
Top Social Robot Companies

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48 companies for Social Robot

IDMind's Logo


Lisbon, Portugal

1-10 Employees


Since its inception in 2000 that IDMind has centered its activity on the development and commercialization of a portfolio of innovative products and services of technological basis, in the areas of Robotics, Automation, and Mechatronics, which are the result of a strong focus on Research and Development activities. While in some applications generating novelty and fascination is the key factor, some others are driven by very strict operating requirements. Research and Development plays a critical role in IDMind’s innovation process.




Thomas Sievers HolyHat's Logo

Thomas Sievers HolyHat

Krems II, Germany

1-10 Employees


Zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde in datenschutzrechtlichen Fragen ist der Landesdatenschutzbeauftragte des Bundeslandes, in dem unser Unternehmen seinen Sitz hat.

Core business

Social Robotics . Human-Robot Interaction . Artificial Intelligence

... Social Robotics . Human-Robot Interaction . Artificial ...



United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Core business

Pepper Robot and other Social Robots brought to you by GWS Robotics

... Pepper Robot and other Social Robots brought to you by GWS ...

Social Robot Lab's Logo

Social Robot Lab

United States

1-10 Employees


We aim to perform innovative, quality research to generate knowledge and develop theories in human-robot communication and disseminate our findings to the academic community and the public. Social Robot Lab provides professional development opportunities for all members. A robot can effectively get people to do as the robot asks by capitalizing on the norm of reciprocity and following with a verbal request. Probably because people operate on a kind of autopilot when they interact with technology. Between the studies on digital media production and computer sciences, Griffin Hall is home to some impressive technology.

Core business

Social Robot Lab

... Social Robot Lab at Chapman University studies how humans communicate ...

Robot Social's Logo

Robot Social

Sydney, Australia

1-10 Employees


Recent case studies of marketing that delivered leads and sales, fast. Put video at the heart of your paid social campaigns without expensive shoots or production.


Robot Social 2023

... Robot Social ...

Personal Robots Group's Logo

Personal Robots Group

Cambridge, United States

- Employees


The Personal Robots Group focuses on developing the principles, techniques, and technologies for personal robots. The ability of these robot systems to naturally interact, learn from, and effectively cooperate with people has been evaluated in numerous human subjects experiments, both inside the lab and in real-world environments.


Social Robot Toolkit

... Social Robot Toolkit – Personal Robots ...

Dex-Lab's Logo



11-50 Employees


Dextron is our proprietary Robot Operating System which features an intuitive user interface that simplifies the robot -human experience building process into a seamless all-in-one solution that is stable, flexible and powerful.

Core business

Are social robots beneficial to society, and how will this affect the future?

... Are social robots beneficial to society, and how will this affect the ...

LuxAI's Logo


Luxembourg, Luxembourg

1-10 Employees


QTrobot for Research is a powerful platform for Human-AI research and teaching used by top research institutes around the world for STEM education, elderly care, healthy ageing and much more! QTrobot provides efficient progress monitoring through its automated session reporting and insights dashboard. Validating the clinical effectiveness of an at-home early intervention for autistic children delivered by the social robot QTrobot.

Core business

LuxAI - Award winning social robots for autism and special needs education

... Discover our expressive social robots for assisting in the education of ...

