
Top A/B Testing Companies

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1232 companies for A/B Testing

Conversion Expert GmbH's Logo

Conversion Expert GmbH

Kiel, Germany

1-10 Employees


Die Conversion Expert GmbH ist Experte in der Umsetzung von A/B-Tests jeder Größenordnung. Wir sind Lieferant oder Sparring-Partner für deine Test-Ideen. Auch bieten wir eine eigene, hochprofessionelle Testing-Plattform für jede Größenordnung an. Wir verstehen uns als dein Partner in den Belangen von Conversion-Optimierung, in denen professionelle Unterstützung benötigt wird. Wir unterstützen Unternehmen und Agenturen jeder Größenordnung dabei, die möglichst besten Ergebnisse zu liefern. Wir beseitigen Flaschenhälse in Ressourcen und liefern zuverlässig professionelle Ergebnisse. Dabei nutzen wir entweder dein bestehendes Testing-Tool oder bieten dir unser Testing-Tool ABlyft zur Nutzung an. Wir arbeiten für Unternehmen und Agenturen - hier ein kleiner Ausschnitt unserer Tätigkeit.

Core business

Unsere Profession und Passion ist das A/B-Testing - und das seit 10 Jahren und 100ten umgesetzten Experimenten.

... und Passion ist das A/B-Testing - und das seit 10 Jahren und ...

WebInStats's Logo


Istanbul, Turkey

11-50 Employees



A/B Testing

... A/B Testing - It’s important to experiment and see which version of the ...

Bunchbox GmbH's Logo

Bunchbox GmbH

Hamburg, Germany

1-10 Employees


Show your users different variants of a page and find out which has the greatest success. With the targeting editor you can intuitively define the most complex target groups. Code variants can be used to implement even the complexest variants with changes to structure and functionality. Different goal types allow you to make any action on your site a conversion. The test results can be quickly observed with the simple visualization.

Core business

The tool for A/B testing and personalization

... The tool for A/B testing and ...

HulkApps's Logo


Chicago, United States

51-100 Employees



Test Pagination |Shopify A/B Testing |A/B Testing Pattern

... Shopify A/B Testing experts are at your service. We will help you all ...

Impress Metrics's Logo

Impress Metrics

Peoria, United States

1-10 Employees


With over 17 years of experience, we've worked with a variety of businesses across numerous industries, giving us the ability to provide our clients solutions that are unique to their business. Impress Metrics offers a full range of solutions for anyone looking to succeed in their online endeavors. Our experts will create a custom design to meet your business and user needs. Our team will help you decide if PPC is a suitable solution for you and develop a method for success. Our strategists are dedicated to discovering everything they need to know about your business in order to deliver a solution that's best for you. With over 17 years of experience, our team has collaborated and delivered a myriad of client solutions across every industry. We also offer monthly and annual support services to take the stress of management off of you. They listen and offer ideas about what you want.


A/B Testing

... A/B Testing is the easiest and most effective way to optimize your ...

Kimonix's Logo


Tel-Aviv, Israel

1-10 Employees


Lorem loren voren loren. v loren loren loren loren loren loren loren loren en loren. Increase profits by up to 30% with advanced merchandising that fulfills business goals, fuels conversion, and keeps customers coming back. Kimonix is a holistic, AI-powered merchandising solution that allows you to execute ROI-driven merchandising strategy based on your real-time business needs. With Kimonix, you have all of the data, insights, and control you need to display the right products to the right shopper at the right price. Our advanced AI merchandising strategy engine (AMS) allows you to build, sort, automate, A/B test and optimize smart collections based on your current business goals, inventory constraints, and shopper demand.


Built-in collection A/B testing

... Built-in collection A/B testing ...

Sub(x) Technology's Logo

Sub(x) Technology

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We provide you with smart reporting to unlock the rich first party data insights that AI reveals. Discover how Sub(x) Self-Learning AI Autopilot continuously optimises the next best offer and next best action to visitors across web and app, automatically maximising customer acquisition and revenue numbers over and over again. Your team is freed up to focus on creative execution confident that Sub(x) Autopilot will maximise the potential impact of every marketing asset they create. The challenge is to understand not only what message is the right one at a fixed moment in time but also what the right sequence of messaging is over a period of time. Our platform is built to empower marketing teams to create marketing assets and get them live, fast.

