IoT Services
IoT Services

Top IoT Services Companies

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1282 companies for IoT Services

IoT Global Network's Logo

Tonbridge and Malling, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees

Our goal is to stimulate collaboration and innovation within the IoT industry. We aim to provide you with the tools and information to help usher in a new age of global connectivity. Find all the key companies, products and services worldwide, in the Internet of Things (IoT), Machine to Machine (M2M), near-field communications (NFC), and connected device sectors. The latest news and expert opinions from around the globe including leading technology market research from top IoT sector, analyst and consulting companies.



Image for IoT Services

IoT Services

... Data Protection & GDPR Services - IoT Global ...

Digital ConsulTx's Logo

Duluth, United States

1-10 Employees


We’re not just about offering services; we’re about creating a smarter, greener future. To integrate innovative IoT solutions in urban environments, enhancing the quality of life for citizens and promoting environmental sustainability. To be a leader in smart urban technology, transforming cities into more sustainable, efficient, and livable spaces. At the heart of our mission lies a deep commitment to our clients’ aspirations in urban development. Leveraging our expertise in smart parking and EV charging technologies, we provide customized, innovative solutions that enhance efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and optimize urban mobility. Reach out now for a consultation with our experts and uncover how Digital ConsulTx can drive your urban development forward in the era of smart cities.”. They provide scalability and accessibility for various smart city applications. Big data analytics processes this data to provide insights into urban life, helping city planners make informed decisions.



Image for IoT Services

IoT Services

... IoT Services ...

Apar Innosys Pte ltd's Logo

Singapore, Singapore

501-1000 Employees


We are always listening, our ears to the ground, to understand your needs better and to learn from you. Apar Innosys is a leading provider of information technology and consulting services and dedicated to helping the world's leading companies build stronger, new age, digital businesses. It is a crime, according to us, to not innovate or to deliver what is just enough. Combining real-time sensor data with environmental data we provide intelligence of higher order to all the stakeholders in the ecosystem. Across decades, we have estabished ourselves as leaders in product testing using and building a variety of test automation tools. Apar Innosys is a leading provider of information technology and consulting services and dedicated to helping the world’s leading companies build stronger, new age, digital businesses. Traditional business processes, business models and even entire industries are being disrupted as products and services become ever-more digitized. Headquartered in Singapore we partner with the IT industry to provide comprehensive cutting edge technology and business solutions.



Core business



Compacer Germany's Logo

Gärtringen, Germany

11-50 Employees


Die Software ermöglicht das automatisierte Empfangen, Verarbeiten und Senden von Daten jeglicher Art, verbindet die verschiedensten Schnittstellen miteinander und erleichtert die Kommunikation von Partnern, Zulieferern und Händlern innerhalb der Wertschöpfungskette.





... Neue ungeahnte Möglichkeiten mit Smart IoT Services, welche durch die Vernetzung von Partnern und der damit gewonnen Daten möglich werden. ...

DeepInspect's Logo

Rome, Italy

1-10 Employees


DeepInspect’s solution embodies simplification by transforming a complex problem into an easy solution. The DeepInspect expert team has unique capabilities particularly in regard to engineering, patents, sales, and marketing. DeepInspect holds excellent internal skills developed in the cybersecurity industry that will leverage on a cross selling strategy with an already known customer base. DeepInspect’s platform includes the possibility of third-party system integration such as, SOC/SIEM or risk analysis tools. DeepInspect’s platform includes the possibility of third-party system integration such as SOC/SIEM or risk analysis tools. DeepInspect’s platform can be easily integrated with other cyber solutions and can accommodate third party integration. Military and government backgrounds became an inspiration for DeepInspect’s solution. Inventor Antonio Mauro, Founder and CEO of DeepInspect, holds over 20 years of international experience in the cybersecurity field along with a military and government background that became an inspiration for DeepInspect’s solution.






OAS Open AutomationSystems GmbH's Logo

Sinsheim, Germany

11-50 Employees

Die OAS Open AutomationSystems GmbH ist der Anbieter für offene Energiemanagement- und Gebäudeautomationssysteme zur durchgängigen Digitalisierung der technischen Gebäudeausrüstung. Als autorisierter TRIDIUM Distributor vertreiben wir intelligente Hard- und Software- Produkte sowie Lösungen powered by Niagara Framework®. Unser Leistungs- und Produktportfolio bieten wir als Fachhandel und Distributor nur gewerblichen Fachbetrieben, Industriekunden und qualifizierten Systemhauspartnern an. Mit innovativen Produkten, Systemen und Dienstleistungen, qualifiziertem Service und dem hohen Engagement unserer Mitarbeiter arbeiten wir grundsätzlich nach zukunftsorientierten und weltweiten Standards für offene Automatisierungslösungen. Mit SBS - Smart Building Solutions bieten wir intelligente Produkte sowie völlig offene IoT -Lösungen und -Dienstleistungen, die weit über die gewöhnliche Raum- und Gebäudeautomation hinausgehen. Zur Lösung individueller Anforderungen zur Digitalisierung intelligenter Gebäude / Smart Buildings, bieten wir standardisierte und erprobte Hard- und Softwarekomponenten sowie Komplettlösungen an. Gold Distributor bedeutet, dass unsere Produkte und Lösungen bereits in vielen Projekten für offene Energiemanagement- und Gebäudeautomationssysteme installiert wurden. Unsere jahrelange Erfahrung mit Produkten powered by Niagara Framework® gibt uns fundiertes und stets weiterwachsendes Know-How auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden einzugehen und kompetenten Support zu bieten.



