Robotic Harvesting
Robotic Harvesting

Top Robotic Harvesting Companies

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15 companies for Robotic Harvesting

Xihelm's Logo

London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


At Xihelm AI, robotics, and mechanical engineering converge to transform agrifood. Our Robots as a Service (RaaS) model offers comprehensive grower solutions. Engineers, PhD researchers, and computer scientists collaborate at Xihelm.



Core business
Image for Robotic Harvesting for Glasshouse Fruit and Veg – Xihelm Ltd

Robotic Harvesting for Glasshouse Fruit and Veg – Xihelm Ltd

... Xihelm’s robotic harvesting solution is powered by the world’s largest 3D tomato dataset. Fast, efficient and reliable, it’s in use with major growers now. ...

Four Growers's Logo

Pittsburgh, United States

1-10 Employees


We are working closely with various greenhouse growers to develop a tomato harvesting robot. We believe greenhouses are the future of the farming industry:. Four Growers was founded to provide healthy, affordable, local produce by reducing the production costs of greenhouse growers through robotics technology.



Core business
Image for About | Four Growers

About | Four Growers

... Four Growers creates harvesting robotics for greenhouses. ...

Advanced Farm Technologies's Logo

Davis, United States

11-50 Employees


Combining advanced robotics and AI-driven automation, it ensures gentle handling and providing opportunity for 24/7 harvest. We try to under-promise and over-deliver, learning and adapting as we go (and listening a lot along the way). Everyone is a stakeholder in improving the working conditions of farmworkers everywhere. We aim to automate the toughest tasks and provide career advancement through technology. Designed to fit most vertical wall trellis systems, our apple harvester provides you an alternative harvesting solution that is cost competitive to manual labor today. Experience unparalleled efficiency with our advanced Robotic Strawberry Harvester, a cutting-edge solution designed to revolutionize strawberry farming.



Core business
Image for | Robots for farming's next frontier : | Robots for farming's next frontier :

... Future of Agriculture Podcast: Robotic Harvesting and Beyond with Kyle Cobb of advanced. ...

Dogtooth's Logo

Royston, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


We are assured these are not all at the same time. Before joining Dogtooth, Tom lead a team that successfully encoded data into DNA; storing Wikipedia in DNA. Chris has joined Dogtooth recently after spending over 35 years in the Aerospace industry working in the UK and USA. Tom joined Dogtooth as an Annotator in 2021 and moved into the position of Annotations Manager a little over a year later in December 2022. We are already working with customers across the country and internationally. Dogtooth’s patented inspection system uses 360 degree imaging of every picked berry to determine mass and ripeness and identify a wide range of defects. Dr Nick Scott has almost thirty years experience of manufacturing and engineering. Cat spent 8 years prior to Dogtooth working on engineering projects across Aerospace & Defence, Medical, Life Sciences and Industrial sectors.



Core business
Image for Dogtooth Technologies – Addressing labour shortages using intelligent robotics

Dogtooth Technologies – Addressing labour shortages using intelligent robotics

... Interested in Robotic Harvesting on your farm? ...

NeuPeak Robotics's Logo

Vancouver, Canada

1-10 Employees


Let labour shortage be a thing of the past. Our robots scan every fruit, and every plant on your field, and provide you with inisghts you need to get the best outcome. Pick at night to increase fruit shelf life and profit margins. 2021 Grow-NY $500,000 Winner 2021 Grow-NY 2nd Place Winner. Bloomberg Interview - "Strawberry picking robots give hope to B.C. farmers amid worker shortage".



Core business
Image for Neupeak | Feeding the Future

Neupeak | Feeding the Future

... Feeding the Future   Robotic Harvesting Solutions for Greenhouses and ...

SoftGrip's Logo

11-50 Employees


Research and develop low-cost, soft robotic grippers having built-in actuation, sensing and embodied intelligence that enable safe-grasping, adaptability to object shape, and grasping versatility for reliable and efficient picking of mushrooms, and secondarily, of other agricultural produce with similar handling dynamics such as soft fruit (kiwifruit, berries, grapes etc.). All of this is to improve our services. We use Google Analytics to collect anonymous statistical information such as the number of visitors to our site. The implementation of Artificial Intelligence innovation and robotic automation can facilitate delicate harvesting, boost production, and decrease labour costs for European SMEs in the mushroom farming sector. SoftGrip will employ new manufacturing techniques to embed deep into the soft material sensing elements.



Core business
Image for Soft Robotic Gripperfor delicate produce harvesting

Soft Robotic Gripperfor delicate produce harvesting

... Soft Robotic Gripperfor delicate produce harvesting ...

