
Top Geospatial Intelligence Companies

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138 companies for Geospatial Intelligence

GIA Map | Underwriting & Claims Solutions's Logo

GIA Map | Underwriting & Claims Solutions

Folsom, United States

1-10 Employees


Over the years, spread of risk has proven itself as the best defense strategy, yet it’s often overlooked or reactively managed in today’s insurance environment due to a of lack of modern underwriting solutions. Founded by industry veteran David Jowell, GIA Map integrates natural hazard data, analytics, mapping, and book of business data to help insurers effectively manage their TIV and PIF Saturation for enhanced decision making. Identify most desirable growth areas to launch new products or marketing programs. GIA has become instrumental in the operation of our wholesale property insurance business. Increase transparent communication between Management, Underwriting, Product, Claims and Marketing by providing a holistic map-based view of business 24/7/365. Deliver notifications about the company-specific impact of severe weather events at the address and portfolio level via automated alerts to underwriting and claims. Schedule a demo to discuss how we can help with Underwriting, Claims, Product or Marketing.

Core business

Underwriting and Claims Solutions Using Geospatial Intelligence WILDFIRE | FLOOD | EARTHQUAKE | SEVERE WEATHER

... Claims Solutions Using Geospatial Intelligence WILDFIRE | FLOOD | ...

Darkhorse Geospatial LLC's Logo

Darkhorse Geospatial LLC

Boise, United States

1-10 Employees


Using multi-source analysis, we provide Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) and Full Motion Video (FMV) analysis to support high tempo and high-pressure operations environments around the globe. We develop scripts to automate processes and enable the effective use of big data. We are intelligence analysts, data scientists, business process analysts, geospatial data experts. Darkhorse Geospatial specializes in geospatial services, products, maps, FMV, ISR, and Maritime and Wildland Fire data analysis. As a small, nimble firm, we are easy to work with, placing our focus on quality over quantity. As the cofounder of Darkhorse Geospatial, Emmy Harbo draws from over 15 years of collaboration and leadership in Geospatial IT and GIS projects. Emmy is a contracted seasonal employee of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Boise Dispatch. The vastness of datasets adds both complexity and clarity to mission-focused, evolving challenges.

Core business

Geospatial Intelligence | GEOINT Services

... Geospatial Intelligence | GEOINT ...

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)'s Logo

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)

Springfield, United States

10001+ Employees


During these years, NGA provided distinguished support to military campaigns, including Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, and played a pivotal role in the 2011 raid on the Osama bin Laden compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. NGA’s GEOINT expertise has also been used to combat criminal activities across the globe, including work to hinder the production and distribution of narcotics and wildlife trafficking. Since the inception of NGA, the global landscape – and the threats emerging from that landscape – have continued to evolve. Connect with NGA in History on Facebook and Twitter . NGA delivers world-class geospatial intelligence that provides a decisive advantage to policymakers, warfighters, intelligence professionals and first responders. At NGA, our mission is to answer those fundamental questions today, so we can help show the way to a better tomorrow. To a handful of visionaries, the challenges exposed by the Gulf War provided an opportunity to reimagine imagery and mapping assets into a single entity – what eventually became the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA). More than just a name change, NGA cemented a new intelligence discipline – GEOINT – and gave rise to such developments as the establishment of the National System for Geospatial Intelligence, all of which ratified the innovative discipline and doctrine fueling the work of the agency.

Core business

Home | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

... Home | National Geospatial-Intelligence ...

ShadowBreak Intl's Logo

ShadowBreak Intl

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


The two companies will work together to offer turnkey solutions for the design, launch, and operation of microsatellites and ground-stations directly to select customers, using ShadowBreak’s innovative data infrastructure and technology solutions to deliver the imagery to customers in a private and secure environment. By leveraging our expertise, building powerful products that are easy to use we break with the traditional ways of the industry. Combining geospatial and open source intelligence, ShadowBreak Intl provides tailored on-demand situational reports and analysis including 3D recreations.

Core business

ShadowBreak Intl – Democratising geospatial intelligence

... ShadowBreak Intl – Democratising geospatial intelligence ...

Geo4i's Logo


Creil, France

1-10 Employees


Geo4i combines the experience of’ image analysts and the geomatics skills. We are also betting a lot on a dynamic of excellence with a success of 100% of our projects. Geo4i is a company founded on the basis of healthy and trusting customer relationships, where we make respect for the protection of the data processed and exchanged our priority.

Core business

Geospatial intelligence, our expertise

... GEOINT – Analysis through geospatial intelligence ...

Geospatial Ventures Limited's Logo

Geospatial Ventures Limited


1-10 Employees


Geospatial Ventures Ltd is a leading systems integrator and expert. change in technical capability, capacity and provide deep societal. Project partners include EnduroSat and the University of Nottingham. Our partners span the commercial and public sector. satellite data providers, satellite manufacturers, satellite data processors,.

Core business

geospatial solutions, intelligence & consultancy |

... GVL provide geospatial solutions, intelligence and business consultancy ...