Alexander Pinker - Innovation-Profiling's Logo

Alexander Pinker - Innovation-Profiling

Dachau, Germany

1-10 Employees


Unser Ansatz geht über herkömmliche Beratung hinaus, denn wir sind nicht nur Berater, sondern auch aktive Anwender von KI. Gemeinsam mit unserem Expertenteam nutzen wir unsere Erfahrung, um die besten Ansätze und Lösungen zu entwickeln und Ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Bei dem Projekt zur Einführung generativer KI-Technologien in einem führenden Bildungsanbieter stand die Optimierung und Modernisierung der Seminarerstellung im Vordergrund. Regelmäßige Schulungen und Meetings sorgten dafür, dass die Mitarbeitenden stets über die neuesten Entwicklungen in der generativen KI informiert waren und diese effektiv in ihre Arbeit integrieren konnten. Das Seminar "RedeEvolution", entwickelt von den Experten Oliver Groß und Alexander Pinker, stellt eine innovative Verbindung von Rhetorik und künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) dar. Ziel war es, Prozesse wie Schreibarbeiten, Recherche und Projektplanung durch den Einsatz von Textgenerierungstools zu optimieren. Ingenieure, Projektmanager und IT-Fachkräfte wurden in praxisorientierten Workshops geschult, um die Anwendung dieser Tools in ihrem täglichen Arbeitsumfeld zu erleben und zu erlernen. Durch interaktive Übungen und Diskussionsrunden wurde ein tieferes Verständnis für die Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen dieser Technologien geschaffen.


Social Robots

... Social Robots – Alexander ...

Social Robots's Logo

Social Robots

St. Catharines, Canada

1-10 Employees


Our goal is to help recreation leaders in retirement homes and LTC facilities to leverage technology to better engage and entertain residents and reduce the impact of social isolation, loneliness and boredom. We are thankful for the support of the Community Foundations of Canada and Oakville Community Foundation (2021 and 2023 Investor Readiness Program). Founded by Lee St James in 2019, Social Robots is a social enterprise specializing in using companion robots to improve the quality of life for older adults. As a value-added reseller of commercially-available robots, the company offers customized robot apps and digital content including online support for staff and volunteers who can quickly be trained to serve as robot handlers. Social robots offer innovative ways to de-escalate and divert attention when needed.

Core business

Social robots can’t work alone! 

... Social Robots' story begins in 2018 when Lee, our founder, saw first- ...

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Insights about the Social Robot results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Social Robot

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1298
Amount of suitable service providers934
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2007
Youngest suiting company2019

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Social Robot

What is Social Robot?

A social robot is an autonomous robot that interacts and communicates with humans or other autonomous physical agents by following social behaviors and rules attached to its role. Unlike traditional robots designed for repetitive tasks in controlled environments, social robots are equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) that enables them to understand and respond to human emotions, intentions, and social cues. This advanced capability allows them to participate in social contexts, adapting their behaviors to fit the situation or the needs of their human counterparts. Social robots find applications in various domains, including healthcare, education, customer service, and companionship, significantly impacting these fields. In healthcare, they assist in monitoring patient health and providing companionship to the elderly, thereby reducing the workload on healthcare professionals and improving patient well-being. In education, social robots serve as interactive learning tools that enhance student engagement and facilitate personalized learning experiences. Within customer service, they provide a new layer of interaction, offering information and assistance to customers in a more engaging manner. The integration of social robots into these sectors not only demonstrates the technological advancements in AI and robotics but also highlights the potential of these robots to improve the quality of human life by performing tasks that require social intelligence and interaction.

Advantages of Social Robot

1. Enhanced Interaction
Social robots are designed with advanced AI capabilities that allow for more natural and engaging interactions with humans. Unlike traditional robots, they can understand and process human emotions, making the communication more intuitive and fulfilling.

2. Personalized Experience
These robots can adapt and learn from the behaviors and preferences of their users, offering a highly personalized experience. This adaptability sets them apart from other technologies, as they can improve their performance and become more efficient over time based on user interaction.

3. Accessibility and Support
Social robots are accessible 24/7, providing consistent support and companionship. This is particularly beneficial for individuals requiring constant assistance, such as the elderly or those with disabilities, where human interaction may not always be available.

4. Education and Learning
They serve as interactive learning tools that can make education more engaging for students. By providing immediate feedback and adapting to the learner's pace, social robots offer a unique and effective educational experience unlike traditional learning methods.

How to select right Social Robot supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Technical Compatibility
Ensure the social robot's technology is compatible with existing systems and can easily integrate with your infrastructure.

2. Customization Abilities
Assess the extent to which you can customize the robot's functions, appearance, and interactions to suit your specific needs.

