology – Grapheton – Brain Computer Interface – Grapheton. ...

Precision Neuroscience's Logo

Precision Neuroscience

New York, United States

1-10 Employees


Our vision of a safe, minimally invasive brain–computer interface informed not just the product but also the kind of company we wanted to build: one that would push the boundaries of new technology while remaining laser-focused on human health. We are investigating other areas where our system can make a clinical impact in the near future; stroke rehabilitation and refractory depression are at the top of the list. Our mission is to deliver life-changing brain–computer interface technology to millions of people. We set out to develop something that had never been built before: a high-bandwidth digital connection to the brain that did not rely on penetrating electrodes, which damage brain tissue. Since then, we’ve developed our core product, a high resolution cortical surface array called the Layer 7 Cortical Interface, and begun manufacturing it in a facility that we own and control. We anticipate having our first commercial product on the market in 2025. A high-bandwidth brain–computer interface is a foundational technology. We believe that the implications—for medicine, science, and humanity—will be profound, and we feel lucky to be on this journey.

Core business

Precision Neuroscience begins first-in-human trial for brain-computer interface

... Precision Neuroscience begins first-in-human trial for brain-computer interface ...

hackerBCI's Logo


Munich, Germany

1-10 Employees


PiEEG is a Raspberry Pi shield for measuring Biosignals like EEG, EKG etc. We believe that anyone is capable of doing neuroscience projects with our hackerBCI devices.

Core business

Affordable Brain-Computer-Interface Devices

... The easiest way to enter the world of Brain-Computer-Interfaces and start your own neuroscience projects. ...

Applied Neuroscience's Logo

Applied Neuroscience

Pinellas Park, United States

51-100 Employees


The binding idea behind the NeuroGuide™ product is a type of “Hubble” telescope that allows users to rapidly and simultaneously evaluate the electromagnetic sources and properties of the conventional EEG and quantitative EEG (qEEG) on the same screen at the same time. Intra and Inter-session progress charts provide immediate feedback to clinicians to maximally stabilize deregulated networks linked to symptoms. Good clinical outcome with fewer sessions is the goal. ANI has pioneered new QEEG applications such as the NeuroNavigator (swLORETA), BrainSurfer, LORETA Z score Neurofeedback (NFB), LORETA source correlation, LORETA coherence and phase, EEG phase shift duration and phase lock duration normative databases, real-time Z scores used by numerous EEG biofeedback companies starting in 2004 and cutting edge products such as Neurolink (symptom severity measures), Automatic Clinical Report Writer (ACR), Symptom Check Lists to create neurofeedback protocols linked to symptoms, a Neural Network Injury Index, QEEG discriminant functions of traumatic brain injury and Intelligence and Effective Connectivity as a measure of information flow between Brodmann areas of the brain and the Brain Function Index (BFI). More recently is the development of Smartphone technology that uses self-report questionnaires to evaluate one’s subjective weighting of symptom severity linked to 3-dimensional brain networks that change color depending on symptom severity. The future is Web based products using the same mathematical standards of QEEG but in smart phones and tablets including the use of Dry electrode/amplifier headsets to make QEEG commonplace in the clinic and at home in the future and world wide. NeuroGuide™ users are Psychiatrists, Neurologists, Psychologists, Neuropsychologists, Mental Health Providers, Researchers and Students. NeuroGuide™ is a “Tool Set” that a Clinician or Researcher can apply to help link symptoms and behavior to functional networks in the brain.


BrainSurfer (Surf) – A Brain-Computer-Interface for a 2nd NeuroGuide License

... BrainSurfer (Surf) – A Brain-Computer-Interface for a 2nd NeuroGuide ...

Cortex Technologies PTY LTD's Logo

Cortex Technologies PTY LTD

Brisbane City, Australia

1-10 Employees


We are a team of science and technology professionals with profound personal experience in realising the benefits of neurofeedback for ADHD and Autism. Cortex Technologies is a Social Enterprise building novel bionic sensors and BCI headsets that allow people to effortlessly harness the potential of neurofeedback in reducing symptoms of neurocognitive conditions including Autism, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, dementia, depression, and epilepsy. Cortex are developing neuro sensors and brain computer interface headsets to provide at-home neurofeedback therapy sessions for people with autism, ADHD, brain injury and mental illness. Amy-Rose Goodey is a strong advocate for accessible technologies for the benefit of humanity.

Core business

Brain Computer Interface Headsets - Cortex Brain Technologies

... Brain Computer Interface Headsets - Cortex Brain ...

Timeflux's Logo


Paris, France

1-10 Employees


Timeflux gets out of your way so you can focus on your research. Under the hood, Timeflux relies on industry standards such as SciPy, Pandas, Xarray and Scikit-learn. Timeflux was built with biosignals in mind, but it can handle many kinds of time series. Interface with most EEGs, biosignal equipment and stimulus presentation software thanks to the built-in Lab Streaming Layer node. We also offer consulting services and dedicated support. Right now, the documentation is a bit coarse, and some parts of the code need polishing.