Spatialise's Logo


Amsterdam, Netherlands

1-10 Employees


Beyond carbon – Spatialise has developed the most accurate remote sensing AI powered carbon model on the market. Spatialise wants to enable farmers to take real steps towards regenerating their soils and the natural capital of their land- like biodiversity and water. The mission of Spatialise is to regenerate 1 Bn hectare of soils worldwide, essential for nature conservation, sustainable farming and future food security. That is why we are leveraging the precision of our technology and creating automated tools to enable farmers to use fewer chemical fertilisers, save money, and increase biodiversity without jeopardising their yields. With frequent and scalable soil health monitoring we are addressing the critical challenge of over 30% of global agricultural soil degradation.

Core business

Spatialise – Enabling the regeneration of soils through geospatial intelligence

... – Enabling the regeneration of soils through geospatial intelligence ...

precursor SPC's Logo

precursor SPC

Seattle, United States

1-10 Employees


The high-fidelity data is processed through Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to deliver real-time insights into the changing risks and potential impacts of unpredictable, recurring extreme geospatial events. Delivered Real-time Space Weather Impact Tool to US and UK agencies.

Core business

Geospatial Event Intelligence

... delivers actionable geospatial intelligence for Earthquake ...

Geo Owl LLC's Logo

Geo Owl LLC

Wilmington, United States

51-100 Employees


The GeoOwl team provides expertly executed tactical control by utilizing assets to the fullest for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations — we have successfully completed thousands of missions around the globe. We are committed leaders in a new era of intelligence standing shoulder to shoulder with our mission partners. Geo Owl is a geospatial company at its core, our services and technology include the spectrum of disciplines from remote sensing analysis to software development, we are the location intelligence experts! We value both the time and the hard work that our team members provide our customers and in return our customers gain the highest quality of service possible. Jim is a 20+ year veteran in the defense and intelligence community performing intelligence, imagery, and systems analysis to identify deficiencies and propose solutions to C4I, doctrine, operations, and training to drive new growth and opportunity. Kerry is a FAA certified drone pilot with over 2000+ hours of flight time with various UAS assets and sensors. Nate brings nearly four decades of valuable expertise in intelligence operations, program support, and leadership. Pam brings 30+ years of experience working as an expert HR professional across various sectors.

Core business

Geo Owl - GIS, Geospatial Intelligence, Mapping, and Drone Services

... Geo Owl specializes in Geospatial Intelligence Services including GIS ...

Masego Inc.'s Logo

Masego Inc.

Fredericksburg, United States

1-10 Employees


We are an SBA-certified 8(a) firm and were awarded the DoD’s Mentor Protégé Program’s Nunn-Perry Award. At Masego Inc., it is our mission to provide expertise in GEOINT and human geography analysis, data science, and professional training to the Department of Defense, intelligence, federal, and security communities, through a cadre of proven analysts, robust and dynamic training, and state-of-the-art technology solutions. Our portfolio of expertise includes GEOINT, human geography, professional training, data science, and custom services.

Core business

Geospatial Intelligence

... Geospatial Intelligence ...

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Insights about the Geospatial Intelligence results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Geospatial Intelligence

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1323
Amount of suitable service providers1394
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2009
Youngest suiting company2017

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Geospatial Intelligence

What is Geospatial Intelligence?

Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) encompasses the collection, analysis, and presentation of imagery, imagery intelligence, and geospatial information to describe, assess, and visually depict physical features and geographically referenced activities on the Earth. GEOINT combines the disciplines of cartography, photogrammetry, remote sensing, and geographic information systems (GIS) to collect and process images and geospatial information from satellite and aerial photography, as well as other sources. This intelligence discipline plays a pivotal role in national security, military operations, disaster response, and environmental monitoring by providing critical insights about the geographic and spatial context of events and activities. Through the analysis of spatial data, GEOINT professionals can predict potential outcomes, assess risks, and make strategic decisions based on the physical and cultural landscape of an area. Its impact extends beyond military applications, influencing urban planning, logistics, agriculture, and climate change studies by offering precise data that supports informed decision-making and strategic planning. The ability to integrate and interpret this data effectively enhances situational awareness, aids in crisis management, and contributes to the safety and well-being of communities around the globe, marking Geospatial Intelligence as a key player in the advancement and application of technology across various sectors.

Advantages of Geospatial Intelligence

1. Improved Decision Making
Geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) offers unparalleled insights into physical landscapes, enabling more informed decisions. By analyzing spatial data, organizations can predict outcomes more accurately than traditional data analysis methods. This precision is crucial in sectors like agriculture, defense, and urban planning, where the geographical context significantly impacts outcomes.

2. Enhanced Situational Awareness
GEOINT provides a comprehensive view of an area, combining imagery, terrain data, and other geographic information. This integration offers a detailed understanding of current conditions, which is invaluable for emergency response teams and military operations. It allows for real-time, informed responses to natural disasters, security threats, and other critical situations.

