
Top Predictive Modeling Companies

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320 companies for Predictive Modeling's Logo

Vero Beach, United States

1-10 Employees


If you've ever struggled to turn ideas into tangible projects that drive results, or if you're not generating solid ideas at all, we've created a unique process to shepherd you on your data science & machine learning journey. We leverage a software-meets-service model, providing expert guidance in tandem with our state-of-the-art machine learning experience across industries. We maximize business opportunity with data-driven machine learning deployments. We leverage a team of PhD research scientists and industry-proven data scientists to ensure your ML solution is built to drive a competitive edge. Our experts have created libraries of customizable state-of-the-art, open source, and hybrid algorithms, promising you a measurable edge over the competition, without starting from scratch.

Core business

G/\CODE | obsessed development. ai predictive modeling

... G/\CODE | obsessed development. ai predictive modeling ...

Datadvance's Logo



- Employees


Take advantage of pSeven, an integration platform for design exploration and predictive modeling. We are pleased to invite you to P7UC2023, an annual gathering of pSeven community and proffesionals from the industry, that will be held on 18 October 2023 online. Build, deploy, operate and manage Digital Twins at scale with a cloud-native low code platform. Automate complex product development processes by integrating all your CAD/CAE software into a single workflow, define its logic and take advantage of HPC. TECOSIM, a company specialized in engineering services for product development, and pSeven start working together: the CAE specialist will take on sales and first-level user support for innovative software solutions pSeven and pSeven Enterprise in the German-speaking countries.


Predictive Modeling

... provides Predictive Modeling toolset based on approximation ...

RichDwarf Enterprises's Logo

RichDwarf Enterprises

Henderson, United States

1-10 Employees


With over 35 years of combined experience in analytics, research, and statistical analysis, RdA has a data-driven, statistics-based, powerful analytics that produces quality predictive models. Our tools are easy to use, amazingly powerful, and give clients what they want most: the power to succeed.

Core business

RichDwarf Analytics - a premier provider of predictive analysis and modeling.

... Dwarf Analytics - a premier provider of predictive analysis and modeling. ...

human-centric's Logo


Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, France

1-10 Employees


Which customers show behavior that indicated they may quit your service? A/B Testing (or online controlled experimentation) is the practice of comparing different versions of a system to see which works better. Exploratory data analysis is the activity of using data to gain an understanding of what is happening. The model itself is deployed in your infrastructure and provides predictions in real-time based on the data it's being fed.

Core business

Predictive Modeling

... Predictive Modeling ...

RapidMatter's Logo


Bedminster Township, United States

1-10 Employees


It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. RapidMatter is a data-driven platform and people-driven community focused on continous human optimization in every aspect. It’s not about being the best, it’s about being better than you were yesterday. RapidMatter is both a platform and a community founded to empower people with effective coaching using data-driven and human-centric methods. Our team has been focused on mentoring in practice for well over 2 decades. Having lived experiences as both a mentor and a mentee, you will find that this tips surface over time. It is important to know and spot them before they have a chance to impact your mentoring experience! What is mentoring? Before […].


Predictive Modeling

... Predictive Modeling - ...



Haifa, Israel

11-50 Employees


From manufacturing to road safety, our consortium is committed to deliver the highest standard of product and service. SAN HITECH focuses on design, production, engineering, and projects management. HEATING SOLUTIONS INTERNATIONAL is a specialist in manufacturing amorphous alloy heating systems for multiple sectors. TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF DENMARK (DTU), a world-leading university with expertise in pavement mechanics and cold climate infrastructure. Although sand is a safer and more environmentally friendly alternative to salt, it can still have a lasting impact on roads and surrounding areas, requiring costly cleanup efforts. Michigan’s road commissions are already following this advice and preparing for next #winter by ordering #salt for more than 400 agencies, totaling 6600 tons. With the innovative SNOWLESS® solution, #wintermaintenance can get to the next level. SNOWLESS® is a real-time reactive, autonomous temperature control… Continue reading Get your sleigh ready in summer and your cart in winter.




Viscovery's Logo


Vienna, Austria

1-10 Employees


As one of the first data mining companies in Europe, Viscovery Software GmbH is among the leading vendors of data mining solutions. Our strength is to provide high-end data mining solutions which excel in intuitive user-guidance, mature implementation, and a consistent focus on applications. The mission of Viscovery is to support clients as they retrieve valuable information from their data. With the help of Viscovery products and services, clients can better explore, understand, and represent their data and, thus, easily and quickly make correct decisions for reducing costs and raising returns. The MERCUR award for innovation, granted to Viscovery by the Economic Chamber of Vienna for Viscovery Profiler.


The unique visual approach to predictive modeling |

... The unique visual approach to predictive modeling | viscovery. ...

