
Top Digital Twin Companies

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2463 companies for Digital Twin

AxoMem's Logo


San Jose, Philippines

1-10 Employees


AxoMem creates datascapes that integrate, understand and act on time-sensitive data streams. AxoMem xScape enables fluid 3D, VR and AR visualisation. AxoMem xWorld enables digital twin development and hosting.


Fast-start digital twin consulting

... Digital Twin Buildathon - One day training ...

Nesa Solutions's Logo

Nesa Solutions

Miami, United States

11-50 Employees


Enabling more data-driven, real-time decisions, improving care quality and delivery. Transforming the impact of bedside nursing, liberating time and energy to refocus on patient care. Connect to healthcare providers from anywhere, promoting early interventions and improved outcomes. Deliver continuous, AI-powered monitoring to predict and prevent adverse events, optimize resources and elevate the patient experience. The NESA Virtual Care Platform is embedded into leading EHR systems and enables its Virtual Care within the electronic health record environment. Recognize objects with image classification approaches to provide solutions for a variety of real-world problems. The time saved is helping the staff be more productive and improving their job satisfaction. Join us, along with our partners, in this mission and together we can make a positive impact on patients' lives.

Core business

. | Next level Digital Twin, IoT, RTLS

... Next level RTLS, IPS, Digital Twin, IoT. ...

Semarx Research's Logo

Semarx Research

Lorton, United States

1-10 Employees


The critical events predictions provide the medical staff with sufficient time to further examine the unfolding situation and mitigate potential risks, thus improving treatment effectiveness and reducing patients' risks. The Patient HDT can be provided as a service to patients to keep monitoring their risks even after they leave the hospital. The Shipment DT is a virtual instance that is terminated after the shipment has been completed. Each digital twin keeps is the user's avatar in the shared digital environment and it track of its user interactions, whether human or machine, predicts deviations from task objectives, and alerts their user or other team members so they can alter their actions accordingly, resulting in better overall team collaboration and goal achievement. The Social AI Platform is the realization of an information architecture framework for modeling, managing, and automating hundreds of highly complex scenarios and procedures. This quantification-in return-enable the effective use of algorithms to predict user interactions and provide recommendations for best actions. The Social AI Platform's central component is a universal type of digital twins, the Information Digital Twin (IDT).


Digital Transformation with Information Digital Twins

... Digital Transformation with Information Digital Twins ...

BytEdge Inc's Logo

BytEdge Inc

Duluth, United States

11-50 Employees


To provide a cloud -based platform for creating digital twins, combined with machine learning and AI for predictive analytics to optimize assets & processes, building up to product design solutions, with a view to saving time and money for all users. A platform that uses digital twins with machine learning and AI for predicting product and component failures, providing a virtual connected design, simulation and optimization capability. A platform that can work with your data to create a digital twin leading to machine Learning based predictive analytics and optimized connected designs. Create digital twin using product’s critical parameters for visualization and alerts. Modify the product design and test them virtually using the platform. Model the historical data and real time product functioning data for computing remaining useful life for existing product design.

Core business

A platform that uses digital twins with machine learning and AI for predicting product and component failures, providing a virtual connected design, simulation and optimization capability.

... A platform that uses digital twins with machine learning and AI for ...

twiinIT's Logo



1-10 Employees


Helping technicians to understand the behavior of their products, so they can take the best decisions when designing and operating them. Resulting from 3 years of research at Safran, CoSApp is a multi-X (physics, systems and fidelities) simulation platform to design models that run in seconds.

Core business

Digital twins to understand, design, and operate your products

... Digital twins to understand, design, and operate your ...



Västerås, Sweden

51-100 Employees


DIGICOGS:DIGital Twins for Industrial COGnitive Systems through Industry 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence. The objective of DIGICOGS is to provide a digital twin that combines sensor information, AI and machine learning and big data analytics that underpin the new wave of the cognitive system. DIGICOGS comprises MDH (a research group), Seco Tools (supplier to process industry and to GKN) & GKN (manufacturing industry). Thus, it is believed that the DIGICOGS technologies will strengthen Swedish industrial competence and competitiveness.


MDH develops digital twin to strengthen Swedish industry - A Press release

... MDH develops digital twin to strengthen Swedish industry - A Press ...

Streamba's Logo


Glasgow, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


Join our team and help transform heavy industry supply chains for the better… *no recruiters please*. 8 + 0 = ?Please prove that you are human by solving the equation *.