3. Cost Efficiency
By facilitating precise planning and operational execution, GEOINT helps to minimize unnecessary expenditures. Organizations can optimize resource allocation, reduce operational risks, and avoid costly mistakes through accurate geospatial analysis. This efficiency is especially beneficial in large-scale projects where the financial stakes are high.

4. Strategic Planning Support
GEOINT aids in long-term strategic planning by offering insights into geographic trends and potential future scenarios. This forward-looking perspective is essential for governments and businesses aiming to sustain growth, mitigate risks, and seize new opportunities in an ever-changing global landscape.

How to select right Geospatial Intelligence supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Data Accuracy and Resolution
Ensure the supplier provides high-resolution imagery and accurate geospatial data, essential for detailed analysis and decision-making.

2. Data Coverage and Freshness
Verify the supplier's data covers your area of interest comprehensively and is frequently updated to reflect the latest changes.

3. Technology and Tools
Assess the technological capabilities, including the availability of advanced analytics tools, AI algorithms, and user-friendly interfaces for efficient data analysis.

4. Customization and Scalability
Check whether the supplier offers customizable solutions that can scale according to your project's size and complexity.

5. Compliance and Security
Ensure the supplier adheres to industry standards for data privacy, security, and regulatory compliance, safeguarding sensitive information.

6. Customer Support and Services
Consider the level of customer support provided, including training, technical assistance, and consultative services to maximize the value of geospatial intelligence for your needs.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Geospatial Intelligence?

Geospatial intelligence (GeoInt) significantly enhances logistics and supply chain management in the retail and manufacturing sectors. By analyzing geographical data, businesses can optimize routes for shipping and delivery, reducing costs and improving efficiency. This intelligence also aids in identifying the best locations for new warehouses or stores based on demographic and geographic insights, ensuring proximity to key markets. In agriculture, GeoInt plays a critical role in precision farming. Through satellite imagery and sensors, farmers can monitor crop health, soil conditions, and weather patterns. This data allows for the precise application of water, fertilizers, and pesticides, leading to improved yield, reduced environmental impact, and enhanced resource management. The energy sector leverages GeoInt for exploration and environmental monitoring. It enables companies to identify potential sites for renewable energy projects, like wind and solar farms, by analyzing terrain, weather patterns, and sunlight exposure. Additionally, it's crucial for monitoring pipelines and infrastructure for maintenance needs or environmental hazards, ensuring operational safety and compliance with regulations. In real estate and urban planning, GeoInt provides valuable insights for decision-making. By assessing land use, zoning regulations, and urban growth patterns, stakeholders can make informed choices about property investments and development projects. It also aids in disaster management and mitigation planning, helping to identify areas at risk of floods, earthquakes, or other natural disasters.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Geospatial Intelligence

Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) has reached a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL), predominantly existing between TRL 7 to TRL 9 across various applications. This advanced status is attributed to the integration of sophisticated satellite imagery, AI algorithms, and big data analytics, which have significantly enhanced the accuracy, speed, and reliability of geospatial data analysis. These technologies have matured through extensive research, development, and operational testing, leading to their deployment in real-world scenarios. The use of AI, for instance, has transitioned from theoretical models to practical applications, enabling the automated interpretation of vast amounts of imagery and geospatial data at unprecedented speeds. Furthermore, the reliability of these technologies has been validated through their consistent application in critical fields such as national security, environmental monitoring, and urban planning, where high levels of precision are imperative. The integration and interoperability of these technologies have also been refined, ensuring seamless data flow and analysis across different platforms and systems. Consequently, the high TRL of GEOINT reflects not just the technical evolution and validation of individual technologies but also their successful integration and application in addressing complex real-world challenges.

What is the Technology Forecast of Geospatial Intelligence?

In the Short-Term, advancements in geospatial intelligence are expected to be driven by the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. These innovations will enhance the ability to process and analyze vast amounts of imagery and data at unprecedented speeds, offering more accurate and timely insights for decision-making processes. Additionally, the development of more sophisticated drones and satellite technologies will provide higher resolution imagery, further improving the precision of geospatial analyses. The Mid-Term phase will likely see the emergence of more advanced predictive analytics capabilities within the realm of geospatial intelligence. By leveraging historical data and current trends, these tools will predict future geographical and environmental changes with greater accuracy. This period will also witness the expansion of geospatial intelligence applications in urban planning, disaster management, and climate change studies, facilitated by the growing availability of real-time data and the increasing sophistication of analytical tools. Looking into the Long-Term, we can anticipate the integration of geospatial intelligence with quantum computing, which will revolutionize data processing capabilities, allowing for the analysis of complex datasets in a fraction of the current time. This era will also likely see the advent of fully autonomous systems capable of interpreting geospatial data without human intervention, leading to breakthroughs in fields such as autonomous vehicle navigation, remote sensing, and space exploration. The convergence of these technologies will unlock new dimensions in understanding and interacting with our physical and environmental landscapes.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Geospatial Intelligence Companies

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Based on our calculations related technologies to Geospatial Intelligence are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

The most represented industries which are working in Geospatial Intelligence are IT, Software and Services, Other, Defense, Construction, Oil, Energy and Gas

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