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Top Quantum Cryptography Companies

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60 companies for Quantum Cryptography

QuantLR's Logo


Netanya, Israel


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

QuantLR offers a highly advanced quantum cryptography solution that ensures secure communication against quantum threats, emphasizing that quantum encryption cannot be broken, even by quantum computers.

Highlighted product


Advanced Quantum Cryptography Technology Solution | QuantLR

Get the most advanced Quantum Cryptography solution in the world – ready for deployment to secure communication against quantum threats.

Crypto Quantique's Logo

Crypto Quantique

London, United Kingdom


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Crypto Quantique is at the forefront of post-quantum cryptography, having developed the world's first proven quantum-driven secure silicon chip design, QDID, which addresses vulnerabilities in current IoT chip designs. With a team that includes experts in the field, the company is dedicated to enhancing IoT security through innovative solutions.

Highlighted product

Core business

Post quantum cryptography Archives - Crypto Quantique

ThinkQuantum's Logo


Sarcedo, Italy


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

ThinkQuantum specializes in quantum-based technology solutions for cybersecurity and communication systems, including Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG) systems. These innovations enhance cryptographic techniques, addressing the growing need for secure communication in a digital landscape.

Highlighted product


ThinkQuantum - Solutions

Today’s cryptographic techniques are created to solve complex computational problems: their solution, with the best known algorithms, requires an extremely long time even with the most powerful…

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MagiQ Technologies's Logo

MagiQ Technologies

Somerville, United States


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

MagiQ Technologies emphasizes the power of quantum cryptography, highlighting its ability to prevent key theft through quantum particle encoding. Their MagiQ QPN™ solution is presented as a comprehensive approach to enhancing network security.

Highlighted product


MagiQ QPN™| Network Security | Somerville, MA

Learn more about MagiQ QPN: Ultimate Cryptography Solution for Network Security

GoQuantum GmbH's Logo

GoQuantum GmbH

Berlin, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

GoQuantum specializes in Post-Quantum Secure data transmission solutions, utilizing quantum-based hardware and encryption methods specifically designed for Industrial and Telecom applications. Their focus on integrating quantum technologies ensures robust protection for IoT and 4G/5G networks against future cryptographic threats.

Highlighted product

Core business

Go Quantum – Post-Quantum Industrial and Telecom encryption solutions.

ISARA Corporation's Logo

ISARA Corporation

Waterloo, Canada


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

ISARA addresses the critical need for quantum-safe cryptography in the face of emerging threats to digital trust. With the expectation that current public-key cryptography will be compromised by quantum computers in the near future, ISARA offers crypto-agile technologies that facilitate a smooth transition to new cryptographic standards, ensuring the protection of sensitive information and organizational privacy.

Highlighted product


ISARA Quantum-safe OTS PoC System - ISARA Corporation

Cryptographic standards are about to change. To protect against the looming quantum-threat, NIST plans to publish Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) standards in 2024. Is your networking infrastructure ready? Will your custom web applications continue to work with the new standards?

ID Quantique Europe's Logo

ID Quantique Europe

Vienna, Austria


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Nutshell Quantum-Safe highlights the transformative impact of Quantum Technologies, particularly through Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), which offers a robust method for secure data transmission. Their expertise in QKD consultancy and support positions them as key players in advancing quantum cryptography in Europe.

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Core business

Home - Nutshell Quantum-Safe

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InfoSec Global's Logo

InfoSec Global

Old Toronto, Canada


101-250 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, InfoSec Global, offers quantum-safe solutions and emphasizes the importance of post-quantum cryptography, providing tools and workshops to help organizations secure their data against emerging threats. Their expertise in cryptographic protocols ensures that clients can seamlessly integrate advanced security measures to protect sensitive information in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Highlighted product


Cryptographic Quantum Workshop

Workshops by world-renowned crypto-agility experts. Learn how to keep your digital systems and sensitive data safe and secure in a post-quantum world.

Taj Quantum's Logo

Taj Quantum

Orlando, United States


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Taj Quantum specializes in quantum-resistant technology, offering PQR encrypted secure communications and blockchain capabilities that meet both commercial and government requirements. They emphasize the importance of adopting quantum-level protections for businesses, positioning themselves as a forward-thinking provider of cyber security solutions.

Highlighted product

Core business

Taj Quantum - Encryption & Blockchain for Your Businesses

Cyber security that is ready for the future. Encrypted secure communications and blockchain capabilities for commercial and government requirements. The future of privacy is quantum. Contact us today to discuss your cyber security needs.

