
Top Biostimulant Companies

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312 companies for Biostimulant


Nuneaton and Bedworth, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Our mission is to provide you with the latest advancements in eco-friendly fertilisers and biostimulants that not only enhance the aesthetic appeal and functionality of outdoor spaces, sports surfaces and homes and gardens but also promote long-term environmental sustainability.



Image for Biostimulant


... Biostimulant ...

IntraCrop Limited's Logo

Abergavenny, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


IntraCrop is a UK-based company specialising in the development, registration and distribution of products which improve the efficacy of crop inputs on arable farms. IntraCrop’s product development is supported by high quality, independent trials to give you confidence in recommending our products. IntraCrop has been working with scientists at the University of Nottingham to investigate the biostimulant properties of phosphites. We develop and maintain strong relationships with distributors, merchants and agronomy businesses across Europe, working closely with them to create profitable commercial partnerships. Through our parent company, Frontier Agriculture, we have unrivalled access to leading precision farming expertise from SOYL and environmental stewardship from Kings. In challenging agronomic and economic circumstances, maximising productivity in crop production is vital. Improved efficacy of crop protection and nutrient applications reduces the unit cost of production, making a significant contribution to profitability. Biostimulant development is a vital part of this.



Image for Plant biostimulant technologies to improve crop establishment, resilience and yield.

Plant biostimulant technologies to improve crop establishment, resilience and yield.

... IntraCrop works closely with universities, research institutes and independent scientists to develop new biostimulant technologies. ...

Dora Agritech's Logo

Suzhou City, China

Dora Agri is one of the foremost sustainable agronomic solutions providers in china. We believe it’s the only correct way in agriculture to work with “mother nature” to promote balance and synergy between crops and soil. Everyyear, Dora Agri spend 30% of our sales profits on Research & Development for products and setting up our dealers. We think the top quality & effect fertilizer is the most essential. Dora Agri is a leading company focused on researching and promoting natural, organic biostimulants and bio fertilizers for sustainable agriculture and horticulture. Dora Biostimulant products are designed based on natural active ingredients to support plants when they need specific physiological responses. Agrobiostimulants, biological or biogenic fertilizer additives, enhance plant growth, health, and productivity in crop production. The Dora fish fertilizer product series is based on fish protein extracted from deep-sea fish as the main raw material and contains high organic nitrogen ingredients.



Core business
Image for Leading Biostimulants Supplier

Leading Biostimulants Supplier

... Dora Agri - Professional supplier of biostimulants, biofertilizer, biofungicide, bioinsecticide, and customized agrochemicals. Seek cooperation with ...

Crazy Hills GmbH's Logo

Vienna, Austria

1-10 Employees


We are constantly exploring new ways to help growers and those interested in growing hemp, medical cannabis, and plants to develop viable ways to grow environmentally friendly crops while improving soil health, sequestering carbon, and leaving a lasting legacy we can be proud of. That’s why we worked hard to optimized our products to deliver the utmost performance: we give you the most essential ingredients for growing your plants, in the least amount of products possible. We're all about pushing the boundaries of product excellence, instead of pumping out a bunch more of them. With over 15 years of experience in horticulture, we have in-depth knowledge of the cultivation process of hemp and medicinal cannabis. We've done the hard work of researching and producing innovative natural fertilizers and biostimulants so that you can have simple and easy grow, with all of the results and none of the guesswork! We dedicate our time and resources to developing innovative, all-natural fertilizers & biostimulants while empowering people to grow naturally, which we believe is the key to a sustainable future on our Planet.`.



Core business
Image for All-natural Biostimulants & Fertilizers

All-natural Biostimulants & Fertilizers

... We dedicate our time and resources to developing innovative, all-natural fertilizers & biostimulants while empowering people to grow naturally, which we believe is the key to a sustainable future on our Planet. ...