Core business

Replace A/B testing on your website with Automated AI

... Replace A/B testing on your website with Automated ...

Evolytics's Logo


Parkville, United States

51-100 Employees


We are passionate about helping global brands develop analytics capabilities that increase revenue, improve operational efficiencies and maximize customer satisfaction – all while nurturing innovation. In return, we are granted exclusive access to product innovations, keeping us ahead of the curve. Kroger turned to Evolytics to help bring scalability, consistency, and efficiency to its enterprise analytics approach with best-in-class application of tools from Adobe Experience Cloud. Evolytics was named Top Analytics Agency by the Digital Analytics Association, becoming the 2020 DAA Quantie Winner for this global award. Evolytics is excited to be listed as #58 in Fortune’s Best Small Workplaces in the US for 2022. Evolytics employees feel welcomed, comfortable, respected and celebrated earning Evolytics high marks and certification as a great place to work. Evolytics employees feel welcomed, respected and celebrated earning us a certification as a great place to work. We are thrilled to win this Kansas City Business Journal Coolest Office Space contest for the small business division.


A/B Testing Packages

... , Evolytics has A/B testing packages that will maximize ...

human-centric's Logo


Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, France

1-10 Employees


Which customers show behavior that indicated they may quit your service? A/B Testing (or online controlled experimentation) is the practice of comparing different versions of a system to see which works better. Exploratory data analysis is the activity of using data to gain an understanding of what is happening. The model itself is deployed in your infrastructure and provides predictions in real-time based on the data it's being fed.

Core business

A/B Testing

... A/B Testing ...

ConversionLab's Logo


Trondheim, Norway

1-10 Employees


Core business

A/B testing reduced customer acquisition cost for Campaign Monitor

... and optimize them with A/B testing to give you more signups, leads ...

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Insights about the A/B Testing results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for A/B Testing

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers1320
Amount of suitable service providers1764
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2010
Youngest suiting company2022

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about A/B Testing

What is A/B Testing?

A/B testing, often referred to as split testing, is a methodical process used to compare two versions of a webpage, app feature, or any other digital asset to determine which one performs better. This technique involves showing the two variants (A and B) to similar audiences simultaneously; then, based on statistical analysis of the results, it identifies the version that achieves a higher conversion rate or better performance metric relevant to the specific goal being tested, such as click-through rate or user engagement. Within its domain, A/B testing serves as a critical tool for decision-making, allowing businesses and developers to make data-driven changes rather than relying on assumptions. This approach not only enhances user experience by tailoring content and features to meet user preferences more effectively but also significantly impacts business metrics by optimizing conversion rates and other key performance indicators. By enabling a precise, empirical assessment of how slight variations can affect user behavior, A/B testing fosters a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, ensuring that digital products and marketing strategies are aligned with user needs and preferences. This method underscores the importance of user-centered design and data-informed decision-making in creating successful, engaging digital experiences.

Advantages of A/B Testing

1. Enhanced User Experience
A/B testing allows developers and designers to make informed decisions based on data rather than guesswork. By testing two versions of a webpage or app feature against each other, it's possible to discern which version provides a better user experience. This method directly leads to improvements in website usability, customer satisfaction, and overall engagement.

2. Increased Conversion Rates
One of the primary objectives of A/B testing is to identify changes that increase the likelihood of user action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. By pinpointing which elements of a webpage contribute to higher conversion rates, businesses can optimize their sites to better meet their goals, ultimately boosting profitability.

3. Reduced Risks
Implementing changes to a website or app involves inherent risks, including the potential for decreased user engagement or lost sales. A/B testing mitigates these risks by allowing companies to test changes on a small segment of users before a full rollout. This approach ensures that only the most beneficial changes are implemented, protecting the business from negative impacts.

4. Cost-Effectiveness
Compared to other methods of user research and testing, A/B testing is relatively cost-effective. It does not require extensive resources or time to yield meaningful insights. By focusing on direct comparisons between two versions, it provides clear, actionable data that can inform decision-making without a significant investment.

How to select right A/B Testing supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Integration Capabilities
Ensure the supplier offers seamless integration with your current web analytics, CRM, and other essential software systems to facilitate comprehensive data analysis.

2. Usability and Flexibility
Check for an intuitive user interface and the flexibility to design complex experiments. The platform should be accessible for users of all technical levels.

