
Top Deep Learning Software Companies

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45 companies for Deep Learning Software

Upkoi Inc's Logo

Upkoi Inc

Miami, United States

1-10 Employees


If software development is a pocket knife, deep learning is a chainsaw. We believe large efficiency gains are possible through outstanding communication. Completing and deploying small deliverables as frequently as possible.

Core business

Upkoi, Inc - Deep Learning & Software Development

... Upkoi, Inc - Deep Learning & Software ...

DeepCube's Logo


Tel-Aviv, Israel

1-10 Employees


Core business

DeepCube | The Future of Deep Learning

... on any device with the first deep learning software accelerator. ...

Neurocle's Logo


Kazan, Russia

1-10 Employees


This is our story of how we make products and do business. In short, Neurocle exists to help non-experts easily use high-performance deep learning technology. We want to create a firm-standing company based on our product competitiveness.​. We exceeded our BEP goals in just two years by quickly gaining product competitiveness and actively pursuing the market. Keywords for product competitiveness are 'marketability' and 'detail.' ​. We have been creating our products with consideration for small details such as whether the location of the icon is easy to see on the left or the right side of the window and whether one term is easier to understand than another. The first is that the company's products/services should benefit society, and the second is that the company's value is recognized by its own colleagues. Neurocle's AI Deep Learning Solution Revolutionizes Vision Inspection in Automotive Manufacturing.


Auto Deep Learning Vision Software

... Deep Learning Vision Software for ...

Compact Vision Technologies's Logo

Compact Vision Technologies

Dietmannsried, Germany

1-10 Employees


Unser Service umfasst ebenfalls das Verarbeiten von Daten. Wir sind der richtige Ansprechpartner rund um das Thema intelligente Kamerasysteme und Bildverarbeitung. Wir bieten Ihnen eine detaillierte Machbarkeitsanalyse für Ihren Anwendungsfall an.


ComVistec - Deep Learning Software

... Sie unsere hauseignen Deep Learning Software Lösungen. Wir ...

Black Tree AutoML's Logo

Black Tree AutoML

New York, United States

1-10 Employees


The image on the left is a brain MRI (courtesy of Kaggle) that was compressed in .00191 seconds into the super-pixel image in the center, part of a process that classified 282 Testing Images over 1,597 Training Images (specifically, tumor classification) in 50.44 seconds (running on a MacBook Air), with 100% accuracy, using Black Tree Pro.

Core business

Black Tree AutoML – Humanity's Fastest Deep Learning Software

... Black Tree AutoML – Humanity's Fastest Deep Learning Software ...

Webskitters LLC's Logo

Webskitters LLC

Miami, United States

51-100 Employees


Webskitters is an internationally-acclaimed, award-winning web development company. We deliver top-notch, affordable, and unique services with an impressive user experience. Webskitters have efficient knowledge and a great squad for meeting the client’s requirements. We deliver scalable and robust web development services to our clients, creating the desired web application for them. Collaborating with Webskitters for your project, ensures you work with the top 1% experts of the world. We are a proud outsourcing partner of various companies, small and large, catering to meet their digital needs. We are proud of our safe, sound, and secure services that help our clients to establish a hold over the market. Webskitters has received the National MSME Award (First Prize) 2022 from the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi.


Hire Deep Learning Software Experts

... Hire dedicated team of deep learning software experts to get excellent ...

MVTec Software's Logo

MVTec Software

Munich, Germany

51-100 Employees


The people behind MVTec are the reason for our success and our strength for the future. MVTec is a leading international manufacturer of software for machine vision. MVTec products are used in all demanding areas of imaging and enable new automation solutions for the Industrial Internet of Things by providing high-end technologies like 3D vision, deep learning, and embedded vision. Machine vision software from MVTec is developed and designed right at the headquarters in Munich, Germany. MVTec technologies are used in many different industries worldwide. With a wide range of service and support options MVTec supports you to realize your machine vision task in the best possible way. The aim of our experts is to enable you to use MVTec products so you can deploy successful machine vision projects. Learn more about how to use MVTec software products to develop high-innovative solutions: Read here the newest stories.


Deep Learning Tool: MVTec Software

... The easy way into Deep Learning with MVTec Software ...

