VR Hardware
VR Hardware

Top VR Hardware Companies

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61 companies for VR Hardware

simGame.shop's Logo

Bennekom, Netherlands

1-10 Employees


Creeer je eigen Ferrari sim-racing ervaring met de producten vanThrustmaster en Next Level Racing. Voor game-seats en geassembleerde producten geldt een afwijkende levertijd. Wanneer je hardware koopt bij simGame.shop ben je er van verzekerd dat je geniet van een optimale game-ervaring.



Core business
Image for simGame.shop - Racen, rijden, vliegen – simGame shop

simGame.shop - Racen, rijden, vliegen – simGame shop

... Wij hebben een grote voorraad race sturen, joysticks, game seats en VR-hardware. Bekijk onze site. ...

Virtual Reality Training Solutions's Logo

Regina, Canada

1-10 Employees


Virtual Reality Training Solutions (VRTS) has the technology to make your training more immersive, more realistic and more retainable than current classroom-style courses. VRTS offers cutting-edge virtual and augmented training programs that provide realistic, immersive experiences where and when you need it at a price you can afford. VRTS provides real-world scenarios without the real-world danger. Unlike classroom training, VRTS delivers immersive, realistic training that students retain now and when they need it on the job. VRTS can create realistic simulations learners can try before venturing out onto your company’s equipment. VRTS can build training programs you can offer across locations, eliminating the need for travel. We are currently developing safety training modules for use with Virtual Reality systems. A division of Melcher Studios, Virtual Reality Training Solutions (VRTS) has the technology to create training that is more:.



Core business
Image for VRTS - Virtual Reality Safety Training Solutions

VRTS - Virtual Reality Safety Training Solutions

... VR-Hardware ...


Dusseldorf, Germany

11-50 Employees


Wir entwickeln XR-basierte Bildungsanwendungen, die Auszubildende, aber auch Fachkräfte und Patienten beim motivierten und sicheren Lernen unterstützen.



Image for Dialyse: Orientierung - Weltenmacher

Dialyse: Orientierung - Weltenmacher


Langer IT Solutions GmbH's Logo

Unterhaching, Germany

1-10 Employees


Wir stimmen die technischen Anforderungen, vorhandenen IT Lösungen und Projektziele perfekt aufeinander ab, arbeiten erfolgreich mit interdisziplinären Partnern zusammen und pflegen strategische Partnerschaften mit Herstellern, Zulieferern und Partnerunternehmen.



Image for High Performance Hardware & VR-Systeme - Langer IT Solutions GmbH

High Performance Hardware & VR-Systeme - Langer IT Solutions GmbH

... High Performance Hardware & VR-Systeme - Langer IT Solutions ...


London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Founded in 2014, Altergaze is a Creative Technology company with a wide portfolio of Originial IP — Games, Tools and Hardware products, created in-house with full ownership. With over 15 years of experience working with the biggest studios for Advertising, Hollywood Films and state of the art Interactive Installations, our skills are second to none, delivering only the highest of standards.



Core business
Image for Altergaze


... Founded in 2014, Altergaze is a Creative Technology company with a wide portfolio of Originial IP — Games, VR Hardware, Tools, including Studio Services. ...

VIL | Virtuelles Interaktives Lernen's Logo

Langenfeld (Rheinland), Germany

11-50 Employees

VIL sprüht nur vor Tatendrang und dem Willen, etwas vorantreiben zu wollen. Wir bieten Ihnen Komplettlösungen und Tools für schulische, universitäre und innerbetriebliche Wissensvermittlung. Unser Produkt wird in Deutschland gefertigt und erfüllt höchste Qualitätsansprüche. Dabei greifen wir zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt bevorzugt auf die Geräte des Herstellers PICO zurück und bieten hier Ausführungen aller Abstufungen an Bewegungsachsen in der virtuellen Welt (3DoF und 6DoF). Unsere Bibliothek an VR-Inhalten eignet sich aufgrund der angebotenen VR-Anwendungen und 360°-Videos besonders für den Einsatz in der Sekundarstufe. Seit 2022 arbeiten wir zusammen und konnten die VR-Lösungen im Rahmen von Medienprojekten für Schulen und die betriebliche Weiterbildung einsetzen. Und erleben die virtuellen Lernwelten im Rahmen einer Live-Präsentation im VIL-Office.



Image for Unsere VR-Lösung: Hardware, Software, Content

Unsere VR-Lösung: Hardware, Software, Content

... Unsere VR-Lösung: Hardware, Software, ...