Image for SBS Smart Optimizer Raumautomationssystem

SBS Smart Optimizer Raumautomationssystem

... IoT Solutions and Services ...

Suryavanshi Ventures's Logo

Jabalpur, India

1-10 Employees

Welcome to Suryavanshi Ventures, a leading technology company dedicated to transforming businesses and empowering entrepreneurs through innovative solutions. At Suryavanshi Ventures, our mission is to be a catalyst for your success. At Suryavanshi Ventures, we believe in the power of collaboration and strategic partnerships. We are continuously seeking new opportunities for collaboration and partnership with forward-thinking companies to further enhance the value we deliver to our clients. We are always open to forging new alliances and driving innovation through collaboration. Welcome to Suryavanshi Ventures, Our passionate team of developers, entrepreneurs, and problem solvers are dedicated to crafting cutting-edge solutions. At Suryavanshi Ventures, we don't just create software; we engineer solutions for your unparalleled success. Suryavanshi Ventures stands as your trusted partner, ready to transform your ideas into groundbreaking software solutions.



Image for IoT Services

IoT Services

... IoT Services – ...

Semantive's Logo

Warsaw, Poland

11-50 Employees


We help enterprisesbuild new foundations for future growththrough successful cloud transformationand breadth of expertise in applying cloudtechnologies to unlock new possibilities. Shifting operations into the cloud is a major endeavor. We offer a solution to this problem, allowing businesses to revamp their legacy applications and take advantage of the latest technologies. Creating and maintaining cloud solutions is a major engineering challenge.



Image for Cloud IoT Services

Cloud IoT Services

... How our Cloud IoT Services can help you unlock the full potential of the Internet of Things for your business? ...

Senzary llc's Logo

Dover, United States

11-50 Employees


Reduce downtime by 13% or more and save $$ on Maintenance. A complete wireless Energy Management Solution for utilities, industrial plants and office buildings. Combine multiple data metrics and leverage the power of analytics to your business's advantage. Understand how machine learning can transform decision making across your business. Network access for IOT devices , lorawan and RS-485 gateways.



Core business
Image for Industrial IOT Services Provider | Senzary

Industrial IOT Services Provider | Senzary

... Industrial IOT Services Provider | ...

Caburn Connect's Logo

West Lancashire, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees



Image for Safety-Critical Voice IoT Services

Safety-Critical Voice IoT Services

... Safety-Critical Voice IoT Services PRODUCTS, FEATURES & CONNECTIVITY SERVICES VoiceLink PSTN to Digital Converter By 2025, the planned closure of the Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) means traditional landlines must move to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). VoiceLink is ideal for ...

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Facts about those IoT Services Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for IoT Services

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1027
Amount of suitable service providers998
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1997
Youngest suiting company2021

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about IoT Services

What is IoT Services?

IoT Services refer to a comprehensive suite of operations that encompass the design, implementation, and maintenance of connected devices within the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. These services facilitate the seamless exchange and analysis of data among devices, enabling automated and intelligent decision-making processes. The foundation of IoT Services rests on advanced technologies such as cloud computing, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence, which work in tandem to optimize the performance and utility of IoT networks. By integrating these technologies, IoT Services empower organizations across various sectors, including healthcare, manufacturing, and smart cities, to enhance operational efficiency, improve safety, and foster innovation. For instance, in healthcare, IoT Services can lead to more personalized patient care through real-time health monitoring systems. In manufacturing, they contribute to predictive maintenance, reducing downtime and extending the lifespan of machinery. The role of IoT Services is pivotal in driving the digital transformation agenda, as they not only streamline processes but also open avenues for new business models and revenue streams. As the adoption of IoT continues to expand, the demand for robust IoT Services that can secure, manage, and analyze the vast amount of data generated by connected devices will become increasingly critical. This evolution signifies a transformative phase in how industries operate, making IoT Services a cornerstone of modern technological infrastructure.

Advantages of IoT Services

1. Enhanced Efficiency
IoT services streamline processes across various industries by automating tasks that traditionally require manual intervention. This automation not only reduces the risk of human error but also allows businesses to allocate their resources more effectively, leading to improved productivity.

2. Real-Time Data Access
One of the most significant advantages of IoT services is the ability to collect and analyze data in real time. This immediate access to data empowers businesses to make informed decisions quickly, adapt to market changes, and identify potential issues before they escalate, ensuring a proactive approach to problem-solving.