GMW Bioscience's Logo

Alberic, Spain

11-50 Employees


GMW Bioscience offers its extensive knowledge of national requirements to perform a wide range of efficacy studies (GEP) for registration, product development and demonstration. Plant protection products such as fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and growth regulators are tested on small plots with natural or artificial infestation of target pests. Reactive and productive staff ready to answer all your questions and attend your needs.



Image for Efficacy & Biostimulants Studies

Efficacy & Biostimulants Studies

... GMW Bioscience performs high quality GEP efficacy and biostimulant studies for registration, product development and demonstration. ...

Fykia Biotech's Logo

Matosinhos, Portugal

1-10 Employees


We are a young, research-intensive, microalgae biotechnology start-up. At Fykia, we develop innovative solutions, based on exclusive microalgae and proprietary technologies to tackle modern problems in healthcare, skincare and agriculture. We are based in the metro area of Porto, Portugal, a bustling hub for algal technology. Fykia Biotech's exclusive collection of rare microalgae strains is the basis of our R&D programme in cosmetics. Fykia harnesses the ancient power of algae to bring to the market new all-natural ingredients with anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-ageing. Fykia Biotech uses a unique approach to develop sustainable fertilizers and plant growth stimulants. We provide tailor-made solutions based on the culture and soil to provide maximum output without harming the environment. Building up on years of R&D on obesity and related comorbidities, Fykia Biotech is developing antiobesogenic nutraceuticals from safe-to-eat microalgae.



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Image for Home | Fykia Biotech

Home | Fykia Biotech


sciBASICS sprl's Logo

Wanze, Belgium

1-10 Employees


As a trained biologist I entered the world of scientific and regulatory consultancy in 1998, starting at the Weinberg Group LLC. There, I started to work on topics related to the Manufacturing and Supply Chain, followed by pesticide residues and human health, environmental risk management and finally regulatory issues. Since 2004, other topics such as biocides, feed additives and veterinary medicinal products came on my desk. The tasks to be executed ranged from reporting, information retrieval, risk assessment and registration work in European countries. Currently and since several years I deal mostly with biopesticides and biostimulants authorisations in Europe.



Image for List of biostimulant types

List of biostimulant types

... Translation of Annex 2 of Ministerial Decree n°6793 - List of biostimulant ...

CropAid International Ltd's Logo

Rochford, United Kingdom

51-100 Employees


CropAid International Ltd is a manufacturer of award winning products which provide frost and heat protection to plants and crops in both the most efficient and sustainable way possible. CropAid attends its first international exhibition – Hortifair IMP Essen. CropAid goes on to win multiple awards, including:. CropAid introduces its solution to drought – AntiHeat. Despite changes to regulations, CropAid continues to grow its global network. We provide our products to farmers and growers all over the world through our global distribution network. For these reasons, CropAid International Ltd was born. We ensure our products are the most sustainable and effective solutions before introducing them to the market.



Image for Biostimulants


... Our AntiHeat® biostimulants contain organic material & natural enzymes. Improve water retention and heat resistance in crops. ...

Gemini Agriculture's Logo

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Our products undergo rigorous quality control measures, ensuring their effectiveness and compliance with industry standards. As a leading provider in the industry, we are committed to supporting and empowering farmers and our distributor partners, both in the UK and out, with innovative products and solutions that are sourced from the finest technical suppliers who are registered with UK & European technical equivalence. That’s why we offer a wide range of generic agrochemicals meticulously formulated to meet the diverse needs of different crops and farming practices. Our commitment doesn’t end with manufacturing agrochemicals, we also provide expert consultancy services in routes to market, improving supply chain and purchasing, as well as management and company development. We believe that by combining high-quality, competitive products and expert guidance, we can help farmers achieve their goals while preserving the environment and feeding our growing population sustainably, while still taking care of our environment and its inhabitants for future generations. James is a highly accomplished professional with a strong background in agriculture and horticulture. For the last decade, James founded and ran Gemini Agriculture Ltd which has seen double-digit growth in the UK market as well as working as a business consultant and founding several other companies such as AgBioScout Ltd looking into the development of biological products. James possesses a wealth of experience, boasting two decades of expertise in agriculture and horticulture.