Core business

Your Digital Twin

... The Only Heavy Industry Supply Chain and Logistics Digital Twin You ...

Mevea's Logo


Lappeenranta, Finland

11-50 Employees


Mevea is a simulation technology company enabling physics-based Digital Twins of mobile machinery that can analyse and predict the behaviour of their real-life counterparts. Mevea was founded in 2005 as a spin-off from Lappeenranta University of Technology. Since then, Mevea has delivered over 100 simulator models to more than 50 customers globally. Mevea has a close co-operation with several universities and research institutes to provide world-class solutions to its customers. Mevea is a Finnish high-tech company providing simulator solutions for heavy equipment product development, operator training and academia. Mevea research pack is a complete innovation platform that combines software, services and simulator hardware. Mevea is the pioneer in real-time simulation solutions and has the most advanced physics engine available. Mevea is an internationally renowned company with a track record of impressive references and top-quality solutions.

Core business

About Mevea | Digital Twins and Simulation Software

... About Mevea | Digital Twins and Simulation ...

Duality's Logo


United States

11-50 Employees



Digital Twin Acquisition

... management system, digital twin simulator and allows them to ...

Digital Twin Skills Academy CIC's Logo

Digital Twin Skills Academy CIC

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We offer a diverse range of programs to help individuals and communities thrive. Inspired by our lead partner – DiverseCity Surveyors – we focus on what it takes to be the best in an industry still trying to come to terms with cultural and systemic change management. With a focus on ‘soft and hard skills’ we work with BIM Academy and an array of partner universities to ensure that careers are ‘futureproofed’ through access to a constantly updated learning management system. Co-curated with our global industry and award-winning partners, we have designed a three-step programme with a focus on ‘inner-city’ young people, who for an array of reasons have little or no understanding about the plethora of career opportunity in the newly emerging area of digital construction. However, it was the tragedy of Grenfell Tower on 14th June 2017 that delivered the final straw that broke the camels back. As we move towards a net/zero and decarbonised built environment, we have to deploy the use of digital twins to measure and monitor progress towards our various ‘carbon-neutral’ targets, that have been set by governments across the world.

Core business

DIGITAL TWIN SKILLS ACADEMY CIC | National Digital Twin Programme

... DIGITAL TWIN SKILLS ACADEMY CIC | National Digital Twin ...

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Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Digital Twin

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers2852
Amount of suitable service providers2438
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1989
Youngest suiting company2021

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Digital Twin

What is Digital Twin?

A Digital Twin is an advanced virtual model that precisely replicates a physical object, process, or system. This innovative technology utilizes real-time data, machine learning, and simulation capabilities to create a dynamic, up-to-date avatar of its physical counterpart. By bridging the gap between the tangible and digital worlds, digital twins offer unprecedented insights into the performance, maintenance, and potential of physical assets. They enable businesses and organizations to preemptively identify issues before they occur, optimize operations, and innovate products and processes. In industries ranging from manufacturing to urban planning and healthcare, the implementation of digital twins has revolutionized decision-making processes. For instance, in manufacturing, digital twins can simulate production lines to identify inefficiencies or test the impact of changes without disrupting actual operations. In urban planning, they assist in optimizing city infrastructure and energy consumption, enhancing sustainability efforts. The profound impact of digital twins lies in their ability to not only mirror reality but also predict future states, offering a powerful tool for strategic planning and innovation. As this technology continues to evolve, its role in driving efficiency, sustainability, and innovation across various sectors is increasingly significant, marking a pivotal shift in how we interact with and manage the physical world.

Advantages of Digital Twin

1. Real-Time Analytics and Monitoring
Digital twins offer unparalleled real-time analytics and monitoring, enabling businesses to track the performance and condition of their assets with precision. This feature allows for the early detection of potential issues, facilitating timely interventions and reducing downtime.

2. Enhanced Decision-Making
By simulating different scenarios, digital twins assist stakeholders in making informed decisions. This capability is invaluable for testing new strategies or products in a virtual environment before actual implementation, significantly lowering risks and costs.

3. Improved Product Development
Digital twins streamline the product development process by providing a detailed, virtual representation of a product. This enables designers and engineers to identify potential design flaws and make necessary adjustments early in the development cycle, improving the overall quality of the final product.