Fisher Smith Ltd's Logo

Fisher Smith Ltd

King's Lynn and West Norfolk, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We provide a bespoke service from the specification of illumination and optics through to complete turnkey solutions, utilising high quality, rugged components throughout. Founded in 2004 as FS Systems, and now Fisher Smith, we have over 50 combined years of experience of machine vision and industrial control systems. During that time we have built solid, long-term relationships with our customers and suppliers. Before becoming MD, Iain developed Fisher Smith’s leading machine vision system, RoboVis® and software, GenVis®. Iain’s expertise in the industrial machine vision sector is widely recognised. We design and supply machine vision systems for automatic inspection and identification of manufactured parts on industrial production lines. Overall, machine vision technology has enabled online gambling companies to provide a safer and more secure experience for their customers while also improving operational efficiency. Benefit from our knowledge, experience and integrity to provide you with the right machine vision system or quality components.

Core business

Machine Vision Software | Deep Learning Software

... Bespoke software design and development | Deep Learning Software ...

Kimball Electronics (India) Pvt. Ltd.'s Logo

Kimball Electronics (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Thiruvananthapuram, India

251-500 Employees


Our vision is to make a significant global impact in leading-edge automation that enhances quality of human life. Enable responsible automation in manufacturing and process industries, health care, smart-homes and automobiles by providing software and engineering solutions. We achieve this through our expertise, experienced professionals, global delivery capabilities and local presence while being committed to quality, high customer retention, professional growth of our employees and stake holder value creation. Among the number of companies I have helped in my whole career, GES is the one of the best companies that have large number of talented technologists and provides leading edge digital technology and AI technology to their customers. Anurak ThammajaiSenior Engineering Manager - Kimball Electronics, Thailand.


Advanced Machine and Deep Learning Software Engineering | GES

... Advanced Machine and Deep Learning Software Engineering | ...

Galliot's Logo


San Francisco, United States

11-50 Employees


Named after the 'galliot'—a nimble, swift galley boat powered by sail or oars, as defined by Merriam-Webster—our firm embodies agility and adaptability. We are a globally distributed and diverse team of architects, scientists, engineers, product managers, and designers. Bring us your vision, and let us transform it into reality. We are headquartered in San Francisco, with regional operations in Europe and South America. Our teams at Galliot have years of experience in software, cloud technology, and more. We are an eager company with a growing client base.We love what we do and it shows in the solutions and services we provide. Galliot was founded in 2018 in the Bay Area. Galliot means a small and swift galley boat propelled by sail or oars.

Core business

AI & Computer Vision & Software Product Development | Galliot

... Let our Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Software Development, and ...

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Insights about the Deep Learning Software results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Deep Learning Software

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1395
Amount of suitable service providers1034
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company2016
Youngest suiting company2021

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Deep Learning Software

What is Deep Learning Software?

Deep learning software refers to a sophisticated category of machine learning tools that enable the design, training, and deployment of neural networks. These neural networks are structured in layers, mimicking the human brain's architecture, to process data in complex, non-linear ways, allowing for the extraction of high-level features from raw input. This software harnesses vast amounts of data and computational power, leveraging algorithms to learn from patterns and improve over time without human intervention. The impact of deep learning software stretches across various industries, revolutionizing the way we approach problems and tasks. In healthcare, it aids in disease detection and personalized medicine; in automotive, it powers the development of self-driving vehicles; and in finance, it enhances fraud detection and algorithmic trading. Furthermore, deep learning software is the backbone of voice and facial recognition technologies, significantly improving user experience and security in consumer electronics and digital platforms. The ability of deep learning software to learn from and adapt to new data without being explicitly programmed for the task positions it as a cornerstone of artificial intelligence research and application, promising continued innovation and transformation across sectors.

Advantages of Deep Learning Software

1. Enhanced Learning Capabilities
Deep learning software is distinguished by its ability to learn and improve from vast amounts of data. Unlike traditional machine learning algorithms, deep learning can autonomously discover intricate patterns and make highly accurate predictions, making it particularly effective for complex tasks like image and speech recognition.

2. Scalability
Another significant advantage of deep learning software is its scalability. As the volume of data increases, deep learning models adapt and improve their performance, rather than becoming overwhelmed. This capability ensures that deep learning systems can handle the exponential growth of data in modern computing environments.

3. Autonomous Feature Engineering
Deep learning reduces the need for manual feature extraction, one of the most time-consuming aspects of traditional machine learning. By automatically identifying relevant features in the data, deep learning software streamlines the development process, allowing for more efficient creation of powerful predictive models.

4. Versatility Across Different Domains
The application of deep learning software spans a wide array of industries, from autonomous vehicles to medical diagnosis. This versatility showcases its ability to not only adapt to different types of data but also excel in various tasks, providing solutions that were previously deemed unattainable with conventional algorithms.