Kyiv, Ukraine

51-100 Employees


Yet, this is just a beginning, our eyes are already set on delivering a paradigm shift for customer service in after-sales processes. A product family dedicated to taking the management of your enterprise resources to the next level. Furthermore, domain specific solutions are available and represented in products such as LogiCore Parking and LogiCore Traffic Control. You can get in touch with us to learn more about this product and its use cases for your enterprise. Software and hardware solution which provides detailed information about vehicle systems and allows you to test them before you make a purchase.



Core business
Image for Nexcore.ai


... VR and Hardware ...

AjnaLens's Logo

Thane, India

11-50 Employees




Core business
Image for AjnaLens : India’s Leading AR/VR Hardware & Software solution provider

AjnaLens : India’s Leading AR/VR Hardware & Software solution provider

... AjnaLens : India’s Leading AR/VR Hardware & Software solution ...

XR Group's Logo

Roermond, Netherlands

1-10 Employees




Core business
Image for Welkom bij de XR group, de experts op het gebied van 3D, VR, AR en MR hardware en software

Welkom bij de XR group, de experts op het gebied van 3D, VR, AR en MR hardware en software

... Welkom bij de XR group, de experts op het gebied van 3D, VR, AR en MR hardware en ...

VR Expert D-A-CH's Logo

Frechen, Germany

1-10 Employees


Ja, seit April 2022 haben wir auch ein Angebot für Verbraucher, einschließlich des exklusiven Pico Neo3 Link. Für den geschäftlichen Gebrauch kann das Mieten einer VR-Brille eine Lösung bieten. Dies macht es zu einer anderen Technologie als die virtuelle Realität, die eine völlig andere Welt zeigt. Beide Technologien bieten einzigartige Möglichkeiten, eine Botschaft zu vermitteln und das Leben einfacher oder angenehmer zu gestalten. Google Glass ist ein bekanntes Beispiel für ein Produkt, das speziell für AR-Anwendungen entwickelt wurde. Es ist jedoch sicherlich nicht das einzige Produkt. Der billigste Weg, Augmented Reality zu nutzen, ist ein Aryzon-Smartphone-Halter. Die billigste Möglichkeit, Augmented Reality zu verwenden, ist ein Kartonhalter mit einem speziellen Fenster, in dem ein Standard-Smartphone verwendet wird.



Core business
Image for VR & AR Hardware, Software & Service für Unternehmen | VR Expert

VR & AR Hardware, Software & Service für Unternehmen | VR Expert

... VR & AR Hardware, Software & Service für Unternehmen | VR ...

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Facts about those VR Hardware Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for VR Hardware

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers43
Amount of suitable service providers30
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2011
Youngest suiting company2020

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about VR Hardware

What is VR Hardware?

VR Hardware refers to the physical components and devices that facilitate virtual reality experiences by immersing users in a computer-generated environment that simulates a three-dimensional world. This category encompasses a wide range of equipment, including head-mounted displays (HMDs), motion trackers, gloves, and controllers, each designed to enhance the sensory experience of the user. HMDs, for instance, are equipped with screens and lenses to project the virtual environment directly before the user's eyes, often accompanied by integrated headphones to deliver spatial audio, further deepening the immersion. Motion trackers and sensors capture the user's movements, translating them into real-time interactions within the virtual space, while tactile gloves and advanced controllers can simulate touch or pressure, offering a more nuanced and interactive engagement with the virtual environment. The impact of VR hardware is profound across various industries, from entertainment and gaming, where it provides immersive and interactive user experiences, to education and training, where it offers realistic simulations and environments for practical learning and skill development. In healthcare, VR hardware is employed for therapy and rehabilitation, offering controlled environments for patients to work through physical or psychological challenges. The continuous advancement in VR technology promises to further expand its applications and improve its accessibility, signaling a significant shift in how humans interact with digital content and environments.

Advantages of VR Hardware

1. Immersive Experience
VR hardware offers an unparalleled level of immersion compared to traditional gaming consoles or computer setups. By stimulating both the visual and auditory senses in a 3D space, users can feel as if they are truly inside the virtual world, enhancing the overall engagement and enjoyment.

2. Interactive Learning
The interactive capabilities of VR hardware make it a powerful tool for education and training. Users can practice skills and absorb information in a safe, controlled environment, which can improve retention rates and understanding significantly over reading or passive observation.

3. Physical Activity
Unlike other forms of digital entertainment that encourage sedentary behavior, many VR applications require physical movement, promoting exercise and health. This aspect of VR can make staying active more fun and accessible, especially for those who may not enjoy traditional forms of exercise.