4. Increased Efficiency and Cost Savings
The predictive analytics capabilities of digital twins lead to increased operational efficiency and significant cost savings. By forecasting maintenance needs and optimizing resource allocation, organizations can avoid unnecessary expenses and enhance their bottom line.

How to select right Digital Twin supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Integration Capabilities
Ensure the supplier offers robust integration options with existing systems and IoT devices, facilitating seamless data flow and interoperability.

2. Scalability
The digital twin platform should be scalable to accommodate growing data volumes and complexity as your business evolves.

3. Real-time Data Processing
Select a supplier that can handle real-time data processing, enabling dynamic updates and simulations for accurate decision-making.

4. Security Measures
Verify the supplier's commitment to data security, including encryption, access controls, and regular security audits to protect sensitive information.

5. Customization and Flexibility
The platform should offer customization options to tailor the digital twin to your specific operational needs and objectives.

6. Technical Support and Maintenance
Evaluate the level of technical support and maintenance services provided, ensuring reliability and minimal downtime.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Digital Twin?

Digital Twins are revolutionizing the manufacturing industry by providing a virtual replica of physical production lines. This technology enables companies to simulate, monitor, and optimize the manufacturing process from a remote location, significantly reducing downtime and increasing efficiency. Businesses can predict potential system failures or maintenance needs before they occur, ensuring uninterrupted operation and higher productivity. In the realm of construction and architecture, Digital Twins serve as a powerful tool for project management and design optimization. By creating a dynamic, virtual model of a building or infrastructure project, stakeholders can visualize changes, assess impacts, and make informed decisions throughout the construction lifecycle. This use case facilitates improved collaboration, reduces project risks, and helps in adhering to timelines and budgets. The utilization of Digital Twins in the energy sector, particularly in renewable energy projects, enhances operational efficiency and sustainability. It allows for the real-time monitoring and analysis of energy production systems, such as wind farms or solar panels. Operators can simulate different scenarios to optimize energy output and reduce maintenance costs. This application not only maximizes renewable energy production but also supports the global transition towards more sustainable energy sources. Through these diverse applications, Digital Twins are proving to be invaluable across various B2B sectors, driving innovation, efficiency, and sustainability.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Digital Twin

Digital twin technology, a dynamic virtual representation of physical objects or systems, currently finds itself at a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) ranging between 5 to 7. This classification is attributed to the technology's successful demonstration in relevant environments, alongside its integration into partially operational systems. At this stage, digital twins have proven their capability to simulate, predict, and optimize real-world performance in a controlled setting, which is indicative of TRL 5. However, they have not yet reached full operational capability across all potential applications, a hallmark of TRL 7. The variance in TRL levels across different industries is largely due to technical challenges such as data complexity, integration with legacy systems, and the need for robust cybersecurity measures. These technical hurdles require sophisticated algorithms, substantial computing power, and comprehensive data management strategies to ensure accurate, real-time synchronization between the digital and physical entities. As these technologies continue to advance, overcoming these challenges, digital twin technology is expected to progress to higher TRLs, expanding its applicability and efficacy in simulating complex systems across diverse sectors.

What is the Technology Forecast of Digital Twin?

In the Short-Term, digital twin technology is poised for significant advancements in integration capabilities. With the rise of IoT and AI, the immediate future will see these technologies becoming more intertwined, enabling more dynamic and real-time data exchange. This development will enhance predictive analytics, allowing for more precise maintenance schedules and operational efficiencies in industries such as manufacturing and urban planning. Moving to the Mid-Term phase, we can expect the emergence of standardized frameworks for digital twin interoperability across different sectors. These standards will facilitate seamless communication between digital twins, breaking down the silos that currently exist. This period will also witness the expansion of digital twins into new areas like healthcare, where personalized patient care plans could be developed by simulating health outcomes using digital twins of human organs. In the Long-Term, digital twin technology will likely achieve full integration with quantum computing, leading to an exponential increase in computing power and simulation capabilities. This era will usher in the possibility of creating complex, highly accurate models that can predict outcomes across vast systems, such as entire cities or ecosystems, with unprecedented precision. This could revolutionize decision-making processes in environmental management, resource distribution, and global-scale engineering projects.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Digital Twin Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Digital Twin

Based on our calculations related technologies to Digital Twin are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in Digital Twin are LION3D, Australia New Zealand Digital Twin Hub, APTUMX

The most represented industries which are working in Digital Twin are IT, Software and Services, Other, Marketing Services, Manufacturing, Consulting

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