Core business

Use it to bootstrap your research, build brain-computer interfaces, closed-loop biofeedback applications, interactive installations, and more. Written in Python, it works on Linux, MacOS and Windows. Made for researchers and hackers alike.

... Use it to bootstrap your research, build brain-computer interfaces, closed-loop biofeedback applications, interactive installations, and more. Written in Python, it works on Linux, MacOS and Windows. Made for researchers and hackers alike. ...

Neuralworks Technologies's Logo

Neuralworks Technologies

Geneva, Switzerland

1-10 Employees


Core business

Brain-computer interfaces

... Brain-computer interfaces ...

Naxon's Logo


Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

1-10 Employees


Naxon has financial support by ANII (National Research and Innovation Agency).

Core business

Explore the mind The power of Brain Computer interfaces. Exploring the mind for everyone.

... The answer is BCIs - Brain Computer Interfaces: these are devices that read brain information, which a software then analyzes and finally uses to make commands that move robotic arms or control games, read emotional and cognitive states or stages of sleep, and infinite more possibilities. Learn more about The ...

MindAffect's Logo


Nijmegen, Netherlands

1-10 Employees


MindAffect is specialized in the application of brain computer interface, artificial intelligence and neuroscience to unlock the mysteries of the brain! Our goal is to bring these unique and essential objective diagnostic tests to the market to support the hard-to-test patient population of two billion. Recipient of ALS prize for Life, successful proven communication prototype and multiple patents provided the foundation for the BCI/AI technology. Inspired by their success, the team was spun out of Radbound into MindAffect with NLC, the Leading HeathTech Venture Builder in the Netherlands. Expertise in the area of brain response analysis allowed us to develop further applications in the area of hearing and vision diagnostics.

Core business

Brain Computer Interface | Mindaffect

... Brain Computer Interface | ...

MindPortal's Logo


San Francisco, United States

1-10 Employees


At MindPortal, we’re shaping the future of human-AI communication. With MindPortal’s groundbreaking, non-invasive technology, we’re pioneering the future of human-AI telepathic communication. MindPortal develops state-of-the-art, non-invasive neural interfaces which bypass traditional speech and text inputs, connecting directly to the very fabric of human cognition. MindPortal has developed a successful proof of concept device which facilitates thought-to-text dialogues with leading-edge AI platforms like ChatGPT. We are optimistic about the future of AI and the development of artificial general intelligence. MindPortal is the first brain computer interface company to be funded by YC. While “brain-machine interfaces” often evoke visions of invasive measures, MindPortal’s technology is being built with human anatomy, personal privacy and safety in mind. We believe that technology has the ability to expand human capabilities and potential.

Core business

MindPortal - The Future of Personal Computing

... MindPortal is a visionary company pioneering a revolutionary, non-invasive personal brain-computer interface. The company is creating wearable headbands that will allow users to seamlessly interact with technology with a mere thought. ...

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Insights about the Brain Computer Interface results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Brain Computer Interface

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1194
Amount of suitable service providers955
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company2004
Youngest suiting company2021

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Brain Computer Interface

What is Brain Computer Interface?

A Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a cutting-edge technology system that establishes a direct communication pathway between a user's brain and an external device. Typically, BCIs are designed to intercept, analyze, and translate the brain's neural activity into commands that are relayed to output devices to perform desired actions, without the use of conventional neuromuscular pathways. This technology leverages sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques to interpret the complex patterns of brain activity associated with intentions, thoughts, or desired actions. The impact of BCIs within the field of neurotechnology and beyond is profound, offering transformative applications in medical rehabilitation, assistive communication, and the enhancement of human-computer interaction. For individuals with severe motor impairments or communication barriers due to conditions such as paralysis or ALS, BCIs can facilitate restored mobility or speech, significantly improving quality of life. Moreover, its integration into virtual reality and gaming has opened new avenues for immersive experiences. Beyond its practical applications, the development of BCI technology challenges our understanding of the neural basis of cognition and consciousness, contributing valuable insights into the workings of the human brain. As research and development in this field continue to advance, the potential for BCIs to revolutionize multiple aspects of society and individual lives becomes increasingly evident.

Advantages of Brain Computer Interface

1. Direct Communication Pathway
Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) establish a direct communication pathway between the brain and external devices, bypassing conventional neuromuscular routes. This advantage is particularly crucial for individuals with severe physical disabilities, enabling them to control assistive technologies using only their brain signals.

2. Enhanced Speed and Accuracy
BCIs offer significantly enhanced speed and accuracy in interpreting user intentions compared to traditional input devices. This efficiency stems from the direct interpretation of neural signals, which allows for quicker and more precise control of computers or prosthetic limbs, enhancing user experience and functionality.