Image for Biostimulants


... All Products Fungicides Herbicides PGR Adjuvants Biostimulants Applied to crops to enhance nutrition efficiency and root development, preventing stress on crops. Biostimulants Solagra A soil stimulant to improve soil structure… ...

This is Seaweed Ltd.'s Logo


1-10 Employees


Our goal is to apply our novel extraction process across the globe. This is Seaweed have identified a process that will deliver a zero-pollution solution that is both low energy and low cost. This is Seaweed was founded by Marine Biologist Paul O'Connor in 2015 and is based at the NovaUCD Innovation and Research Campus in Dublin. The company operates in the Plant-Derived Nutraceutical sector.



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Image for Home | This is Seaweed

Home | This is Seaweed

... We market dried seaweed for food and petfood, as well as a liquid seaweed used as a biostimulant or fertiliser. ...

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Facts about those Biostimulant Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Biostimulant

Country with most fitting companiesUnited Kingdom
Amount of fitting manufacturers189
Amount of suitable service providers89
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2005
Youngest suiting company2021

Things to know about Biostimulant

What is Biostimulant?

A biostimulant is a substance or microorganism applied to plants with the aim to enhance their growth, yield, and overall health by facilitating nutrient uptake, efficiency, and tolerance to abiotic stress, without acting as a nutrient itself nor as a pesticide. These agents work by stimulating natural processes in plants, improving the efficiency of the plant's metabolism to induce yield increases and enhance crop quality. The role of biostimulants in agriculture is increasingly significant, as they offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional chemical fertilizers and pesticides, contributing to more sustainable farming practices. By enhancing plant resilience to stressors such as drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures, biostimulants play a crucial part in helping crops adapt to adverse environmental conditions. Furthermore, their use leads to improved soil health by promoting the activity of beneficial microorganisms, which is essential for sustainable agricultural ecosystems. As the agricultural industry continues to seek solutions that reduce environmental impact while maintaining high productivity, the importance and utilization of biostimulants are expected to grow, marking a pivotal shift towards more resilient and sustainable agricultural practices.

Advantages of Biostimulant

1. Enhanced Plant Growth
Biostimulants play a crucial role in promoting plant growth more effectively than many traditional fertilizers. By stimulating natural processes in plants, they enhance nutrient uptake, nutrient efficiency, and tolerance to abiotic stress.

2. Environmental Sustainability
One of the significant advantages of using biostimulants is their eco-friendly nature. Unlike some chemical alternatives, biostimulants are derived from natural materials, making them a safer choice for the environment. They reduce the need for chemical fertilizers, thus decreasing the risk of soil and water pollution.

3. Improved Crop Quality and Yield
Biostimulants contribute to not only the quantity but also the quality of the crop yield. They work by enhancing the plant's metabolic processes, resulting in healthier, more robust crops. This leads to an increase in the overall yield, with fruits and vegetables often having better taste, color, and nutritional value.

4. Stress Resistance
Plants treated with biostimulants show greater resilience to stress factors such as drought, extreme temperatures, and salinity. This improved stress resistance ensures that plants can thrive in less-than-ideal conditions, which is particularly beneficial in regions facing adverse climate conditions.

How to select right Biostimulant supplier?

1. Product Quality and Consistency
Ensure the supplier consistently provides high-quality biostimulants, confirmed by third-party tests and certifications. Quality assurance is critical for effective crop yield and health.

2. Regulatory Compliance
Verify that the supplier adheres to all local and international regulations regarding biostimulant production and distribution. Compliance ensures the legality and safety of the products.

3. Range of Products
Choose a supplier with a diverse product range that meets various agricultural needs, including different crops and environmental conditions. A broad selection allows for tailored solutions.

4. Technical Support and Service
Consider suppliers who offer robust technical support, including guidance on product application and effectiveness. Excellent customer service is vital for addressing any issues swiftly.

