
Top Smart Phone Companies

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2984 companies for Smart Phone

Tekcom Côte d'Ivoire's Logo

Tekcom Côte d'Ivoire

Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

1-10 Employees


J'ai lu et accepte les termes et les conditions.

Core business

Smart phone & Tablettes

... Smart phone & ...

The Phone House Gifhorn's Logo

The Phone House Gifhorn


1-10 Employees


Wir sind auf Google top bewertet und freuen uns über 4,9 von 5 Sternen. Ein Angebot von: Telekom Deutschland GmbH, Landgrabenweg 151, 53227 Bonn.


Leistungen - Smart Phone House Gifhorn

... Deine regionalen Experten vom Smart Phone House Gifhorn sind immer für dich da! ...



Regensburg, Germany

1-10 Employees


Wir ersetzen dein gebrochenes Display durch ein originales Display vom Hersteller. Dabei verbauen wir nur originale Akkus vom Hersteller. Durch unsere langjährige Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet der Smartphone-Reparatur, können wir Eines mit Sicherheit sagen: es soll einfach schnell und unkompliziert gehen! Qualität & Pünktlichkeit – Wir setzen nur auf Originalteile von offiziellen Herstellern und verwenden keine Billigware.

Core business

Smart Phone

... Smart Phone ...

Smart & Phone GmbH's Logo

Smart & Phone GmbH

Hamburg, Germany

1-10 Employees


Wir sind dein persönliches Vergleichsportal für Smartphones und Tarife. Wir sind unabhängig von allen Anbietern und können dir unvoreingenommen den für dich passenden Anbieter und Tarif empfehlen.Wir beraten dich gerne! Bei Smart&Phone findest du garantiertdas für dich passende Angebot. Top-Angebote vergleichen und günstigen Handyvertrag mit oder ohne Handy finden.

Core business

Smart & Phone - Einfach Mobil | 360° Service rund um dein Handy

... Smart & Phone - Unabhängige Tarifberatung - Wir helfen dir bei der Suche nach dem besten und günstigsten Handytarif mit oder ohne Handy. ...

Brahmam Ring Tones's Logo

Brahmam Ring Tones

Macherla, India

- Employees


Laptop and Hdd chip level service available in Macherla… ServiceDunia offers multi brand laptops and desktops chip level service and repair. Xiaomi Redmi 5A is available with limited stock only GrabIt Early ..

Core business

Brahmam Ring Tones - Smart Phone sales and Service.

... Brahmam Ring Tones - Smart Phone sales and Service. ...

WeCanFixAnything's Logo


Blackburn, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees



Your No 1 Apple Smart Phone, iPad and Computer Repair Specialist

... Your No 1 Apple Smart Phone, iPad and Computer Repair ...

Bullion Digital Marketing's Logo

Bullion Digital Marketing

Shrewsbury, United States

1-10 Employees



Geofencing with Smart Phones

... Bullion Digital Marketing is a full-service digital marketing agency specializing in geofencing with smart phone technology, search engine optimization, social media management, and web design. ...



London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees




... smart-phone - Kalel ...

Green Security's Logo

Green Security

Seneca, United States

11-50 Employees


We are passionate about our customers and everything we do is geared towards them!

Core business

Smart Phone Technology

... Smart Phone ...

Stor-Guard's Logo


Vancouver, United States

1-10 Employees


We are here to find a solution just for you. Being both an inventor, and an innovator, John constantly works to improve and develop products to aid in the security and automation of Self-Storage facilities. Sue Wollam has been Chief Financial Officer of Stor-Guard since opening in 2011. In this position, Sue is responsible for the overall financial health and strategy of Stor-Guard, as well as human resources. We offer some of the industry’s most innovative products, supported by our experienced and friendly staff. Our systems deliver reliability and durability to assure maximum results with a minimum amount of effort. We believe in supporting our customers and forming lasting relationships. They provide top notch equipment that is simple to use, and highly effective.


Smart Phone Entry

... Enjoy hassle-free smart phone entry and eliminate keypad codes for your customers. ...

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Insights about the Smart Phone results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Smart Phone

Country with most fitting companiesUnited Kingdom
Amount of fitting manufacturers2636
Amount of suitable service providers2172
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2000
Youngest suiting company2018

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Smart Phone

What is Smart Phone?

A smartphone is a multifunctional mobile device that combines the functionalities of a traditional cell phone with those of other popular consumer electronics, including a personal digital assistant (PDA), media player, GPS navigation unit, and digital camera, in one compact package. Unlike basic cell phones, smartphones are characterized by their powerful on-board computing capability and extensive connectivity options. These devices operate on sophisticated operating systems (OS) that support a wide range of applications and services, enabling not just communication through voice and text, but also providing seamless access to the internet, email, and social media, alongside the ability to capture and share multimedia content. The advent of smartphones has dramatically transformed the telecommunications landscape, shifting the primary function of mobile phones from that of mere communication tools to essential devices for information, entertainment, and personal management. This transformation has spurred significant advancements in mobile technology, fostering a new era of digital innovation where smartphones serve as central hubs for smart device connectivity and as platforms for countless mobile applications, thereby playing a pivotal role in the way individuals interact with the world around them. Their widespread adoption and versatility have made smartphones instrumental in shaping modern society's social, economic, and technological landscapes.

