Biometric Authentication
Biometric Authentication

Top Biometric Authentication Companies

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243 companies for Biometric Authentication

FinPin Technologies GmbH's Logo

Vienna, Austria

1-10 Employees


Florian is a seasoned IT professional with close to 20 years of operational experience in the Cable/Telecom and IT industries. Florian has previously held positions as VP for product development and senior director for network security. Ian is a 20+ years digital media executive with a broad base of operational and strategic experience at the intersection of media, technology and distribution across the US, Europe and Asia. Ian’s operating expertise includes major restructurings, turnarounds, startups and advising private equity and venture capital-backed firms in the areas of mobile, social media, digital mapping and large-scale video services.



Image for Secure Remote Biometric Authentication

Secure Remote Biometric Authentication

... Secure Remote Biometric Authentication ...

Sezame's Logo

Vienna, Austria

1-10 Employees


Florian is a seasoned IT professional with close to 20 years of operational experience in the Cable/Telecom and IT industries. Florian has previously held positions as VP for product development and senior director for network security. Ian is a 20+ years digital media executive with a broad base of operational and strategic experience at the intersection of media, technology and distribution across the US, Europe and Asia. Ian’s operating expertise includes major restructurings, turnarounds, startups and advising private equity and venture capital-backed firms in the areas of mobile, social media, digital mapping and large-scale video services.



Image for Secure Remote Biometric Authentication

Secure Remote Biometric Authentication

... Secure Remote Biometric Authentication ...



1-10 Employees


Startup CardioID přináší biometrické ověřování identity pomocí EKG. Robertino Matausch, zakladatel a ředitel startupu CardioID Ověřování identity pomocí otisku prstu či rozpoznávání obličeje je v dnešní době díky chytrým telefonům naprosto běžná věc pro mnoho lidí. To je měřeno a analyzováno za využití umělé inteligence v aplikaci chytrého zařízení jako jsou třeba chytré hodinky.



Core business
Image for Next Generation ECG Biometric Authentication

Next Generation ECG Biometric Authentication

... CARDIO ID | Next Generation ECG Biometric Authentication ...

VIDA's Logo

Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia

11-50 Employees


VIDA was established in 2018 to provide identity verification, legally binding and verifiable digital signatures, and passwordless authentication for businesses and individuals. VIDA provides legal assurance to ensure that people are who they claim to be and that these people continue to be trustworthy.VIDA operates as a Certificate Authority (CA), licensed, certified, and rooted in Indonesia by the Ministry of ICT (Kominfo) to issue legally binding Digital IDs and digital signatures to individuals and institutions. VIDA biometrically validates identities against authoritative sources, such as the Indonesian National Identity Database (Dukcapil e-KTP) and Singapore National Digital Identity databases. Our products have been used by millions of users in Indonesia, including digital native technology companies from a range of industries such as financial services, e-commerce, transportation, telecommunications, and healthcare. VIDA is the only Certificate Authority in Indonesia to be certified by WebTrust. VIDA’s digital signatures are legally recognized in 40 countries and VIDA is an accredited Trust Service Provider and Cloud Signing Partner for Adobe Sign and DocuSign. VIDA verifies and authenticates over millions of identities every day in real-time web and mobile transactions to help the business ecosystem ensure compliance with Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti Money Laundering (AML) regulations. VIDA’s goal is to do one simple thing very well: to make it easy for your customers to prove who they are.



Core business
Image for Elevate Your User Experience with Biometric Authentication

Elevate Your User Experience with Biometric Authentication

... Elevate Your User Experience with Biometric Authentication ...'s Logo

London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


At, we believe trust and safety are fundamental to every customer transaction. Fighting fraud requires collaboration, a single customer view. With, ​​customers can seamlessly signup and sign in to services with ease using their face, voice or both using AI and genuine presence technology across all your business channels. sits in the background making it saffer for your customer to open an account, authenticate or transact, with zero friction and minimum fraud and when your customer needs to interact we are their to authenticate the real customer in under 1 second. reduces the time and complexity when opening an account or onboarding while eliminating fraud, thus gaining more valid customers.​. The total cost of fraud spans a wide area and has many moving parts:. solution focuses on efficient fraud prevention across the entire customer’s digital journey, reducing fraud, false positives, friction, customer complaints, extreme operational efficiencies, and associated costs across the board using the united paradigm. We are helping organisations strike the perfect balance between user experience, fraud prevention, operational risk and compliance.



Image for ID Verification, Biometric Authentication & Age Verification Technology.

ID Verification, Biometric Authentication & Age Verification Technology.

... Fast ID Verification & Biometric Authentication and Age Verification for your customers with liveness detection. NFC & OCR Support. ...

Progeny's Logo

Vienna, Austria

11-50 Employees


Increase retention and conversion by providing your customers with state-of-the-art authentication and identity verification tools. Deliver the same, superior user experience across all devices -- no matter which channel or platform you are building applications on. Our infrastructure runs on servers provided by ISO 27001-certified companies, with all customer data encrypted and fully GDPR compliant. No matter if you're a big multinational or just starting up, we deliver the tools for you to enrol and authenticate users remotely - as well as manage the risk associated with it through one single cloud-based platform.