CryptoNext Security's Logo

CryptoNext Security

Paris, France


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

CryptoNext Security is a leader in post-quantum cryptography, highlighting its expertise and commitment to developing technologies that ensure secure communication in a quantum computing era. The company's founder, Jean-Charles Faugère, is recognized as a pioneer in quantum-safe cryptography, contributing to the NIST post-quantum standardization process.

Highlighted product

Core business

CryptoNext Security

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Things to know about Quantum Cryptography

What is Quantum Cryptography?

Quantum cryptography is a cutting-edge technology that leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to secure communication. It primarily utilizes quantum key distribution (QKD), which enables two parties to generate a shared secret key that is theoretically immune to eavesdropping. The security is rooted in the behavior of quantum particles, where any attempt to observe or measure the quantum states alters them, thus alerting the communicating parties to potential breaches. This revolutionary approach offers a higher level of security than classical cryptographic methods, making it increasingly relevant in today's digital landscape.

How does Quantum Cryptography enhance security?

Quantum cryptography significantly enhances security by utilizing the principles of quantum mechanics to protect information. One of its key features is the use of quantum key distribution (QKD), which allows two parties to generate a shared, secret key with provable security guarantees. Any attempt to eavesdrop on the communication results in detectable changes to the quantum states being transmitted, alerting users to potential security breaches. Additionally, quantum cryptography is resistant to computational attacks, as it relies on the fundamental laws of physics rather than mathematical algorithms. This means that even powerful quantum computers, which could potentially break traditional encryption methods, would not be able to compromise the security offered by quantum cryptographic systems. By combining these elements, quantum cryptography provides a robust and future-proof method of securing sensitive information against unauthorized access.

What are the applications of Quantum Cryptography?

1. Secure Communication
Quantum cryptography is primarily used to create secure communication channels. It leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to ensure that any attempt to eavesdrop on the communication will be detected, allowing parties to establish a secure key for encryption.

2. Key Distribution
One of the most significant applications is in quantum key distribution (QKD). This method enables two parties to generate a shared, secret random key, which can then be used for encrypted communication, ensuring the highest level of security against potential cyber threats.

3. Financial Transactions
In the financial sector, quantum cryptography can protect sensitive transactions and data exchanges. It enhances the security of online banking and trading platforms by safeguarding against unauthorized access and fraud.

4. Government Communications
Many government agencies are exploring quantum cryptography for secure communications. This technology helps protect classified information from cyber espionage and ensures that sensitive data remains confidential.

5. Cloud Computing Security
With the rise of cloud computing, quantum cryptography offers a way to secure data stored in the cloud. It provides robust encryption methods that protect user data from breaches and unauthorized access, making cloud services more secure for businesses and individuals alike.

What are the challenges in implementing Quantum Cryptography?

Implementing Quantum Cryptography faces several significant challenges. One major issue is the requirement for specialized hardware, which can be costly and complex to develop. This technology often relies on delicate quantum states, making it vulnerable to environmental disturbances, such as temperature fluctuations and electromagnetic interference. Additionally, the distance over which quantum communication can be effectively maintained is limited. Quantum signals degrade over long distances, necessitating the development of quantum repeaters to extend communication ranges. Furthermore, integrating quantum cryptography with existing classical systems poses compatibility issues, requiring substantial adjustments in infrastructure. These factors contribute to the ongoing challenges in widespread adoption of quantum cryptography solutions.

How does Quantum Cryptography differ from classical cryptography?

Quantum cryptography offers a fundamentally different approach compared to classical cryptography by utilizing the principles of quantum mechanics. In classical cryptography, security relies on mathematical algorithms and the difficulty of certain problems, such as factoring large numbers. This means that if a sufficiently powerful computer is developed, it may be able to break these cryptographic systems. In contrast, quantum cryptography leverages the unique properties of quantum bits (qubits), which can exist in multiple states simultaneously. This enables techniques like quantum key distribution (QKD), ensuring that any attempt to eavesdrop on the communication will disturb the quantum state, alerting the communicating parties to a potential breach. Such inherent security features make quantum cryptography a robust alternative, particularly in an era where computational power continues to grow.

Insights about the Quantum Cryptography results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Quantum Cryptography

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers3756
Amount of suitable service providers3383
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1999
Youngest suiting company2022

Geographic distribution of results





Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Quantum Cryptography Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Quantum Cryptography

Based on our calculations related technologies to Quantum Cryptography are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in Quantum Cryptography are ThinkQuantum, ID Quantique Europe

The most represented industries which are working in Quantum Cryptography are IT, Software and Services, Other, Finance and Insurance, Defense, Telecommunications

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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