
Top Geospatial Data Companies

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451 companies for Geospatial Data

IntelliSpatial's Logo


Belmont, Australia

251-500 Employees


Intellispatial was formed in 2020 with a clear purpose – to provide solutions that utilise geospatial information to enable asset owners and managers to better understand the built environment and make informed decisions that lead to continued return on investment (ROI) on the assets they operate and maintain. We are a mixture of geospatial professionals from a variety of backgrounds and experience, mixed with equally talented data scientists and software specialists. IntelliSpatial provides services and solutions utilising geospatial information to enable asset owners and managers to better understand the built environment and make informed decisions that lead to continued return on investment on the assets that they operate. We are strengthened by our partnerships and are proud of the company we keep. As part of the extended strategic vision of Land Surveys, IntelliSpatial utilises the building blocks of the existing geospatial data collection and management services of Land Surveys, turning geospatial data into actionable insights through the power of data dissemination and visualisation. To be a leader providing geospatial information and analytics for sustainable future-focused decision-making. Through geospatial data, technology and innovation, we provide actionable insights through intelligent analysis, allowing our clients to make critical decisions to improve the return on investment over the lifetime of their assets. The best way to describe the people who work at IntelliSpatial are geospatial geeks!


Fit for Purpose Geospatial Data

... and empowered to make better decisions with your geospatial data. ...

Landmark Solutions's Logo

Landmark Solutions

London, United Kingdom

- Employees


Our solutions operate to stringent availability, resilience, performance and security measures to bring assurance and peace of mind. As experts in addressing and location-based data, we have been designing, building and operating addressing solutions since 1994, as well as advising on data solutions and process, analytics, and address data cleansing.

Core business

Unleash the power of geospatial data

... and manage end-to-end geospatial data services that help ...

OWL Intelligence Platform's Logo

OWL Intelligence Platform

Austin, United States

11-50 Employees


The OWL Intelligence Platform offers a comprehensive, yet modular, solution for managing and analyzing digital assets and databases with the help of AI and ML tools. The platform provides advanced features such as AI-powered apps, no-code queries, and automation algorithms that improve the efficiency and accuracy of the analysis. Furthermore, it provides functionalities to manage documents and records, along with case management and smart city capabilities. OWL streamlines data integration from diverse sources, offering several flexible methods: pre-built cloud connectors, organization databases, proprietary systems and federated data, data writeback, IoT integration, manual upload/import, and real-time streaming. OWL’s Case and Subject Management module provides a powerful template builder and reporting functionality. In the relentless battle against high-intensity drug trafficking areas (HIDTA), law enforcement agencies require innovative tools to stay ahead of sophisticated criminal networks.


Geospatial Data Visualizations

... Geospatial Data Visualizations - owlintel. ...



Turin, Italy

11-50 Employees


ITHACA has web development capabilities and is able to consolidate and distribute geographic data via the internet, tailoring the outputs to the specific needs of end-users. ITHACA is able to produce basic and thematic cartography through both consolidated and innovative procedures. Additionally, ITHACA has web development capabilities and is able to consolidate and distribute geographic data via the internet, tailoring the outputs to the specific needs of end users. ITHACA is able to combine large sets of spatial data gleaned from many diverse sources, using location, diverse attributes, and coupling with temporal information, thanks to our experience analyzing geospatial data. Adding value by discovering and analyzing insights to provide a more complete picture of events in easily recognized visual patterns and images, allowing for faster, easier, and more accurate predictions.


Geospatial Data Analytics

... our experience analyzing geospatial data. Adding value by discovering ...

3D GeoSpatial Inc.'s Logo

3D GeoSpatial Inc.

Calgary, Canada

1-10 Employees


We are a Registered Indigenous Company with the Government of Canada.

Core business

Expert GeoSpatial Data Acquisition

... Expert GeoSpatial Data ...

geotics's Logo


Wageningen, Netherlands

1-10 Employees


Translating real-world problems to automated solutions is my greatest passion. Learning about agriculture and environment and being taught the skills at Wageningen University to do so have prepared me for my passion and I am happy to be able to work on this during my career. Whether I dig into these problems and translate them to code myself or enabling a team of people to do so, I always enjoy finding solutions step-by-step. I feel strongly about reducing global environmental impact. Using simple but thought-out solutions to environmental problems can result in great global and local impact; I want to do my part in information-providing technologies, using aerial imagery and GIS-applications.

Core business

Streamlining, analyzing and visualizing geospatial data.

... Duijvenbode - Streamlining, analyzing and visualizing geospatial data. ...