5. Research and Development
Evaluate the supplier's commitment to innovation by examining their investment in research and development. Continuous improvement of products can lead to more effective and sustainable agricultural practices.

6. Environmental Sustainability
Select a supplier that prioritizes environmentally friendly practices in the production of biostimulants. Sustainable operations reflect positively on your business and contribute to the overall health of the ecosystem.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Biostimulant?

In the agriculture sector, biostimulants play a crucial role in enhancing plant growth and productivity. They are used to increase nutrient uptake, improve stress tolerance, and boost crop yield, making them invaluable for farmers looking to optimize their outputs sustainably. Within the aquaculture industry, biostimulants are employed to promote healthier aquatic environments. They enhance water quality and stimulate the growth and health of fish and plants, contributing to more robust and sustainable aquaculture systems. In the landscaping and turf management industries, biostimulants are applied to promote the vigor of grass and ornamental plants. These natural formulations improve resistance to stressors like drought and disease, ensuring lush, visually appealing green spaces. The cosmetic industry leverages biostimulants for their natural beneficial properties in skincare and hair care products. Extracts from plants and seaweed, known for their stimulating effects on cell regeneration and hydration, are incorporated to create products that support healthier, more radiant skin and hair. Lastly, in environmental remediation, biostimulants aid in the rejuvenation of degraded soils. They stimulate microbial activity and enhance soil health, facilitating the recovery of areas affected by pollution or overuse, thus supporting ecological restoration efforts.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Biostimulant

Biostimulants, a diverse group of substances and microorganisms applied to plants or soils to enhance growth, stress tolerance, and overall productivity, currently find themselves at varying stages of the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) spectrum, predominantly between TRL 4 to 7. This range indicates that biostimulant technologies have moved beyond basic principles observed and applied (TRL 4), with small scale prototypes developed and validated in a laboratory environment (TRL 5). Progressing further, these innovations have reached stages where prototype demonstration in an operational environment is underway (TRL 6), and in some instances, system prototypes have been demonstrated in real-world settings (TRL 7). The variance in TRL levels primarily stems from the complex nature of biostimulants, including their diverse origins - whether biochemical, microbial, or organic. Furthermore, the effectiveness and mode of action of biostimulants can significantly vary depending on the plant species, environmental conditions, and application methods, necessitating extensive field trials and validations. These technical challenges, coupled with regulatory hurdles and the need for standardized testing methodologies to unequivocally demonstrate efficacy, underpin the current TRL positioning. Despite these challenges, the ongoing research, increasing agricultural demand, and clearer regulatory frameworks are pivotal in pushing the boundaries of biostimulant technology towards higher readiness levels.

What is the Technology Forecast of Biostimulant?

In the Short-Term, advancements in biostimulant technology are anticipated to revolve around the optimization of existing formulas to enhance crop resilience against abiotic stress, such as drought and extreme temperatures. Research will likely focus on refining the application methods and dosages to maximize efficacy and environmental compatibility. Emphasis on natural and organic sources for biostimulants will also continue to rise, driven by increasing demand for sustainable agricultural practices. The Mid-Term outlook sees the integration of biotechnological tools with biostimulant development, leading to the creation of highly targeted solutions for specific crop needs. Advances in genetic profiling and bioinformatics will enable the customization of biostimulants to not only support plant growth but also improve nutrient uptake efficiency and resistance to diseases. This period will also witness a significant increase in the collaboration between agri-tech companies and research institutions, fostering innovation and the expansion of biostimulant applications beyond conventional agriculture. Looking into the Long-Term, the advent of nanotechnology and artificial intelligence (AI) in the field promises to revolutionize biostimulant formulations and application techniques. Nano-biostimulants, capable of delivering nutrients and growth-promoting compounds directly to cellular targets, could drastically reduce the need for chemical fertilizers, mitigating environmental impacts. AI-driven precision agriculture will further refine the usage of biostimulants, ensuring optimal growth conditions and resource utilization, paving the way for a new era of sustainable and highly efficient farming practices.

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