EB Tech's Logo

Kajang Municipal Council, Malaysia

1-10 Employees


We are a technology arm of Edaberan Group Sdn. We are here to uplift the lives of communities on a larger scale. We are dedicated to leverage technology to produce real result. We are solving major problems in the Palm Oil Industry. Uplift lives of communities through inclusive innovative technology. Those are the goals we in EB Tech strive to provide. With that, we in EB Tech firmly believe that we are capable of solving industries’ major problems and inefficiencies by leveraging AI in this new industrial age. We must be passionate about what we are doing as a company.



Core business
Image for Palm Oil Harvesting Robotic System

Palm Oil Harvesting Robotic System

... Palm Oil Harvesting Robotic ...

The Mushroom Machine Company's Logo

Lisburn, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


This has been to ensure that the Gamechanger will operate in basically all mushroom growing rooms across the world reliably and without problems. The Gamechanger is the most popular semi-robotic mushroom harvesting innovation in Europe, Asia and North America. It follows more than 7 years Research & Development and the production of numerous prototypes. The Mushroom Machine Company has redesigned and improved their innovative punnet slide. This innovation will improve productivity by over 100% and will complement existing picking infrastructure even where picking isles are narrow.



Image for The Gamechanger - Mushroom Harvesting Robotics & Automation

The Gamechanger - Mushroom Harvesting Robotics & Automation

... The Gamechanger uses state of the art Harvesting Robotics & Automation Technology in order to transfer the products from the belt into the punnet. ...

Automation Experts CA's Logo

Calgary, Canada

1-10 Employees


Developing a patent-able or trade secret automated solution using existing technology to perform key tasks in your industry can put you solidly ahead of the competition and allows you to own and exclude others from using the patented process. Eliminate employee exposure to harmful chemicals, high pressure, radiation, rotating equipment, and other safety hazards. Reduce costs related to standby safety personnel, scaffolding, fall protection, personal protective equipment (PPE), work related injuries, insurance claims, and much more. Some products/parts are difficult for people to manufacture accurately and consistently. Automation increases tolerance, quality, and consistency of your finished parts and helps reduce the need for quality control.



Image for HARV – Harvesting Automation Robotic Vehicle – Automation Experts

HARV – Harvesting Automation Robotic Vehicle – Automation Experts

... HARV – Harvesting Automation Robotic Vehicle – Automation ...

Nanovel Israel LTD's Logo

United States

1-10 Employees


Mevo Carmel Industrial Park, Ramot Menashe | Israel.



Core business
Image for To solve this problem, Nanovel is introducing an innovative robotic solution for autonomous harvesting for a variety of tree fruit.

To solve this problem, Nanovel is introducing an innovative robotic solution for autonomous harvesting for a variety of tree fruit.

... To solve this problem, Nanovel is introducing an innovative robotic solution for autonomous harvesting for a variety of tree fruit. ...

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Facts about those Robotic Harvesting Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Robotic Harvesting

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers8
Amount of suitable service providers3
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2014
Youngest suiting company2021

Things to know about Robotic Harvesting

What is Robotic Harvesting?

Robotic harvesting refers to the application of autonomous robots equipped with advanced sensors, artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms to perform agricultural tasks such as picking, sorting, and packaging crops. These robots are designed to navigate through fields, accurately identify ripe produce using visual or spectral sensors, and gently harvest them without causing damage. This technology represents a significant leap forward in agricultural efficiency, addressing challenges such as labor shortages, the need for high precision in picking, and the reduction of waste due to overripening or damage during manual handling. By optimizing the harvesting process, robotic harvesting not only enhances productivity but also contributes to sustainability by minimizing the environmental impact associated with traditional farming practices. Its role extends beyond mere automation, as it provides valuable data analytics for yield optimization, pest management, and crop health monitoring, thereby supporting informed decision-making and advancing precision agriculture. As such, robotic harvesting is poised to revolutionize the agricultural sector, offering solutions that improve food security, reduce operational costs, and promote the well-being of the global ecosystem.

Advantages of Robotic Harvesting

1. Increased Efficiency
Robotic harvesting systems are designed to operate around the clock, significantly reducing the time required to harvest crops compared to manual labor. This continuous operation ensures a faster turnaround from field to market, enhancing productivity.

2. Reduced Labor Costs
One of the most notable benefits of implementing robotic harvesting technology is the substantial reduction in labor costs. As these machines can perform the tasks of several human workers at once, farmers can save on labor expenses, making agricultural operations more economically viable.

3. Improved Accuracy and Quality
Robots are equipped with advanced sensors and vision systems that allow for precise picking, ensuring that only ripe and undamaged produce is harvested. This precision reduces waste and improves the overall quality of the produce, leading to higher satisfaction among consumers.