Azura Earth's Logo

Azura Earth

Brighton, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Azura Earth is a Brighton-based consultancy that specializes in data engineering, data science, and data visualization services, with a focus on geospatial data. Our goal is to provide flexible advice and development assistance to companies that are growing and innovating. Azura Earth brings innovative data analytics and visualisation techniques together, helping businesses communicate complex data to their stakeholders and customers. We're committed to helping our clients every step of the way and providing useful services to take care of all their needs. We're constantly growing and expanding our service options, so if you have something in mind that we don't yet provide, we'd love to hear about it. At the core of our services lies the intricate process of Geospatial Data Engineering. We specialize in sourcing high-quality, relevant geospatial data from a variety of trusted sources.

Core business

Azura Earth Geospatial | "geospatial data consultancy"

... Azura Earth is a geospatial data consultancy based in ...

Anagraph's Logo


Montreal, Canada

1-10 Employees


We are a small location intelligence studio with big ambitions. Anagraph offre des services en traitement et visualisation de données géospatiales. Our engineers and designers have built custom toolkits — based on the latest technologies — to speed up the initial stages of any geo project. Though a little hard to navigate, the census is a unique view of our country. We believe that data-driven decisions can make a difference in a specific moment of someone’s life and our world.

Core business

We help organizationsto make better-informed decisions by leveraging geospatial data.

... helping organizations unlock the value behind their geospatial data. ...

Ticinum Aerospace's Logo

Ticinum Aerospace

Pavia, Italy

1-10 Employees


A Spin-Off company from the University of Pavia founded in 2014.

Core business

Smart Geospatial Data Analysis

... Smart Geospatial Data ...

Space Clipper Industries's Logo

Space Clipper Industries

Exeter, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We are pushing the boundaries to both improve life on earth and open up the space economy. Space Clipper Industries are dedicated to helping public and private sector clients via evidence led,.

Core business

Geospatial Data Processing & Analysis

... Geospatial Data Processing & ...

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Insights about the Geospatial Data results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Geospatial Data

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1384
Amount of suitable service providers1428
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1984
Youngest suiting company2021

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Geospatial Data

What is Geospatial Data?

Geospatial data, fundamentally, refers to information that identifies the geographic location and characteristics of natural or constructed features and boundaries on the Earth, leveraging coordinates to pinpoint these elements within a specific spatial context. This data encompasses a wide spectrum of formats and sources, including, but not limited to, satellite imagery, aerial photography, and GPS recordings, which are then meticulously analyzed and utilized through Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The intrinsic value of geospatial data lies in its capacity to provide a multidimensional perspective on spatial relationships, patterns, and trends across various scales and timeframes, thereby serving as a critical tool in decision-making processes across numerous fields. In environmental management, for instance, it informs conservation strategies and climate change mitigation efforts by mapping biodiversity hotspots and monitoring deforestation. Urban planners and civil engineers rely on geospatial data to design infrastructure projects that optimize land use and enhance connectivity, while in the realm of public health, it aids in epidemiological studies by tracking disease spread patterns relative to geographical variables. The integration of geospatial data into technologies like automation and machine learning further amplifies its impact, enabling more sophisticated analysis and predictive modeling. Consequently, geospatial data not only enhances our understanding of spatial phenomena but also significantly influences policy formulation, resource management, and scientific research, underscoring its pivotal role across diverse sectors.

Advantages of Geospatial Data

1. Enhanced Decision-Making
Geospatial data allows for the visualization of complex relationships and patterns that traditional data might not reveal, leading to more informed and effective decision-making. This is particularly crucial in urban planning, environmental management, and disaster response, where understanding the geographic context is key.

2. Improved Efficiency
By integrating spatial information with other datasets, organizations can optimize routes, manage resources more efficiently, and reduce operational costs. For instance, logistics companies use geospatial data to find the shortest routes, saving time and fuel.

3. Accurate and Detailed Analysis
Geospatial data provides a high level of detail and accuracy, enabling precise analysis of locations, distances, and area measurements. This precision is invaluable for sectors like agriculture, where detailed information on crop distribution and land use is essential for maximizing yield and managing resources.

4. Real-Time Insights
With advancements in technology, geospatial data can now be updated in real-time, offering immediate insights into changing conditions. This is particularly beneficial for emergency services and security agencies, which rely on up-to-the-minute information for effective response and planning.

How to select right Geospatial Data supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Data Accuracy and Precision
Ensure the supplier provides data with the highest level of accuracy and precision, suitable for your specific applications.

2. Data Freshness
Check how frequently the data is updated to ensure you have access to the most current information available.

3. Coverage and Scalability
Evaluate the geographical coverage of the data and whether it meets your requirements. Also, consider the supplier's ability to scale the data as your needs grow.