Nixense Vixion's Logo

Nixense Vixion

Lahore, Pakistan

1-10 Employees


Once the validation stage has some promising results, proceed towards product development by keeping user experience for target audience in mind. Deploy developed product on cloud or on edge devices based on the architecture requirements. Once product is live, write pipelines to use stored data and upgrade the deployed model time to time for better performance.


Predictive Modeling | Nixense Vixion

... Predictive Modeling | Nixense ...

WiseGuys Marketing's Logo

WiseGuys Marketing

Falls Church, United States

1-10 Employees


WiseGuys offers marketing services and tools to multi-channel marketers who want to increase the yield from their marketing campaigns. We offer a wide range of services to companies that want to run more effective and more targeted marketing campaigns:. Our WiseGuys CRM software is a module you can add to your order management system to analyze customer purchasing and gain insights into purchase behavior. Use RFM and LTV analysis to identify highly targeted audiences for your marketing campaigns, deliver personalized messages, and track results.


Predictive Modeling

... Predictive Modeling for Multi-Channel Marketers | WiseGuys ...

NowVertical Group's Logo

NowVertical Group

New York, United States

11-50 Employees


NowVertical Group empowers bold decision-making by advancing your automation journey. NowVertical’s SMART HUB AI Solution, powered by Azure Open AI, revolutionized Blinds 2go’s customer experience and operational efficiency. We are passionate about enabling AI-driven transformations that empower industries and governments to overcome their most challenging obstacles. Sandeep Mendiratta, Acrotrend’s CEO and Founder, boasts over 20 years of innovative leadership in scaling businesses and shaping the data analytics industry. Senior Consultant, Datamatics Ltd: Pioneering innovative projects, including handheld device software development. That’s why NOW Solutions has built a team consisting of real experts with experience in your industry. Dive into real stories from real customers who achieved real results with NowVertical Group. Discover Vertical Intelligence news, articles and product updates focused on Big Data, analytics, data governance, marketing tactics and much more.


Predictive Analytics & Modeling

... Predictive modeling uses statistical analysis techniques to forecast ...

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Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Predictive Modeling

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1402
Amount of suitable service providers1224
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2007
Youngest suiting company2021

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Things to know about Predictive Modeling

What is Predictive Modeling?

Predictive modeling is a statistical technique that harnesses mathematical models to predict future outcomes by analyzing historical and current data. It involves the use of data, statistical algorithms, and machine learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future results, trends, and behaviors based on historical data. This process is characterized by the construction of a predictive model which encapsulates the knowledge of a particular phenomenon, enabling the prediction of values or decisions rather than just understanding relationships between variables. Predictive modeling plays a pivotal role in various fields, including finance, where it guides investment decisions and risk management; in marketing, to forecast consumer behavior and optimize product strategies; in healthcare, for predicting disease outbreaks or patient outcomes; and in environmental science, to anticipate climate changes and their impacts. The essence of predictive modeling lies in its ability to provide actionable insights that inform decision-making processes, enhance strategic planning, and drive efficiency improvements. By leveraging vast amounts of data and advanced analytics, predictive modeling not only forecasts future events with a significant degree of accuracy but also allows organizations and stakeholders to proactively respond to potential challenges and opportunities, thereby creating a competitive advantage and fostering innovation within their respective fields.

Advantages of Predictive Modeling

1. Enhanced Decision Making:
Predictive modeling allows organizations to anticipate future trends and outcomes based on historical data. This foresight enables businesses to make informed decisions, optimizing strategies for better results. By predicting customer behavior, market trends, or potential risks, companies can allocate resources more efficiently and tailor their approaches to meet future demands.

2. Risk Reduction:
One of the significant benefits of predictive modeling is its ability to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities within operations or strategies. By forecasting potential problems, businesses can implement preventive measures to mitigate these risks, ensuring smoother operations and safeguarding against unexpected setbacks.

3. Increased Operational Efficiency:
Predictive modeling streamlines operations by predicting bottlenecks, maintenance needs, and workflow optimizations. This predictive insight helps in allocating resources effectively, reducing waste, and enhancing productivity. By anticipating future demands, organizations can adjust their operations to meet these needs without overextending resources.

4. Competitive Advantage:
In today’s fast-paced market, having a strategic advantage is crucial. Predictive modeling provides businesses with insights that competitors may not have, allowing for the development of unique strategies and innovative solutions. This advantage can lead to better market positioning and increased customer satisfaction.

5. Improved Customer Experience:
By predicting customer behaviors, preferences, and needs, businesses can tailor their services and products to meet customer expectations better. This personalization enhances the customer experience, leading to higher satisfaction rates, increased loyalty, and ultimately, more significant profit margins.

How to select right Predictive Modeling supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Experience and Expertise
Consider the supplier's track record in predictive modeling across various industries. Their experience can provide valuable insights and a proven track record in delivering successful projects.

2. Technology Stack
Assess the technological tools and platforms the supplier uses. The right technology stack is crucial for building efficient and accurate predictive models.