3. Segmentation and Targeting
The supplier should offer advanced segmentation options, allowing you to target specific user groups for more precise testing outcomes.

4. Reporting and Analytics
Look for detailed analytics and reporting tools that provide actionable insights, enabling you to make data-driven decisions.

5. Customer Support and Community
Ensure there is reliable customer support and an active community or knowledge base for troubleshooting and learning best practices.

6. Price and Scalability
Consider the pricing structure and ensure it aligns with your testing frequency and volume needs. Check if the platform can scale with your business growth.

7. Compliance and Security
Verify the supplier's compliance with data protection regulations and their commitment to maintaining high security standards to protect your data.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for A/B Testing?

A/B testing, a powerful tool for optimizing digital strategies, finds extensive application across various B2B sectors. In the software industry, companies frequently use A/B testing to compare different user interfaces or features within their products. By presenting two variants to a segment of their user base, they can gather data on usage, preference, and engagement, ultimately guiding the development of more user-friendly software solutions. Marketing is another domain where A/B testing plays a crucial role. B2B marketers often experiment with different email campaign strategies to determine which approaches yield higher open and conversion rates. By tweaking subject lines, email content, or call-to-action buttons, they can identify the most effective strategies to engage their professional audience and drive sales. In website development within the B2B space, A/B testing is instrumental in optimizing the user experience and conversion rates. Businesses may test different landing page designs, including the layout, messaging, and calls to action, to identify which versions retain visitors longer and convert more prospects into leads or customers. This data-driven approach ensures that companies can make informed decisions that enhance their online presence and effectiveness. Lastly, in the realm of content creation, B2B entities leverage A/B testing to refine their content strategies. By experimenting with different headlines, content formats, or distribution channels, they can discover which types of content resonate most with their target business audience, thereby improving engagement and the effectiveness of their content marketing efforts.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of A/B Testing

A/B testing, a methodology for comparing two versions of a web page or app to determine which one performs better, has achieved a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 9. This designation indicates that A/B testing is a fully mature and widely implemented technology within the digital marketing and web development sectors. The journey to this level is underpinned by substantial technical advancements and integrations, including the development of sophisticated software platforms that facilitate seamless execution of A/B tests with precise tracking and analytics capabilities. These tools allow for real-time data collection and analysis, enabling immediate insights into user behavior and preferences. The high TRL is further justified by the extensive adoption of A/B testing by businesses of all sizes to optimize website conversions, user experience, and ultimately, revenue. Its application spans various industries, demonstrating its versatility and effectiveness as a tool for data-driven decision-making. The technical backbone of A/B testing—comprising statistical analysis, user experience design principles, and the integration with other digital marketing tools—solidifies its status as an essential and mature technology in the contemporary digital landscape.

What is the Technology Forecast of A/B Testing?

In the Short-Term, A/B testing platforms are expected to see significant improvements in user interface design and integration capabilities. These enhancements will enable marketers and developers to set up and interpret tests with greater ease and efficiency. The focus will be on reducing the time from hypothesis to actionable insights, driven by advancements in machine learning algorithms that can predict test outcomes with higher accuracy based on historical data. This phase will also witness the rise of more robust privacy-focused features, catering to the increasingly stringent data protection laws globally. Moving into the Mid-Term, the evolution of A/B testing will likely pivot towards deeper integration with other data analytics and marketing tools, forming a more cohesive ecosystem. This development will facilitate a unified view of the customer journey, allowing for more nuanced and sophisticated testing scenarios. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play a critical role in automating the selection of variables to test, significantly expanding the scope and scale of A/B testing. These advancements will enable businesses to optimize user experiences in almost real-time, leading to higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction. In the Long-Term, we can anticipate a paradigm shift in A/B testing with the advent of quantum computing. This revolutionary technology will drastically reduce the time required for data processing and analysis, allowing for near-instantaneous test results. Additionally, the application of AI will evolve from automating test variable selection to predicting future consumer behaviors and preferences, enabling proactive rather than reactive testing. This era will usher in highly personalized user experiences, with A/B testing at the core of continuous improvement cycles, thereby redefining the boundaries of digital optimization.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about A/B Testing Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for A/B Testing

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Start-Ups who are working in A/B Testing are UCOMA, human-centric

The most represented industries which are working in A/B Testing are Marketing Services, IT, Software and Services, Other, Consulting, Media and Entertainment

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