3. Cost Reduction
By optimizing operations and improving resource allocation, IoT services help businesses significantly reduce operational costs. Energy savings, decreased downtime, and lower maintenance costs are just a few ways through which IoT technologies can achieve cost efficiencies.

4. Improved Customer Experience
IoT services enable businesses to understand their customers better by gathering and analyzing data on consumer behavior. This insight allows for the personalization of services and products, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How to select right IoT Services supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Expertise and Experience in IoT
Ensure the supplier has a proven track record in delivering IoT services, with specific examples of past projects and their outcomes.

2. Security Protocols
Evaluate their approach to data security and privacy, including how they protect against potential breaches and their compliance with relevant regulations.

3. Scalability and Flexibility
Consider whether their IoT solutions can scale according to your business needs and how flexible they are in adapting to new technologies or changes in your requirements.

4. Integration Capabilities
Assess their ability to integrate with existing systems and platforms within your organization, ensuring seamless communication and data flow between devices.

5. Technical Support and Maintenance
Check the level of technical support offered, including availability, response times, and maintenance services to ensure reliable operation of IoT devices and systems.

6. Cost-Effectiveness
Analyze the cost structure of their services, including initial setup costs, ongoing fees, and any potential hidden costs, to ensure it aligns with your budget and delivers value for money.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for IoT Services?

In the manufacturing sector, IoT services revolutionize production lines through predictive maintenance. By continuously monitoring equipment status, these services can predict failures before they occur, minimizing downtime and saving substantial costs. This use case extends beyond just machinery to encompass entire operational frameworks, enabling smarter, more efficient manufacturing processes. In the realm of logistics and supply chain management, IoT plays a pivotal role in enhancing transparency and efficiency. By equipping packages and containers with IoT sensors, businesses can track real-time location and condition, ensuring goods are delivered in optimal condition while streamlining inventory management. This visibility is crucial for maintaining the integrity of perishable goods and high-value items. In agriculture, IoT services are transforming traditional farming practices into precision agriculture. Sensors deployed across fields monitor soil moisture, temperature, and nutrient levels, providing data-driven insights for optimal planting, watering, and harvesting. This approach maximizes yield, reduces waste, and ensures sustainable farming practices, highlighting the transformative power of IoT in enhancing food security. Energy management in commercial buildings benefits significantly from IoT services. By optimizing energy consumption through smart lighting, HVAC systems, and energy monitoring sensors, businesses can achieve significant cost savings while contributing to environmental sustainability. This use case demonstrates IoT's capability to create more intelligent, efficient, and sustainable business operations across various sectors.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of IoT Services

IoT (Internet of Things) services have advanced significantly, reaching a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL), typically situated between TRL 7 to TRL 9. This range indicates that IoT technology has moved beyond prototype testing in controlled environments to actual system completions and real-world operational testing. The ascension to this TRL bracket is primarily due to the maturation of underlying technologies such as sensor development, wireless communication, and data analytics capabilities. The miniaturization and cost reduction of sensors have allowed for widespread deployment across various sectors, from smart homes to industrial monitoring. Concurrently, enhancements in wireless technology, including the rollout of 5G networks, have facilitated faster, more reliable data transmission, essential for the real-time functionality that many IoT applications require. Furthermore, advancements in big data analytics and machine learning algorithms have enabled the handling and interpretation of vast amounts of data generated by IoT devices, turning raw data into actionable insights. The convergence of these technical milestones has propelled IoT services to their current readiness level, showcasing their capacity for integration and operation within diverse and demanding operational contexts.

What is the Technology Forecast of IoT Services?

In the Short-Term, the Internet of Things (IoT) services are expected to focus on enhancing connectivity and security. With the advent of 5G technology, faster and more reliable connections will enable real-time data transfer and processing, significantly improving efficiency in various sectors. Security improvements, driven by advanced encryption methods and blockchain technology, will address growing concerns over data privacy and device vulnerability, laying a robust foundation for IoT expansion. Moving into the Mid-Term, IoT services will likely concentrate on integration and interoperability across platforms and devices. This phase will witness the development of standardized protocols and APIs to facilitate seamless communication between different IoT ecosystems. The emergence of AI and machine learning algorithms will further bolster this integration, enabling predictive maintenance, enhanced user experiences, and more autonomous systems. These advancements will propel IoT from mere connectivity to true smart functionality across homes, industries, and cities. In the Long-Term, the focus will shift towards the realization of fully autonomous IoT systems and the development of quantum computing. These systems will be capable of self-repair, adaptation, and decision-making without human intervention, marking a significant leap towards the Internet of Everything (IoE). Quantum computing, on the other hand, will revolutionize data processing capabilities, making it possible to handle the exponentially growing data from billions of IoT devices, thus unlocking new frontiers in IoT services and applications.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about IoT Services Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for IoT Services

Based on our calculations related technologies to IoT Services are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in IoT Services are DeepInspect


Senzary llc

The most represented industries which are working in IoT Services are Information Technology, Software, Hardware, Internet Services, Professional Services

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