3. Data Security Measures
Understand the supplier's policies and protocols for data protection. This is critical to ensure your data remains secure and confidential throughout the project.

4. Scalability
The supplier should offer solutions that can scale with your business needs. Scalability is important for handling increasing data volumes and complexity in predictive modeling.

5. Customer Support and Service
Evaluate the supplier's support services. Responsive and reliable customer support is essential for addressing any issues that may arise during the project.

6. Cost-Effectiveness
While cost should not be the sole criterion, it's important to ensure that the services offered align with your budget and offer a good return on investment.

7. Innovation and Adaptability
The supplier should demonstrate a commitment to innovation and the ability to adapt to the latest trends in predictive modeling and analytics. This ensures that the solutions provided are cutting-edge and effective.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Predictive Modeling?

Predictive modeling finds a significant application in sales forecasting across various industries. By analyzing historical sales data, seasonality, and market trends, companies can predict future sales volumes more accurately. This enables businesses to manage inventory efficiently, optimize supply chain operations, and adjust sales strategies to meet projected demand, thus enhancing overall business performance. In the financial services sector, credit scoring is a pivotal use case of predictive modeling. Financial institutions use predictive algorithms to assess the creditworthiness of potential borrowers by analyzing past financial behaviors and other relevant data. This not only speeds up the decision-making process but also helps in reducing the risk of defaults, thereby ensuring a healthier portfolio for the lenders. Customer churn prediction is another significant application, especially in the telecommunications and SaaS (Software as a Service) industries. By identifying patterns and factors that contribute to customer attrition, predictive models enable companies to proactively implement retention strategies. This not only helps in retaining valuable customers but also in optimizing the allocation of resources towards the most effective retention efforts. Furthermore, predictive maintenance is revolutionizing the manufacturing industry. By using predictive models to forecast equipment failures before they occur, manufacturers can schedule maintenance more effectively, reducing downtime and extending the lifespan of their machinery. This not only improves operational efficiency but also significantly lowers maintenance costs, enhancing overall productivity. Each of these use cases demonstrates the versatility and value of predictive modeling across different B2B landscapes, showcasing its role in driving efficiency, minimizing risks, and fostering growth.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Predictive Modeling

Predictive modeling, as a technology, encompasses a wide range of applications, from financial forecasting and weather prediction to healthcare diagnostics and customer behavior anticipation. Given its broad applicability and the rapid advancement in computational technologies, predictive modeling is situated at a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL), generally around TRL 8 or 9 for many of its applications. This classification is attributed to the technology's extensive validation and demonstration in real-world conditions. The advent of big data, improved algorithms, and enhanced computing power has significantly refined predictive modeling techniques, making them more accurate and reliable. Moreover, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning has propelled its capabilities to not only analyze past and present data but also to learn from it, thereby improving future predictions. These technical advancements have facilitated the transition from theoretical development and controlled environments (TRL 4-6) to actual system completion and operational capability (TRL 7-9). The high TRL reflects predictive modeling's maturity, where it has been proven to work in its final form and under expected conditions. This level of readiness underscores the confidence in predictive modeling's reliability and effectiveness across various sectors, demonstrating its critical role in decision-making processes and strategic planning.

What is the Technology Forecast of Predictive Modeling?

**Short-Term:** In the immediate future, advancements in predictive modeling are poised to become more accessible and efficient. Integration of AI and machine learning algorithms into cloud-based platforms will allow businesses of all sizes to leverage predictive analytics without the need for extensive computational resources or data science expertise. Enhanced automation in data preprocessing and model selection will significantly reduce the time from data collection to actionable insights, making predictive modeling a more integral part of day-to-day decision-making processes. **Mid-Term:** Over the next few years, the focus will shift towards improving the interpretability and transparency of predictive models. As these models become more complex, understanding their decision-making process is crucial for trust and ethical considerations. Efforts will be concentrated on developing more sophisticated explainable AI (XAI) techniques, which will help demystify the workings of deep learning models. Additionally, we'll see the emergence of more robust privacy-preserving predictive modeling techniques, enabling the use of sensitive data for predictions without compromising individual privacy. **Long-Term:** Looking further ahead, the convergence of predictive modeling with quantum computing stands to revolutionize the field. Quantum-enhanced predictive models will be able to process and analyze data sets of unprecedented size and complexity. This quantum leap will not only increase the accuracy of predictions across all sectors, including healthcare, finance, and climate science but also potentially solve problems currently deemed intractable by classical computing methods. The integration of quantum computing will mark a significant milestone in the evolution of predictive analytics, ushering in a new era of problem-solving capabilities.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Predictive Modeling Companies

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Based on our calculations related technologies to Predictive Modeling are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in Predictive Modeling are Albell Cloud Labs

The most represented industries which are working in Predictive Modeling are IT, Software and Services, Other, Consulting, Finance and Insurance, Healthcare

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