
Top Quantum Cryptography Companies

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94 companies for Quantum Cryptography

Stealth Grid's Logo

Stealth Grid

Escondido, United States

1-10 Employees


Our mission is to enable and empower them to harness the full potential of the Cloud. Stealth Grid is a trailblazer providing quantum cyber security solutions across diverse industry sectors, encompassing blockchain, banking, government technology, IoT, manufacturing, encrypted unified communications, cloud, and mobile. Going beyond the horizon, we are actively developing the Quantum Secure Digital Identity (QSDI) global ecosystem, surpassing existing ID systems with unparalleled global reach, steadfast privacy, and on-demand accessibility. Our foundation is built on exceptional technical expertise and unparalleled market knowledge, with two-thirds of our dedicated workforce actively engaged in R&D. With an international team of security experts and renowned cryptographers, we take immense pride in fortifying your digital world like no other. Our cutting-edge technology positions us as the leading Cyber Security Specialists for the Internet of Things. Every aspect of our work is meticulously crafted to safeguard your privacy and deliver the most robust cyber security worldwide.


Quantum Cryptography

... Quantum Cryptography – Stealth ...

CryptoExperts's Logo


Paris, France

1-10 Employees



Post-Quantum Cryptography

... Post-Quantum Cryptography | ...

ID Quantique Europe's Logo

ID Quantique Europe

Vienna, Austria

1-10 Employees


In this decade, society will start to benefit from Quantum Technologies: more secure communications, greater computational power for research, innovation and industry, and better sensors and instruments for measuring and data collection. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a future-proof method of distributing encryption keys for secure data transmission. Nutshell Quantum-Safe, formerly IDQ Europe, is your partner for QKD consultancy, deployment, training and support. “Nutshell Quantum-Safe contributes to Europe’s mission to lead quantum technology development and exploitation. As we begin the second quantum revolution, quantum technologies are adding significant value and making our world a better place to live in”. To secure your most valuable data in motion.

Core business

Shaping the future of quantum cryptography in Europe

... Shaping the future of quantum cryptography in ...

iQrypto's Logo


Oxford, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Our vision is to democratise Quantum technologies by employing advanced microchips. We are continually exploring new frontiers, embracing the latest advancements, and pushing the boundaries of technology to deliver solutions that redefine industry standards. At iQrypto, we are dedicated to ensuring that technology remains a force for good. We provide the technological foundation for countless applications. At iQrypto, we understand the importance of tailored solutions. We are here to guide you through the journey of adopting quantum technology by providing ongoing support to keep your systems running smoothly and efficiently, backed by our knowledge and experience. We aim to be the go-to provider for advanced technology solutions and a trusted partner in the ever-expanding digital world. We recognize the increasing importance of data security in an interconnected world and offer quantum based tech providing the highest level of protection.

Core business

iQrypto - Quantum, Cryptography

... - Quantum, Cryptography ...

QuantLR's Logo


Netanya, Israel

1-10 Employees


QuantLR and PacketLight Networks announce the successful integration of the QKD with OTN encrypted transport to accomplish a quantum-safe encrypted network. Founded in 2018, HEQA Security brings a quantum leap for secure communication. Later co-founded ClearML, the world’s leading MLOps OSS platform, serving as CEO and Chairman.

Core business

The most advanced Quantum Cryptography solution in the world

... providing the world’s lowest-cost secure Quantum Cryptography solution. ...

Quantum Resistant Cryptography (QRC)'s Logo

Quantum Resistant Cryptography (QRC)

Lausanne, Switzerland

1-10 Employees


QRCrypto’s patented technology corrects the Achilles heel of cybersecurity by strengthening the key schedule of FIPS AES with a cryptographically strong pseudo-random generator, thereby increasing its key size. QRC is the only solution recommended by the United Nations International Telecom Union for 5G quantum protection. With eAES® at its core, QRC provides the best symmetric and asymmetric quantum resistant cryptography available. PQC protection with QRC libraries including eAES®, enabling software providers to layer additional security over existing offerings. Market-leading security (but not yet PQC) in videoconf. PQC protection with QRC libraries including eAES®, enabling software providers to layer additional security over existing offerings. QRC’s eAES® provides the missing link in the cybersecurity chain, resolving the security gap with the following two steps:. This key expansion function is the weakest part of the AES system.