Advantages of Smart Phone

1. Enhanced Connectivity
Smartphones provide unparalleled connectivity options compared to traditional mobile phones or other devices. They allow users to stay connected through various means like calls, texts, emails, and social media platforms - all from a single device. This multi-functionality ensures that users can maintain personal and professional relationships effortlessly, regardless of their location.

2. Access to Information
One of the most significant advantages of smartphones is their ability to access information instantly. Whether it's searching for directions, checking the weather, or looking up facts, smartphones put a world of information at your fingertips. This easy access to information aids in decision-making and learning, making smartphones an invaluable tool for education and daily life.

3. Versatile Functionality
Smartphones are essentially mini-computers, offering a wide range of functionalities that go beyond making calls and sending messages. From high-quality cameras and portable media players to navigation systems and gaming devices, smartphones consolidate multiple gadgets into one, saving space and money. This versatility makes them an indispensable tool for both work and leisure.

4. Customization Options
Unlike many alternative options, smartphones offer extensive customization opportunities. Users can download a variety of apps to tailor their devices to their personal or professional needs, ranging from fitness trackers to productivity tools. This level of personalization enhances the user experience, making smartphones adaptable to virtually any lifestyle or requirement.

How to select right Smart Phone supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Product Quality Assurance
Ensure the supplier provides smartphones with the latest technology, high-quality materials, and durability tests to minimize defects and returns.

2. Supply Chain Reliability
Check for a robust and transparent supply chain that guarantees timely deliveries and has contingency plans for disruptions, ensuring consistent stock availability.

3. Cost-Effectiveness
Assess if their pricing structure offers competitive rates without compromising on smartphone quality, to ensure good margins and customer satisfaction.

4. After-Sales Support
Confirm the availability of comprehensive after-sales support, including warranty, repair services, and customer service responsiveness, to enhance customer loyalty.

5. Regulatory Compliance
Verify that the supplier adheres to international standards and regulations regarding electronics, to avoid legal issues and ensure product safety.

6. Technological Innovation
Choose suppliers that continuously innovate and update their smartphone offerings, keeping pace with technological advancements to attract tech-savvy consumers.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Smart Phone?

Smartphones have revolutionized business operations across various sectors, offering unparalleled connectivity and efficiency. In the healthcare industry, they facilitate remote patient monitoring and telehealth services, enabling healthcare providers to offer timely advice and consultations through apps and video calls. This use case significantly enhances patient care and accessibility to medical services, especially in remote areas. In logistics and supply chain management, smartphones are instrumental in tracking shipments and inventory in real time. Drivers and logistics personnel use specialized apps to update delivery statuses, scan barcodes, and manage schedules, improving the accuracy of supply chain operations and customer service. The retail sector benefits from smartphones through mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) systems. Retail workers can process payments, manage inventory, and interact with customers directly from the shop floor, offering a more dynamic and personalized shopping experience. In the field of professional services, smartphones serve as a hub for project management and collaboration. Teams can access cloud-based documents, communicate through messaging apps, and schedule meetings, ensuring that projects progress smoothly despite geographical distances. Lastly, in the manufacturing industry, smartphones aid in equipment monitoring and maintenance. Workers can receive alerts about machine performance issues, access maintenance records, and even control machinery remotely, reducing downtime and enhancing productivity.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Smart Phone

Smartphones are at Technology Readiness Level 9 (TRL 9), which represents the highest level of readiness. This classification is due to their widespread commercial deployment and the extensive testing they have undergone in real-world environments. Smartphones have evolved significantly from their inception, integrating advanced functionalities such as multi-touch interfaces, high-resolution cameras, and powerful processors capable of running complex applications. These devices now support robust software ecosystems, offering millions of applications that cater to a wide array of user needs. The technological advancements in battery life, connectivity options such as 4G LTE and 5G, and sensor technology, including GPS and accelerometers, further affirm their status at TRL 9. Manufacturers continuously refine these technologies through iterative design and user feedback, ensuring reliability and efficiency. The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning for personalized experiences and improved operational efficiency exemplifies the ongoing innovation within this space, solidifying the smartphone's position at the pinnacle of technology readiness. This high TRL signifies not only the maturity of the technology but also its proven capacity to meet various consumer demands in a dynamic technological landscape.

What is the Technology Forecast of Smart Phone?

In the Short-Term, smart phones are expected to see significant improvements in battery technology and camera capabilities. Fast charging will become even faster, allowing phones to charge completely within minutes, while camera technology will focus on enhancing low-light photography and implementing advanced AI for better image processing. These advancements will make devices more efficient and elevate the photography experience for users. Looking into the Mid-Term, we anticipate the integration of foldable displays and 5G technology to become more widespread. This period will see smart phones becoming more versatile in their form factors, offering users larger screens in more compact devices. Additionally, the full adoption of 5G will ensure faster data speeds, lower latency, and improved connectivity, enabling more seamless online experiences, including in areas like streaming and gaming. In the Long-Term, smart phones are expected to evolve into truly intelligent devices with the incorporation of cutting-edge technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies will make smart phones more intuitive and personalized, capable of offering real-time information overlay and intelligent assistance based on the user's environment and habits. Moreover, advancements in material science could lead to more durable, eco-friendly phones, setting new standards for sustainability in the tech industry.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Smart Phone Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Smart Phone

Based on our calculations related technologies to Smart Phone are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

The most represented industries which are working in Smart Phone are Other, Telecommunications, IT, Software and Services, Retail, Electronics and Electrical engineering

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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