3. Personalized Adaptation
Brain Computer Interfaces are capable of adapting to the unique neural patterns of individual users. This personalized adaptation not only improves the system's overall efficiency over time but also ensures a more natural and intuitive interaction between the user and the technology.

4. Neurorehabilitation Potential
BCIs hold significant potential for neurorehabilitation, offering innovative strategies for brain injury recovery. By engaging specific neural circuits, these interfaces can facilitate the rewiring of brain connections, aiding in the recovery of lost functions and improving the quality of life for affected individuals.

How to select right Brain Computer Interface supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Compatibility
Ensure the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology is compatible with existing systems and devices, facilitating seamless integration and operation.

2. Accuracy
Evaluate the precision and reliability of the interface in capturing and interpreting neural signals, which is crucial for effective functionality.

3. Latency
Consider the response time from neural signal detection to computer response, aiming for minimal delay to ensure real-time interaction.

4. Usability
Assess the ease of use, including setup, calibration, and maintenance requirements, to guarantee user-friendly operation for various skill levels.

5. Scalability
Verify the supplier's ability to scale the solution to different sizes and complexities, accommodating a range of applications and future growth.

6. Support and Maintenance
Check the availability and quality of the supplier's customer support and maintenance services, ensuring reliable assistance throughout the product's lifecycle.

7. Cost-effectiveness
Balance the cost with the benefits offered, including the technology's durability and the potential for software updates or upgrades.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Brain Computer Interface?

Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology is revolutionizing the way businesses operate across multiple sectors. In the healthcare industry, BCI is being employed to develop advanced prosthetics that offer improved control and functionality for amputees. These interfaces enable users to manipulate prosthetic limbs through thought, significantly enhancing the quality of life and independence for individuals with disabilities. The automotive sector is another domain where BCI technology is making strides. Here, it's utilized to augment driving safety and vehicle control. By monitoring the driver's brain signals, the system can detect fatigue and loss of concentration, triggering alerts or even taking control of the vehicle in critical situations. This application not only improves safety but also paves the way for more intuitive interactions between humans and vehicles. In the realm of workplace productivity, BCI systems are being integrated to monitor and analyze employees' cognitive load and stress levels. This data enables companies to optimize work environments and tasks to boost productivity and employee well-being. By understanding the mental states of employees in real-time, businesses can implement changes that foster a healthier, more productive workplace. Each of these use cases demonstrates the versatility and potential of BCI technology to transform business operations, ushering in a new era of interactivity and efficiency across industries.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Brain Computer Interface

As of the latest assessments, Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology predominantly resides at varying stages across the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) spectrum, with most applications hovering between TRL 3 and TRL 6. This range indicates that BCIs have moved beyond basic principles (TRL 1-2), demonstrating proof of concept in controlled environments (TRL 3-4), and are undergoing validation in relevant environments (TRL 5-6). The primary reason for this specific TRL positioning stems from the intricate challenges associated with decoding neural signals accurately and consistently. The human brain's complexity, coupled with the variability in neural activity across different individuals, presents significant technical hurdles. Moreover, developing non-invasive, user-friendly interfaces that can be easily integrated into daily life without compromising accuracy or causing discomfort remains an ongoing area of research. Additionally, ensuring the safety and reliability of BCIs, particularly for medical or assistive applications, requires extensive validation and regulatory approvals, which also contributes to the current TRL status. Despite these challenges, continuous advancements in machine learning, signal processing, and neuroimaging are progressively addressing these issues, pushing BCIs closer to higher levels of technology readiness and broader application.

What is the Technology Forecast of Brain Computer Interface?

In the Short-Term, advancements in Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology will likely focus on enhancing the precision of neural decoding algorithms. This improvement will facilitate more accurate interpretations of brain signals, allowing for smoother and more intuitive control of prosthetic devices and computer systems. Furthermore, we can expect the development of non-invasive BCI systems to accelerate, making the technology more accessible to users without the need for surgical implantation. Moving into the Mid-Term phase, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with BCI will start to take center stage. This synergy will unlock more complex applications, such as advanced neurorehabilitation tools for stroke victims and individuals with spinal cord injuries. The period will also witness significant strides in miniaturizing BCI devices, making them more comfortable and less obtrusive for everyday use. Additionally, improved battery life and wireless connectivity will enhance the mobility and usability of BCI systems. In the Long-Term, we anticipate a paradigm shift where BCI technology enables seamless communication between human brains and external devices, effectively blurring the lines between human cognition and artificial intelligence. This era will introduce fully immersive virtual reality experiences, direct brain-to-brain communication, and perhaps even mechanisms for enhancing cognitive functions. The ethical and societal implications of such advancements will become a major area of focus, guiding the responsible development and application of BCI technology.

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