4. Data Formats and Compatibility
Ensure the data is available in formats that are compatible with your systems and software, facilitating easy integration.

5. Compliance and Licensing
Verify that the data complies with relevant legal and regulatory requirements. Understand the licensing terms to ensure they align with your intended use.

6. Support and Documentation
Consider the level of support and documentation offered by the supplier, ensuring you can effectively use the data and resolve any issues.

7. Cost-effectiveness
Evaluate the pricing model to ensure it provides value for your investment, considering both initial costs and long-term expenses.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Geospatial Data?

Geospatial data, characterized by its ability to add a geographical dimension to various datasets, plays a crucial role in multiple B2B sectors. In the logistics and transportation industry, this data is indispensable for route optimization, allowing companies to save on fuel and time by identifying the most efficient paths. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also contributes to sustainability efforts by reducing carbon emissions. In agriculture, geospatial data aids in precision farming. By analyzing soil properties, weather patterns, and crop health from a geographical perspective, farmers can make informed decisions on planting, watering, and harvesting. This targeted approach boosts yield and reduces waste, making agriculture more sustainable and economically viable for businesses involved in this sector. The finance and insurance sectors leverage geospatial data for risk assessment. By evaluating geographical data relating to natural disasters, crime rates, and other location-based risks, companies can tailor insurance premiums and loan offers more accurately. This geospatial insight helps in mitigating risks and customizing products to meet client needs effectively. In urban planning and real estate, geospatial data facilitates site selection, development planning, and market analysis. Understanding the geographical context helps businesses identify lucrative investment opportunities and plan infrastructure projects with a higher degree of precision and foresight. Overall, geospatial data is a linchpin in driving efficiency, sustainability, and strategic decision-making across diverse B2B industries, showcasing its versatility and value in today’s data-driven world.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Geospatial Data

Geospatial data technology has advanced significantly, positioning itself at a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL), specifically between TRL 8 to TRL 9. This advanced placement is attributed to the successful and widespread operational deployment of geospatial technologies across various sectors, including environmental monitoring, urban planning, and military operations. The progression to such a high TRL is underpinned by several technical reasons. Firstly, the refinement and reliability of satellite imagery and remote sensing technologies have drastically improved, providing accurate and timely data for mapping and analysis. Secondly, the integration of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning with geospatial analytics has enhanced the ability to process and interpret vast amounts of data, leading to more precise and predictive insights. Furthermore, the development of user-friendly GIS (Geographic Information System) platforms has democratized access to geospatial data, enabling a broader range of users to analyze and leverage this information effectively. The continuous advancements in GPS technology have also significantly contributed, offering real-time location data with unprecedented accuracy. These technical achievements reflect a mature, robust state of geospatial data technology, indicative of its high TRL, showcasing its readiness for widespread operational use and its potential for further innovation.

What is the Technology Forecast of Geospatial Data?

In the Short-Term, advancements in geospatial data are poised to significantly enhance real-time data processing and visualization capabilities. With the advent of more sophisticated AI and machine learning algorithms, we'll see an improvement in the accuracy of location-based services and mapping technologies. This phase will also witness the integration of IoT devices with geospatial systems, enabling more dynamic data collection from a myriad of sensors across the globe, thus facilitating immediate analysis and application in fields like urban planning and disaster management. Mid-Term developments will focus on the democratization and accessibility of geospatial data. This will be achieved through cloud-based platforms that offer advanced analytics tools and user-friendly interfaces, making geospatial insights more accessible to non-experts. Enhanced privacy-preserving techniques for handling sensitive location data will emerge, fostering greater trust and expanding the use of geospatial applications in sectors like healthcare and personal security. Additionally, we'll see the beginning of seamless integration of geospatial data with augmented reality (AR), providing immersive experiences that blend the digital and physical worlds for educational, entertainment, and commercial uses. Looking at the Long-Term, the convergence of geospatial technology with quantum computing will revolutionize data processing speeds and analytical capabilities, enabling near-instantaneous complex simulations of geospatial phenomena. This era will also herald the widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles and drones relying heavily on advanced geospatial data for navigation, leading to more efficient transportation systems and delivery services. Furthermore, global environmental monitoring and management will be transformed, leveraging high-fidelity, real-time geospatial data to combat climate change, manage natural resources more effectively, and predict natural disasters with unprecedented accuracy, thereby safeguarding communities and economies worldwide.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Geospatial Data Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Geospatial Data

Based on our calculations related technologies to Geospatial Data are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in Geospatial Data are, GeoWGS84 Corp

The most represented industries which are working in Geospatial Data are IT, Software and Services, Other, Construction, Environment, Disposal and Recycling, Oil, Energy and Gas

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