4. Enhanced Sustainability
Robotic harvesters are designed to be more energy-efficient and can be powered by renewable energy sources, reducing the carbon footprint of farming operations. Additionally, their precision reduces the need for chemical inputs, supporting more sustainable agricultural practices.

How to select right Robotic Harvesting supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Technical Competency
Ensure the supplier has a strong background in robotics and agricultural technology, with proven capabilities in developing efficient robotic harvesting systems.

2. Customization Options
Look for suppliers that offer customizable solutions. The ability to tailor the robotic system to specific crops and environments is crucial for maximizing yield and efficiency.

3. Durability and Maintenance
Evaluate the durability of the machinery. Suppliers should also provide comprehensive maintenance services to ensure long-term reliability.

4. Cost-Effectiveness
Consider the overall cost, including initial investment, maintenance, and potential savings in labor. The right supplier offers a balance between quality and affordability.

5. Integration Capability
The robotic system should seamlessly integrate with existing farm management software and equipment, enhancing rather than complicating the workflow.

6. After-Sales Support
Assess the level of after-sales support, including training for staff, technical support, and availability of spare parts. Good after-sales service is indicative of a reliable supplier.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Robotic Harvesting?

Robotic harvesting technologies are revolutionizing the agricultural sector by enabling precision farming. These robots are equipped with advanced sensors and AI algorithms that can identify ripe fruits and vegetables, ensuring that only mature produce is harvested. This technology significantly reduces waste and increases the efficiency of the harvesting process, making it a valuable asset for large-scale farming operations seeking to optimize yield and reduce labor costs. In the greenhouse and indoor farming industry, robotic harvesting systems are tailored to operate in constrained spaces, performing tasks such as planting, pruning, and harvesting. These robots are designed to handle delicate produce like herbs and leafy greens, minimizing damage and extending shelf life. Their deployment helps businesses maintain consistent production levels year-round, regardless of external weather conditions, thereby ensuring a steady supply to meet market demand. Another noteworthy application of robotic harvesting is in the forestry sector. Here, robots equipped with cutting-edge technology are used for selective logging, identifying and harvesting only specific trees. This method supports sustainable forest management by preserving the overall health of the forest ecosystem. Robotic harvesters, with their precision and efficiency, are instrumental in reducing the environmental impact of logging practices, promoting a more sustainable approach to timber production. These use cases exemplify the versatility and efficiency of robotic harvesting technologies across various industries, showcasing their potential to transform traditional practices into more sustainable, productive, and cost-effective operations.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Robotic Harvesting

Robotic harvesting technology currently hovers around TRL 5 to 6, indicating that the technology has been validated in a relevant environment, albeit not yet fully operational in real-world conditions. This positioning stems from several technical challenges and developments in progress. Firstly, the intricacy of handling various crops, each with its unique physical characteristics and harvesting requirements, poses a significant obstacle. Robots must be equipped with advanced vision systems, tactile sensors, and algorithms capable of identifying ripeness and delicately handling produce without causing damage. Additionally, the variability of outdoor conditions such as lighting, weather, and terrain complicates the robot's operation and reliability. Despite these challenges, progress in artificial intelligence and machine learning has enabled more sophisticated decision-making processes, allowing robots to adapt and make informed harvesting decisions. Furthermore, advancements in robotic mobility and dexterity have improved, yet the technology is not fully matured to operate across the broad spectrum of agricultural environments without human intervention. The convergence of these technical factors delineates why robotic harvesting is at this particular stage of development, showcasing a promising yet partially realized potential within the agricultural sector.

What is the Technology Forecast of Robotic Harvesting?

In the Short-Term, robotic harvesting is poised for significant advancements in precision and efficiency. With the integration of AI and machine learning algorithms, these robots are expected to improve in identifying ripe crops for harvest with greater accuracy. Enhanced sensor technology will also play a crucial role, enabling robots to navigate through fields more adeptly, reducing crop damage and increasing yield. Mid-Term developments will likely see the advent of fully autonomous robotic systems capable of managing entire harvesting processes. This period will witness the rise of swarm robotics, where groups of robots will collaborate to complete tasks more efficiently than individual machines or human labor. The incorporation of advanced data analytics will further optimize harvesting routes and schedules, reducing energy consumption and operational costs. Looking into the Long-Term, robotic harvesting technologies are expected to revolutionize agriculture with the integration of cutting-edge innovations like nano-technology and advanced genetic algorithms. These advancements will enable robots to adapt in real-time to changing environmental conditions and crop health, ensuring optimal harvests with minimal human intervention. Moreover, the sustainability aspect will be significantly enhanced, with robots powered by renewable energy sources, further reducing the carbon footprint of farming operations.

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