Core business
Image for Biometric Authentication & Fraud Prevention as a Service | Progeny

Biometric Authentication & Fraud Prevention as a Service | Progeny

... Biometric Authentication & Fraud Prevention as a Service | ...

Anoto Group's Logo

Lund, Sweden

51-100 Employees


Anoto is known globally for innovation in the area of information-rich patterns and the optical recognition of those patterns. Today, Anoto is a cloud based software solution provider based on its patented dot pattern technology which provides a methodology for accumulating digital big data from analog inputs. ACE – Anoto’s new cloud based enterprise forms solutions;. Watson – Anoto’s biometric authentication and security solution. Anoto, its strategic licensing partners, and developer community offer a broad portfolio of products, applications and services to business, consumer and education markets, including AI solutions for offline education, interactive marketing solutions, biometric security solutions, best-in-class digital note-taking and document processing & management. The Anoto Group has over 40 employees and is headquartered in Stockholm (Sweden), with offices in Lisbon (Portugal), London (UK), Seoul (Korea), Singapore and Boston (US). Anoto’s Livescribe brand is the leading maker of smartpens, which bring notes, words, & ideas to life by connecting pen & paper to the digital world. Anoto is traded on the Small Cap list of Nasdaq Stockholm under ANOT.



Image for Biometric Authentication and Security

Biometric Authentication and Security

... Biometric Authentication and ...

accurascan's Logo

Mumbai, India

11-50 Employees


With Our Cutting-Edge Technology and Exceptional Customer Service, We Are Committed to Delivering Seamless User Experiences and Ensuring the Security of Your Business. Kudos to the team and especially to YP for leading it from the front. At Gulf Bank, striving towards improving the customer journey is a top priority, as to ensure that customers receive the best and most advanced services. Accura Scan’s advanced digital solutions helped offer an innovative user verification experience, that aided in creating a seamless and frictionless onboarding experience. We look forward to further exploring the vast and advanced services that Accura Scan provides to further enhance our digital services.



Core business
Image for ID Verification & Digital KYC with Face Match / Biometrics & Authentication - All in Realtime

ID Verification & Digital KYC with Face Match / Biometrics & Authentication - All in Realtime

... ID Verification & Digital KYC with Face Match / Biometrics & Authentication - All in ...

Karash Software Ltd.'s Logo

Esenler, Turkey

11-50 Employees


Founded in 1994, Karash Software operates in information technology consultancy and software development. Karash software solutions increase efficiency and profitability in many sectors, especially finance. Karash has adopted the principle of establishing strong and mutually beneficial business partnerships with its clents. Karash develops fast and cost-effective projects in client/server, n-tier and Internet technologies with proven project management techniques and structured development discipline. Karash is also an Oracle Partner and Intel Software Partner by offering expert solutions in other technologies such as .Net and Java,. Karash software development team has the knowledge and experience to create software suitable for client needs, from interface implementations to complex systems. Karash consultants are experienced not only in technical areas but also in project management. Following new technologies closely, Karash continuously increases its knowledge and ensures that its development team is certified in accordance with international standards.



Image for Mobile Biometric Authentication System

Mobile Biometric Authentication System

... Mobile Biometric Authentication ...

BitCAD's Logo

Irvine, United States

11-50 Employees


They also facilitate automated execution of the contract and, in the event of dispute, provide a direct link to the relevant legal documentation.



Core business
Image for BitCAD


... Biometric authentication ...

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Facts about those Biometric Authentication Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Biometric Authentication

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers193
Amount of suitable service providers124
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1994
Youngest suiting company2022

Things to know about Biometric Authentication

What is Biometric Authentication?

Biometric authentication is a security process that utilizes unique biological characteristics of individuals to verify their identity. This sophisticated method compares biometric data captured during the authentication phase to stored, confirmed authentic data in a database. If both sets of data match, authentication is confirmed. The distinctive attributes employed for biometric verification include fingerprints, facial patterns, voice or iris recognition, and even vein patterns. The integration of biometric authentication technologies has revolutionized security protocols across various sectors, offering a higher level of accuracy and convenience compared to traditional methods like passwords or PINs. Its impact is particularly notable in fields such as banking, where it enhances customer security and streamlines transactions, and in law enforcement, where it aids in the accurate identification of individuals. Additionally, its use in mobile phones for unlocking devices and authorizing transactions highlights its widespread applicability and acceptance. The technology's role extends beyond mere identification; it is pivotal in the development of secure, user-friendly systems that protect sensitive information from unauthorized access, thereby bolstering trust and reliability in digital platforms. As biometric authentication technology advances, its potential for personalization and security continues to expand, marking a significant evolution in how identity verification is approached in the digital age.

