
Top Quantum Annealing Companies

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5 companies for Quantum Annealing

Denso's Logo


Kariya, Japan

10001+ Employees


DENSO Receives Highest Rating from CDP in “Climate Change” and “Water Security”. A future with DFPs, the third major type of processor alongside CPUs and GPUs. One step closer to automated driving via intelligent semiconductors capable of making instantaneous decisions. DENSO Corporation is therefore developing data flow processors (DFPs), which are a new type of semiconductor in addition to the central processing unit (CPU) and graphics processing unit (GPU). DFPs will play key roles not only in the auto industry but also in factories, edge computing and other areas.


What is Quantum Annealing?

... What is Quantum Annealing? ...

Jij's Logo


Tokyo, Japan

1-10 Employees


Core business

Jij Inc.|Quantum/Optimization Startup

... using quantum algorithms such as QIO, QAOA, and quantum annealing. ...

XpertUp's Logo


Mumbai, India

1-10 Employees


To help our clients and maximize the value of their business by providing technological solutions with best in class delivery process. Also democratize the future technologies for all of you. To provide opportunities to advance your professional journey through best learning materials for bleeding edge technologies. We love to bring you the best articles on current buzzing technologies like Blockchain, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Quantum Computing and lot more. We focus on simplicity, elegant design and clean content that helps you to get maximum information at single platform.

Core business

Quantum Annealing Process

... Quantum Annealing ...

NTT Data's Logo

NTT Data

Koto, Japan

10001+ Employees


NTT DATA – a part of NTT Group – is a trusted global innovator of IT and business services headquartered in Tokyo. We help clients transform through consulting, industry solutions, business process services, IT modernization and managed services. NTT DATA enables clients, as well as society, to move confidently into the digital future. We are committed to our clients’ long-term success and combine global reach with local client attention to serve them in over 50 countries. At NTT DATA, we deliver outcomes that keep our clients a step ahead in this digitally dynamic world.


NTT DATA's quantum annealing activities in Japan for optimization to allocate resources to areas.

... NTT DATA's quantum annealing activities in Japan for optimization to ...

D-Wave Systems's Logo

D-Wave Systems

Burnaby, Canada

101-250 Employees


Discover how you can use quantum computing today. Learn more about who we are and what we do. Our customers are building quantum applications for problems as diverse as logistics, portfolio optimization, drug discovery, materials sciences, scheduling, fault detection, traffic congestion, and supply chain management. This indicates that companies are increasingly recognizing quantum computing’s commercial potential regardless of industry, company composition, or geographic location. You’ll also connect with the Leap community and D-Wave experts to gain new ideas and skills while differentiating yourself in the marketplace.

Core business

About D-Wave: The Practical Quantum Computing Company

... Infinity Announce Collaboration on Quantum Annealing ...

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Insights about the Quantum Annealing results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Quantum Annealing

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1394
Amount of suitable service providers957
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company2016
Youngest suiting company2021

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Quantum Annealing

What is Quantum Annealing?

Quantum Annealing (QA) is a quantum computational method utilized for finding the global minimum of a given objective function over a given set of candidate solutions, by exploiting quantum mechanical phenomena such as quantum tunneling and superposition. The process begins with a system of qubits initialized in a superposition of all possible states, representing all potential solutions. The system then undergoes a gradual transition, or "annealing" process, from an initial Hamiltonian, which is easy to prepare and whose ground state is known, to a final Hamiltonian, whose ground state represents the solution to the optimization problem. This transition is governed by the adiabatic theorem of quantum mechanics, which ensures that the system remains in its ground state throughout the process, provided the transition is sufficiently slow, thus guiding the system toward the global minimum of the objective function. The impact of Quantum Annealing within computational physics, optimization, and material science, among other fields, is significant, as it offers a promising quantum-based alternative to classical optimization algorithms, potentially solving complex problems more efficiently where traditional methods falter due to computational complexity. Its applications range from solving large-scale optimization problems, like logistics and scheduling, to drug discovery and material design, leveraging the inherent parallelism and the unique capabilities of quantum computing to explore a vast solution space more effectively. Quantum Annealing thus stands as a pivotal development in the quest for practical quantum computing, heralding a new era of problem-solving capabilities.

Advantages of Quantum Annealing

1. Enhanced Optimization Capabilities
: Quantum annealing excels in solving complex optimization problems more efficiently than classical computing methods. This is due to its ability to navigate vast solution spaces by exploiting quantum superposition and tunneling, thus finding optimal solutions faster for problems in logistics, finance, and machine learning.

2. Superior Handling of NP-Hard Problems
: It provides a significant advantage in tackling NP-Hard problems, which are notoriously difficult for classical computers. Quantum annealing can explore multiple potential solutions simultaneously, reducing the computational time required to solve such problems, which often involve combinatorial optimization.

3. Scalability and Flexibility
: As quantum technology advances, quantum annealers are becoming more scalable, allowing them to handle larger and more complex problems. Furthermore, their architecture allows for flexibility in adapting to different types of optimization problems without needing significant changes to the hardware.

4. Energy Efficiency
: Quantum annealing devices can potentially operate with greater energy efficiency than traditional supercomputers by performing specific tasks more effectively. This efficiency stems from their quantum nature, reducing the energy required for complex calculations and contributing to more sustainable computing practices.