3. Scalability
Consider the supplier's ability to scale production and support as your needs grow or change over time.

4. Cost Efficiency
Evaluate the total cost of ownership, including purchase price, maintenance, and necessary upgrades, to ensure it aligns with your budget.

5. Support and Maintenance
Check the availability and quality of the supplier's customer support and technical maintenance services.

6. Security Measures
Verify the security features of the social robot, including data protection and privacy safeguards, to ensure user safety.

7. Reputation and Reviews
Research the supplier's reputation within the industry, including customer reviews and testimonials, to gauge reliability and satisfaction levels.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Social Robot?

Social robots are transforming the way businesses operate across various industries, offering innovative solutions for enhanced interaction and efficiency. In healthcare, social robots play a critical role in patient care and support. They assist in monitoring patient health, providing companionship to reduce feelings of isolation, and facilitating remote communication between patients and healthcare providers. This application not only improves patient outcomes but also optimizes the workload of medical staff by handling routine tasks. The retail sector benefits from social robots through personalized customer service. These robots can greet customers, provide product information, and guide them through the store, creating a unique shopping experience that boosts customer satisfaction and loyalty. Furthermore, they gather valuable customer feedback and behavior data, enabling retailers to refine their strategies. In education, social robots serve as interactive teaching aids, offering personalized learning experiences and support. They engage students through interactive content, assist in language learning, and help children with special needs by providing consistent, patient interaction. This use case highlights the potential of social robots to revolutionize educational methodologies and outcomes. Manufacturing and logistics industries utilize social robots for automation and process optimization. They streamline operations by assisting in inventory management, executing repetitive tasks, and ensuring precision in production lines. This application reduces human error and increases efficiency, leading to cost savings and higher productivity. These examples illustrate the versatility and impact of social robots in B2B contexts, underscoring their potential to enhance service delivery, operational efficiency, and customer engagement across industries.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Social Robot

Social robots have reached a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of approximately 5 to 6, positioning them at the stage where technology validation occurs in relevant environments. This assessment is based on the progression these robots have made from mere conceptual designs to prototypes tested in controlled settings that mimic real-world applications. The technical reasoning behind this TRL classification stems from the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms that enable social robots to interpret and respond to human emotions, gestures, and verbal cues with a degree of autonomy. However, challenges such as ensuring consistent and accurate emotional recognition, context understanding, and the ability to engage in complex social interactions without human supervision limit their readiness for widespread deployment. Additionally, the integration of these technologies into fully autonomous systems that can operate safely and effectively in uncontrolled public environments is still under development. The current TRL reflects the phase of demonstrating these robots' functionalities outside of the laboratory setting, yet before achieving full commercial application, indicating a significant milestone in their development but also highlighting the need for further refinement and testing.

What is the Technology Forecast of Social Robot?

In the Short-Term, social robots are expected to see significant improvements in natural language processing (NLP) and emotional intelligence. These enhancements will enable robots to understand and respond to human emotions more effectively, facilitating smoother interactions in customer service and healthcare settings. The integration of advanced sensors and AI algorithms will allow these machines to interpret vocal inflections and facial expressions with greater accuracy, making interactions feel more natural and intuitive. Moving into the Mid-Term phase, social robots will likely incorporate augmented reality (AR) and machine learning to offer personalized experiences. As these robots learn from each interaction, they will adapt their responses based on individual preferences and histories. This period will also witness the expansion of social robots into education, where they can provide tailored tutoring and support for students, further enhancing the learning experience with interactive, engaging methods. In the Long-Term, the focus will shift towards achieving autonomous social robots capable of complex decision-making and problem-solving in dynamic environments. These robots will operate with minimal human oversight, participating in a wide range of social and professional scenarios. Integration with the Internet of Things (IoT) will enable seamless communication between robots and other smart devices, facilitating a fully interconnected, intelligent assistant network that can manage home and workplace tasks efficiently.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Social Robot Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Social Robot

Based on our calculations related technologies to Social Robot are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

The most represented industries which are working in Social Robot are IT, Software and Services, Automation, Other, Manufacturing, Electronics and Electrical engineering

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