Core business

Quantum Resistant Cryptography

... Quantum Resistant Cryptography ...

The Forkbomb Company's Logo

The Forkbomb Company

Amsterdam, Netherlands

1-10 Employees


We are 20 (and growing) people strong team: cryptographers, full-stack devs, UX/UI designers, DevOps and sysadmins. Forkbomb BV was founded in October 2021 as a spin-off of the foundation. We created Forkbomb to offer support to our growing community of partners using the Zenroom stack and to develop radically innovative solutions using our stack. Since 2017 was awarded multiple grants and tenders by the European Commission, for research and development in the fields of cryptography, blockchain, identity and digital product passport.


Quantum-proof cryptography

... Quantum-proof cryptography ...

IoT and M2M Technologies's Logo

IoT and M2M Technologies

Evanston, United States

- Employees


As the knowledge-based economy grows, primary assets include intellectual property. Future ETSI 5G networks and beyond are planning to operate SIM card functionality within a System-on-a-Chip, which is called an iSIM or iUICC.

Core business


... Smart Secure Platform, and extending ECC for "Post Quantum Cryptography" ...

Qiskrypt's Logo


Lisbon, Portugal

1-10 Employees


Core business

Home - Qis|krypt⟩

... suite of protocols of quantum cryptography built, using the IBM’s ...

IronCAP's Logo


Old Toronto, Canada

11-50 Employees


Established in 1992, 01 Communique is always at the forefront of technology. Our latest innovation is on cyber security with our latest development focused on Quantum-Safe Cryptography. Our patent-protected Quantum-Safe Cryptography is designed to operate on conventional computer systems as we know them today while at the same time is secure enough to safeguard against future attacks from the world of Quantum Computers.

Core business

Post-Quantum Cybersecurity | Post-Quantum Cryptography

... Post-Quantum Cybersecurity | Post-Quantum Cryptography ...

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Insights about the Quantum Cryptography results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Quantum Cryptography

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1351
Amount of suitable service providers987
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1999
Youngest suiting company2022

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Quantum Cryptography

What is Quantum Cryptography?

Quantum cryptography represents a cutting-edge approach in securing communication channels, leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics. At its core, it utilizes the behavior of particles at quantum levels—such as photons—to create unbreakable codes. A fundamental property exploited by quantum cryptography is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which asserts that the act of measuring a quantum system's state inevitably alters that state. This characteristic is pivotal in quantum key distribution (QKD), a method that enables two parties to generate a shared, secret key known only to them. Any attempt to eavesdrop on the key exchange would, by the nature of quantum mechanics, disturb the quantum states involved and thus be immediately detectable. The potential of quantum cryptography extends far beyond traditional encryption methods, offering a theoretically impenetrable security layer against even the most sophisticated computational attacks, including those anticipated from future quantum computers. Its development and implementation are seen as critical steps towards safeguarding sensitive data against emerging cryptographic threats, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of digital security. This technology not only promises to revolutionize how sensitive information is transmitted and stored but also stands as a testament to the increasingly pivotal role of quantum mechanics in shaping the future of cybersecurity.

Advantages of Quantum Cryptography

1. Enhanced Security
Quantum cryptography leverages the principles of quantum mechanics, offering a security level that is theoretically impossible to breach without detection. This approach utilizes quantum key distribution (QKD), which ensures that any attempt at eavesdropping alters the quantum state of the data, alerting the parties involved to the security breach.

2. Forward Secrecy
The dynamic nature of the quantum keys used in quantum cryptography ensures that even if a key is somehow compromised, the data encrypted with past or future keys remains secure. This feature provides forward secrecy, protecting past communications from future compromises—a significant advantage over traditional cryptographic methods that might use static keys.

3. Intercept-Resend Detection
Quantum cryptography inherently detects any attempt to intercept or tamper with the data during transmission. Due to the quantum properties of particles used in transmitting information, any interception attempt changes their state, making the intrusion detectable immediately. This capability offers an unparalleled level of data integrity assurance.

4. Compatibility with Existing Infrastructure
Despite its advanced technology, quantum cryptography can be integrated with existing communication infrastructure, facilitating a smoother transition and allowing for the gradual adoption of quantum-secured networks without the need for a complete overhaul of current systems.

How to select right Quantum Cryptography supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Technology Compatibility
Ensure the supplier's quantum cryptography solutions are compatible with your existing IT infrastructure to facilitate seamless integration.

2. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Capabilities
Assess the supplier's QKD technology to ensure it meets the required security standards for your data encryption needs.

3. Scalability
The supplier should offer scalable solutions that can grow with your organization's needs, avoiding the necessity for frequent system overhauls.

4. Regulatory Compliance
Verify that the supplier’s technologies comply with relevant regulatory standards and data protection laws to mitigate legal risks.

5. Support and Maintenance
Check for comprehensive after-sales support, including maintenance, updates, and training, to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of the quantum cryptography solution.

6. Reputation and Experience
Consider the supplier's reputation in the industry and their experience in deploying quantum cryptography solutions successfully in similar organizations.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Quantum Cryptography?

Quantum cryptography presents a revolutionary approach to secure communication, leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics. In the financial sector, it offers an unparalleled level of security for transactions, safeguarding against potential quantum computer attacks that could compromise traditional encryption methods. Financial institutions can utilize quantum key distribution (QKD) to secure bank-to-bank transfers and client data, ensuring confidentiality and integrity. In the realm of cybersecurity, businesses face an ever-evolving landscape of threats. Quantum cryptography provides a proactive defense mechanism, particularly for companies that manage sensitive information. By implementing QKD, organizations can establish secure communication channels that are immune to eavesdropping, thereby protecting intellectual property and customer data from emerging cyber threats. The healthcare industry also stands to benefit significantly from quantum cryptography. With the proliferation of telemedicine and electronic health records, ensuring patient data privacy and security is paramount. Quantum cryptography can secure the transmission of medical data across networks, offering a new level of protection against unauthorized access and ensuring compliance with stringent regulatory standards. Lastly, the technology sector itself, especially companies involved in developing future-proof communication networks, can leverage quantum cryptography to create ultra-secure connections. This application not only enhances the security of data exchange between devices and servers but also positions these companies at the forefront of adopting quantum-resistant technologies, setting a new standard in the industry.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Quantum Cryptography

Quantum cryptography, a promising frontier in secure communication, currently hovers around Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 4 to 5. This assessment reflects the transition from laboratory validation to field testing of basic technological components. The primary technical reason behind this classification is the intricate challenge of maintaining quantum states over long distances without degradation—a phenomenon known as quantum decoherence. Quantum key distribution (QKD), the most developed aspect of quantum cryptography, has seen successful demonstrations over limited distances, both through fiber optic cables and via atmospheric transmission. However, the scalability of these methods for practical, global communication networks remains a significant hurdle. Additionally, the technology demands highly sophisticated equipment, such as single-photon detectors and sources, which are not only costly but also require substantial miniaturization and robustness improvements for widespread application. The nascent stage of integrating quantum cryptographic systems with existing communication infrastructure further underscores the current TRL position. Despite these challenges, ongoing advancements in quantum repeaters and satellite-based QKD suggest a pathway to overcoming some of the present limitations, indicating a potential for progression to higher TRLs in the foreseeable future.

What is the Technology Forecast of Quantum Cryptography?

In the Short-Term, quantum cryptography will see significant improvements in quantum key distribution (QKD) technologies. These advancements will enhance the security and efficiency of data transmission, enabling more robust protection against cyber threats. Early adopters in sectors like finance and national security will start integrating QKD systems, driving further innovation and reducing costs through economies of scale. The Mid-Term phase of development will witness the integration of quantum cryptography into mainstream communication networks, leading to widespread adoption. Breakthroughs in quantum repeaters will extend the range of secure quantum communications, making it feasible for intercontinental secure channels. This period will also see the emergence of quantum-resistant algorithms, ensuring that existing encryption methods remain secure against quantum computing threats. Looking into the Long-Term, quantum cryptography is expected to become a foundational element of global cybersecurity infrastructure. The development of fully quantum networks will facilitate unparalleled levels of security and privacy. Additionally, advancements in quantum computing will drive the creation of new cryptographic protocols that are not only secure against quantum attacks but also incredibly efficient, paving the way for a new era of secure communication.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Quantum Cryptography Companies

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Based on our calculations related technologies to Quantum Cryptography are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in Quantum Cryptography are ID Quantique Europe

The most represented industries which are working in Quantum Cryptography are IT, Software and Services, Other, Finance and Insurance, Research, Telecommunications

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