How to select right Quantum Annealing supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Quantum Annealing Technology Maturity
Assess the technological maturity of the supplier's quantum annealing solutions. Opt for those demonstrating a track record of successful implementations and continuous advancements in their technology.

2. Scalability
Consider the scalability of the quantum annealing system. It should be capable of growing to meet your computational needs without significant additional investments or drastic changes in infrastructure.

3. Problem Compatibility
Ensure the supplier’s technology is well-suited for the specific types of optimization problems your organization needs to solve. Compatibility is key to achieving effective results.

4. Integration Capabilities
Evaluate the ease with which the quantum annealing solution can be integrated into your existing IT infrastructure. Smooth integration reduces implementation time and costs.

5. Security Measures
Review the security measures in place to protect sensitive data processed by the quantum annealing system. Robust security protocols are essential to safeguard your information.

6. Support and Maintenance
Check the level of support and maintenance services provided. Reliable technical support and regular updates are crucial for the long-term success of any quantum computing solution.

7. Cost-effectiveness
Finally, assess the cost-effectiveness of the solution. Consider not only the initial investment but also the operational costs and the potential return on investment over time.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Quantum Annealing?

Quantum annealing, a quantum computing technology, is making strides in solving complex optimization problems across various industries. One notable use case is in logistics and transportation, where companies leverage quantum annealing to optimize routes and schedules. By efficiently handling variables such as delivery times, vehicle capacities, and traffic conditions, businesses can significantly reduce fuel costs and improve delivery speeds, offering a competitive edge in the fast-paced sector. In the financial sector, quantum annealing addresses portfolio optimization challenges. Financial institutions use it to analyze vast datasets, considering numerous financial instruments and their potential risk-return profiles. This capability enables the crafting of optimized investment portfolios that align with specific goals and risk tolerances, providing a sophisticated tool for asset management and investment strategy development. Another critical application is in the field of drug discovery within the pharmaceutical industry. Quantum annealing accelerates the identification of viable drug candidates by optimizing molecular structures and interactions. This process involves navigating an immense space of chemical compounds to find those with the desired therapeutic effects, significantly reducing the time and cost associated with bringing new drugs to market. Lastly, the energy sector benefits from quantum annealing through improved grid optimization. It aids in managing the complex distribution of electricity from various sources to consumers, optimizing the flow to reduce losses and enhance reliability. As renewable energy sources become more prevalent, this technology is pivotal in balancing supply and demand, ensuring sustainable and efficient energy distribution. These use cases illustrate the transformative potential of quantum annealing across different industries, highlighting its role in solving some of today's most challenging optimization problems.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Quantum Annealing

As of 2023, quantum annealing resides at a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of approximately 4 to 6, indicating that it has evolved from basic principles observed and reported (TRL 1-3) to stages where its technology and application concepts are formulated and validated in relevant environments (TRL 4-6). This assessment is grounded in the fact that quantum annealing, primarily utilized for solving optimization problems, has seen its physical principles demonstrated through the construction and operation of quantum annealers like D-Wave's systems. These devices have showcased the potential to solve complex optimization and sampling problems faster than classical computers for specific tasks. However, the technology remains at an intermediary TRL due to several technical challenges and limitations. For instance, current quantum annealers operate with a relatively small number of qubits, which limits the size and complexity of problems they can effectively address. Additionally, the quality of qubits (coherence time, control fidelity, etc.) and error rates present substantial hurdles that need to be overcome to achieve broader applicability and higher problem-solving capacities. The development of quantum error correction techniques and the creation of more scalable and robust quantum annealing architectures are critical milestones yet to be fully achieved, reflecting why the technology has not advanced into higher readiness levels where its effectiveness could be demonstrated in operational environments (TRL 7-9).

What is the Technology Forecast of Quantum Annealing?

In the short term, advancements in quantum annealing are expected to focus on improving qubit coherence times and error correction techniques. This will enhance the stability and reliability of quantum annealing processes, enabling more complex optimization problems to be tackled with higher precision. Enhanced control over qubit interactions will also allow for more nuanced problem formulations, broadening the technology's applicability across various industries such as finance, logistics, and pharmaceuticals. Mid-term developments are anticipated to revolve around scaling up the quantum annealing systems, increasing the number of qubits significantly. This scale-up will facilitate the exploration of new algorithmic frontiers, pushing the boundaries of what can be optimized. Integration with classical computing systems will become more seamless, allowing for hybrid approaches that leverage the strengths of both quantum and classical algorithms. This period will likely witness the emergence of specialized quantum annealing applications in material science and cryptography, driven by improved hardware capabilities and more sophisticated software algorithms. In the long term, quantum annealing technology is expected to mature into a widely accessible tool for solving a vast array of optimization problems, with significant strides in energy efficiency and problem-solving speed. Quantum error correction may reach a point where quantum annealers can operate with negligible error rates over prolonged periods, making them viable for critical applications in climate modeling, energy distribution, and complex system simulations. The long-term phase will likely see quantum annealing becoming a pivotal component in the toolkit for addressing global challenges, facilitated by advancements in quantum hardware, software, and algorithm design.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Quantum Annealing Companies

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Based on our calculations related technologies to Quantum Annealing are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in Quantum Annealing are Ingenii, infinityQ Technology, Inspiration-Q, Quantagonia

The most represented industries which are working in Quantum Annealing are IT, Software and Services, Other, Finance and Insurance, Research, Oil, Energy and Gas

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