4. Enhanced Collaboration
VR hardware enables a new level of collaboration and communication for teams, especially in remote settings. Participants can interact in a shared virtual space as if they were together in person, which can improve project outcomes and relationships within teams.

How to select right VR Hardware supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Compatibility
Ensure the VR hardware is compatible with various platforms and systems to avoid future integration issues.

2. Performance Specifications
Check for high-resolution displays, sufficient refresh rates, and low latency to ensure a seamless and immersive experience.

3. Build Quality and Comfort
The hardware should be durable and comfortable for prolonged use, including adjustable straps and cushioning.

4. Support and Warranty
Consider suppliers offering comprehensive support and favorable warranty terms to safeguard your investment.

5. Price and Value for Money
Evaluate if the cost corresponds with the hardware’s features, performance, and build quality.

6. Developer and Community Support
A strong developer ecosystem and community can be crucial for ongoing software updates and enhancements.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for VR Hardware?

Virtual Reality (VR) hardware is revolutionizing training and simulation in industries like aviation and healthcare. In aviation, VR headsets and systems allow pilots to experience flight simulations that closely mimic real-world scenarios, enhancing their skills without the risks associated with actual flying. This technology facilitates a safe and controlled environment for learning and practicing emergency procedures. In the healthcare sector, VR is transforming medical training and patient care. Surgeons and medical students use VR equipment to simulate complex surgeries, offering a hands-on learning experience that is both cost-effective and risk-free. This immersive technology enables practitioners to refine their skills and confidence before performing actual surgeries, significantly improving patient outcomes. Moreover, the automotive industry leverages VR for design and prototyping. Engineers and designers utilize VR headsets to visualize and interact with 3D models of vehicles during the development phase. This application of VR not only accelerates the design process but also allows for the identification and resolution of design issues before physical prototypes are built, saving time and resources. Lastly, in the realm of real estate, VR is used for virtual property tours, enabling potential buyers to explore properties remotely in a realistic and immersive manner. This innovative approach not only enhances the buying experience but also expands the market reach for real estate companies by eliminating geographical barriers.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of VR Hardware

As of the current assessment, VR hardware occupies a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 9, indicating it is at the stage of "actual system proven in operational environment." This classification stems from the significant advancements and widespread adoption VR technology has experienced in recent years. The progression to TRL 9 is supported by the technical maturity of VR components such as head-mounted displays (HMDs), motion tracking devices, and haptic feedback systems, which now offer highly immersive experiences. These elements have been extensively tested and refined through consumer and enterprise applications across various sectors, including gaming, education, healthcare, and military training. The integration of high-resolution displays, advanced graphics processing units (GPUs), and sophisticated sensor technology has dramatically enhanced the realism and responsiveness of VR environments, providing users with seamless and engaging virtual experiences. Furthermore, the development of wireless VR setups and the improvement in ergonomic design highlight the ongoing technical refinements that contribute to the hardware's readiness for everyday use. The achievement of TRL 9 reflects the culmination of rigorous testing, user feedback, and technological enhancements that have solidified VR hardware's reliability and functionality in real-world settings.

What is the Technology Forecast of VR Hardware?

In the Short-Term, VR hardware is expected to see significant improvements in display technology, with a push towards higher resolution and refresh rates to enhance the visual experience and reduce motion sickness. Wireless connectivity will become standard, eliminating the need for cumbersome cables and increasing user mobility. Eye-tracking technology will also become more prevalent, allowing for more intuitive interactions within virtual environments. The Mid-Term phase will likely witness the integration of haptic feedback systems that accurately simulate touch, temperature, and resistance, offering a more immersive sensory experience. Battery technology advancements will extend the use of wireless VR devices, making them lighter and more comfortable for prolonged use. Additionally, we can anticipate the introduction of more compact and efficient processors, significantly reducing the size and weight of VR headsets without compromising performance. Looking at the Long-Term, the evolution of VR hardware is expected to revolutionize user interaction with fully immersive, multi-sensory environments. Breakthroughs in virtual retinal display technology could project images directly onto the user's retina, offering an unprecedented level of visual clarity and realism. Furthermore, advances in brain-computer interfaces may enable users to control virtual environments through thought alone, marking a significant leap towards truly seamless integration between humans and virtual reality.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about VR Hardware Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for VR Hardware

Based on our calculations related technologies to VR Hardware are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in VR Hardware are simGame.shop

The most represented industries which are working in VR Hardware are Information Technology, Hardware, Software, Media and Entertainment, Mobile

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