How to select right Deep Learning Software supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Compatibility and Integration
Ensure the software can be easily integrated with existing systems and is compatible with various platforms and devices.

2. Scalability
Choose software that can grow with your needs, accommodating larger datasets and more complex models over time.

3. Performance and Speed
Evaluate the software’s ability to process large datasets efficiently, ensuring fast model training and inference times.

4. Customization and Flexibility
Look for software that allows for easy customization of models and algorithms to fit specific business needs.

5. User Support and Community
Consider the level of technical support provided, as well as the size and activity of the user community for sharing knowledge and solutions.

6. Cost-effectiveness
Assess the software’s pricing structure, ensuring it offers good value for its features and capabilities, with transparent cost implications for scaling.

7. Security Features
Verify that the software has robust security measures in place to protect sensitive data and models.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Deep Learning Software?

Deep learning software is revolutionizing the way businesses operate across various sectors. In the healthcare industry, it's being harnessed to improve patient outcomes through predictive analytics. This technology can analyze vast datasets from patient records to predict disease outbreaks or complications, enabling healthcare providers to offer preemptive treatments. In the financial sector, deep learning plays a critical role in fraud detection. By analyzing millions of transactions in real-time, these systems can identify patterns indicative of fraudulent activity, significantly reducing financial losses and improving customer trust. Manufacturing companies are utilizing deep learning for predictive maintenance, where the software analyzes data from machinery sensors. This analysis predicts when equipment might fail, allowing for maintenance before breakdowns occur, thus minimizing downtime and saving costs. The retail industry benefits from deep learning in enhancing customer experiences through personalization. By analyzing shopping patterns and preferences, retailers can offer tailored recommendations, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. Lastly, in the field of autonomous vehicles, deep learning software is indispensable for processing the vast amounts of data from vehicle sensors. This processing is crucial for making split-second decisions that ensure the safety and efficiency of autonomous transportation systems. These use cases illustrate the versatility and transformative potential of deep learning software across different industries, showcasing its central role in driving innovation and efficiency.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Deep Learning Software

Deep learning software has achieved a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL), generally considered to be around TRL 8 or 9, indicating that it is fully functional and has been proven through successful mission operations or real-world application. This advanced positioning is primarily due to significant breakthroughs in algorithm development, data processing capabilities, and computational power. Innovations such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have substantially enhanced the ability of deep learning software to analyze and interpret complex data sets. Furthermore, the advent of powerful GPUs and cloud computing resources has made it feasible to train deep learning models on vast amounts of data, a process that was previously time-consuming and resource-intensive. The widespread adoption and integration of deep learning across various sectors, including healthcare for diagnostic purposes, autonomous vehicles for navigation, and in the realm of natural language processing for enhancing communication technologies, underscore its high TRL. These applications benefit from the software's ability to learn from and adapt to new data without human intervention, showcasing its robustness and reliability. The technical maturity of deep learning software reflects its readiness for widespread commercial and societal application, cementing its status at the pinnacle of technology readiness.

What is the Technology Forecast of Deep Learning Software?

In the short-term, deep learning software is anticipated to undergo significant enhancements in efficiency and usability. Immediate advancements include the development of more user-friendly interfaces that democratize access, allowing users with minimal coding experience to leverage deep learning capabilities. Additionally, improvements in computational efficiency are expected, enabling these complex algorithms to run on lower-end hardware, thus broadening their applicability and accessibility. The mid-term forecast for deep learning software points towards the integration of advanced natural language processing (NLP) and generative models. These developments will enable software to generate more accurate and nuanced predictions, understandings, and content creations across a variety of fields, from automated customer service to content generation. Enhanced data processing capabilities will also allow for more sophisticated interpretations of large data sets, leading to more precise outcomes and applications in areas such as healthcare diagnostics and personalized marketing strategies. Looking at the long-term, deep learning software is set to revolutionize the way we interact with technology, with the advent of autonomous decision-making systems and AI that can innovate and learn independently of human input. The culmination of these advancements will see deep learning software not just augmenting human capabilities but also creating new avenues for exploration in scientific research, complex problem-solving, and perhaps even in understanding human consciousness itself, marking a new era of technological evolution.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Deep Learning Software Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Deep Learning Software

Based on our calculations related technologies to Deep Learning Software are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in Deep Learning Software are Deeplabs,

The most represented industries which are working in Deep Learning Software are IT, Software and Services, Other, Education, Research, Consulting

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