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Top Beer Brewing Companies in Germany

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60 companies for Beer Brewing in Germany

Altes Sudhaus's Logo

Altes Sudhaus


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company highlights its rich history, noting that it was once a brewery where beer was brewed until 1954. Today, it offers a diverse culinary experience and a wide range of beverages, making it an ideal place for dining and celebrations.

Highlighted product

Core business

Sudhaus Heubach

Landmalz GmbH & Co KG's Logo

Landmalz GmbH & Co KG

Buxtehude, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

For beer enthusiasts, LANDMALZ represents high-quality, regional ingredients that enhance the beer's flavor and authenticity. Their modern malting facility ensures a commitment to quality and supports local farmers, fostering creativity and transparency in malt production.

Highlighted product

Core business

Landmalz Gut Immenbeck | Regionale Malzproduktion

Hellers Brauwerkstatt's Logo

Hellers Brauwerkstatt

Gelnhausen, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Hellers Brauwerkstatt brews beer using water from the Sandborn spring in Haitz and emphasizes organic and regional products. In 2017, Jochen Heller took over the brewery in Gelnhausen, continuing the family tradition of local brewing.

Highlighted product

Core business

Hellers Brauwerkstatt | Gelnhäuser Original

Wpbakerygroup's Logo



1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, WP BAKERYGROUP, specializes in providing turnkey production systems and mature processes tailored for the baking industry, ensuring efficient and continuous manufacturing of various baked goods. Their focus on streamlined production and consistent quality suggests expertise that could be relevant for efficient processes in other production environments, such as beer brewing.

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Core business


Braufabrik's Logo


Sankt Wendel, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Braufabrik specializes in personalized beverages, including beer, allowing customers to create custom designs for special occasions. Whether for private individuals or large-scale productions, they offer a range of options to celebrate any event with a unique touch.

Highlighted product

Core business

Braufabrik - Personalisierte Getränke

Personalisierte Getränke für Privat- und Geschäftskunden. Gestalten Sie Ihr Bier, Wein, Gin oder Likör schnell und einfach nach Ihren Vorstellungen.

Elb-Ferment's Logo


Dresden, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Elb-Ferment is a Dresden-based manufacturer that produces fermented foods using fair-trade, regional organic ingredients, emphasizing sustainability and quality. Their product lineup includes kombucha, which is relevant to the beer brewing query due to its fermentation process.

Highlighted product

Core business

Elb-Ferment – Regionaler Bio-Kombucha & Bio-Kefir

GLASS GmbH & Co. KG's Logo


Paderborn, Germany

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

GLASS GmbH & Co.KG specializes in the development and manufacturing of machines for the food industry, including food mixers and cooking systems. With nearly 50 years of experience, the company focuses on optimizing processes and providing maintenance services, ensuring high standards of hygiene and quality in their production.

Highlighted product


Food Processing Engineering - GLASS GmbH & Co.KG

Elektro Beer's Logo

Elektro Beer

Germering, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Elektro Beer GmbH is a medium-sized company based in Germering near Munich, founded in 1989, emphasizing reliability, precision, and flexibility, which may be important qualities in the context of beer brewing. Their experienced team can offer valuable expertise in planning and execution, potentially applicable to the brewing process.

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Core business

Elektro Beer GmbH in Germering - 1456752782s Webseite!

Die Elektro Beer GmbH ist ein mittelständisches Unternehmen, mit Firmensitz in Germering bei München. Unsere Firma wurde 1989 gegründet. Zuverlässigkeit, Genauigkeit und Flexibilität stehen bei uns an erster Stelle. Vier Elektroinstallateure und zwei Elektromeister in Festanstellung mit langjähriger Firmenzugehörigkeit stehen Ihnen mit überzeugendem Fachwissen bei Planung und Ausführung gerne zur Seite.

Eremita Braukunst's Logo

Eremita Braukunst

Birenbach, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company is a small organic-certified craft brewery in Birenbach, offering five core beer varieties, including Solasta Rotbier, Burgwald Hefeweizen, and Rondane India Pale Ale. Their brewing process adheres to the German purity law, producing unfiltered and unpasteurized beers with a focus on quality and unique flavor profiles.

Highlighted product


Heimwärts Helles Lager

Ort der Inspiration: 48°44'33"N 9°42'56"E Schmeckt für uns einfach wie daheim: fruchtig frische Zitrushopfen treffen auf einen wohlig ausgeprägten Malzköper. Zusammen im Bunde sorgen Pilsner und Münchner Malz für einen feinen goldenen Farbton und eine cremige Schaumkrone. Der Abgang hat eine feine Bittere die den Gaumen in den finalen Zügen belebt. Untergärige Bierspezialität, gebraut nach dem deutschen Reinheitsgebot.  Unfiltriert und unpasteurisiert   Malz*: Gerstenmalz* (Pilsner Malz*, Münchner  Malz*)  Hopfen*: Ariana*, Cascade*                    *aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau Alkoholgehalt: 4,9% e 0,33l ( 8,48€ / Liter )

Restaurant Zur Traube's Logo

Restaurant Zur Traube

Kaltental, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The Kaltentaler Brauhaus emphasizes the preservation of its historic brewing heritage, featuring original vaulted cellars and repurposed spaces that enhance its brewing environment. They produce a distinct, unfiltered house beer using the finest ingredients, including organically grown barley and quality Hallertauer hops.

Highlighted product

Core business

Kaltentaler Brauhaus

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Information about Beer Brewing in Germany

The beer brewing industry in Germany is characterized by a rich tradition and strict regulations. Understanding the Reinheitsgebot, or German Beer Purity Law, is essential, as it governs the ingredients that can be used in brewing, ensuring quality and authenticity. Entrepreneurs and investors should also consider the competitive landscape, which includes a mix of large corporations and numerous small craft breweries, each vying for market share in a culturally significant industry. Challenges such as rising production costs, including raw ingredients and energy, can impact profitability. Additionally, environmental concerns have led to increasing scrutiny regarding sustainable practices, such as water usage and waste management, prompting many breweries to adopt greener methods. Opportunities abound in the craft beer segment, as consumer preferences shift towards unique and innovative flavors, creating room for new entrants. Global market relevance is significant, as German beers are highly regarded worldwide, opening avenues for exports. Adapting to international trends while maintaining traditional brewing methods can be a successful strategy for businesses in this sector. Thorough research into local regulations, market demands, and sustainability practices will provide valuable insights for anyone looking to enter the German beer brewing industry.

Insights about the Beer Brewing results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Beer Brewing

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers231
Amount of suitable service providers230
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1972
Youngest suiting company2019

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Beer Brewing Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Beer Brewing

Based on our calculations related technologies to Beer Brewing are Biomedical (Red), Bioinformatics (Gold), Environmental Biotechnology (Grey), Agricultural Biotechnology (Green), Food Related Biotechnology (Yellow)

The most represented industries which are working in Beer Brewing are Other, Food and Beverage, Retail, Consulting, Machinery Manufacturing

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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