Advantages of Biometric Authentication

1. Enhanced Security
Biometric authentication offers a higher level of security compared to traditional methods like passwords or PINs. This is because biometrics, such as fingerprints or facial recognition, are unique to each individual and cannot be easily replicated or stolen, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

2. Convenience
Using biometric authentication simplifies the login process, as users do not need to remember complex passwords or carry physical tokens. A simple scan of a fingerprint or a face can grant access, making the process quicker and more user-friendly.

3. Non-transferrable
One of the standout benefits of biometric authentication is that it is inherently non-transferrable. Unlike passwords or access cards that can be shared or stolen, biometric identifiers are intrinsically linked to the individual, ensuring that only the authorized user can gain access.

4. Reduced Costs
Over time, biometric systems can lead to cost savings for organizations. They eliminate the need for physical security tokens, reduce the administrative burden of password resets, and lower the risk of security breaches, which can be expensive to resolve.

How to select right Biometric Authentication supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Accuracy and Reliability
Ensure the supplier's technology accurately identifies or verifies individuals under various conditions without frequent errors or failures.

2. Scalability
Consider if the biometric system can grow with your business needs, handling an increasing number of users without significant performance degradation.

3. Security Measures
Evaluate the robustness of the supplier's security protocols, especially how biometric data is stored, encrypted, and protected from unauthorized access.

4. Integration Capabilities
Determine the ease with which the biometric system can be integrated into your existing infrastructure, including compatibility with other security systems.

5. Compliance
Check if the supplier's technology complies with local and international privacy and data protection laws, particularly those pertaining to biometric data.

6. Support and Maintenance
Assess the level of technical and customer support provided, as well as the availability of updates or upgrades to the system.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Biometric Authentication?

Biometric authentication is transforming security protocols across multiple industries, offering a blend of convenience and enhanced security. In the financial sector, it's employed to safeguard transactions and customer data, utilizing fingerprints or facial recognition for secure access to banking services and sensitive financial information. This method significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access, providing a robust layer of protection against potential fraud. In the realm of healthcare, biometric authentication plays a crucial role in patient identification and access control. By using biometric data, healthcare providers ensure that only authorized personnel can access patient records, maintaining confidentiality and compliance with regulations like HIPAA. This approach not only secures sensitive information but also streamlines patient management processes. The technology sector leverages biometric authentication for secure access to devices and networks. Companies implement biometric login systems to protect intellectual property and sensitive data from cyber threats. This method offers a more user-friendly and secure alternative to traditional password systems, enhancing overall cybersecurity measures. In the corporate environment, biometric authentication is utilized for workforce management. It provides a reliable method for tracking attendance and managing access to restricted areas within an organization. By replacing traditional ID cards and PIN codes, biometrics offer a more secure and efficient way to manage employee access, reducing the risk of security breaches and unauthorized entry.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication technology, which leverages unique physical or behavioral characteristics for identification, has reached a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL), generally considered to be at TRL 8 or 9. This advanced stage is attributed to the extensive deployment and integration of biometric systems across various sectors, including smartphones, banking, and security, showcasing their capability to operate reliably in real-world environments. The progression to such a high TRL is underpinned by significant technical advancements, such as the development of sophisticated algorithms capable of accurately analyzing and matching biometric data like fingerprints, facial patterns, and iris scans with minimal error rates. Furthermore, improvements in sensor technology have enhanced the ability to capture high-quality biometric data, thereby increasing the reliability of biometric systems. The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning has further refined the processing capabilities, enabling these systems to learn from new biometric data and adapt to variations in existing data over time. Despite these advancements, the technology continues to face challenges, including issues related to privacy, security of biometric data, and the need for continuous improvement in algorithms to address potential biases and ensure equitable access. These ongoing developments and challenges underscore the dynamic nature of biometric authentication's technical landscape, contributing to its placement at a high TRL.

What is the Technology Forecast of Biometric Authentication?

In the Short-Term, biometric authentication is expected to see significant enhancements in accuracy and integration. Technologies like facial recognition and fingerprint scanning will become more sophisticated, reducing false positives and negatives. Mobile and financial applications will increasingly adopt these methods for secure access, leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning to improve user verification processes. This phase also anticipates the introduction of more robust anti-spoofing features to counteract fraudulent attempts at bypassing security measures. The Mid-Term forecast indicates a shift towards multimodal biometric systems, combining multiple biometric indicators (e.g., voice, facial recognition, and fingerprints) for authentication. This approach not only enhances security but also accommodates a wider range of use cases and user preferences. Integration with wearable technology and IoT devices will enable seamless, user-friendly authentication across various platforms and environments. Additionally, there will be a focus on privacy-preserving technologies, ensuring that biometric data is encrypted and securely stored, addressing growing concerns around data protection and privacy. In the Long-Term, biometric authentication is poised to become deeply integrated into daily life, transcending traditional security applications. Innovations in behavioral biometrics, which analyze patterns in user behavior for identification, will offer a more passive and frictionless form of authentication. Advances in AI and machine learning will further refine these technologies, allowing for real-time, continuous authentication that dynamically adapts to evolving security threats. The development of global standards for biometric data will facilitate interoperability across systems and borders, heralding a new era of secure, user-centric authentication solutions.

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