Cirular RNA
Cirular RNA

Top Cirular RNA Companies

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5 companies for Cirular RNA

Novogene's Logo

Beijing, China

501-1000 Employees


Novogene uses leading technology from Illumina, Pacific Biosciences, Oxford Nanopore and Life Technologies, in our state-of-the-art sequencing centers in California (USA), Cambridge (UK), Singapore and China. Reliable and high quality NGS data is a key component in genomics research. At Novogene, we use the most effective technology available from world leading providers including Illumina NovaSeq 6000, HiSeq, Oxford Nanopore, Ion Torrent , PacBio Revio and PacBio Sequel platforms. Over the years our NGS labs have developed optimized NGS processes and protocols to ensure the best possible scientific outcome for your research. Not only do we offer state of the art NGS technology, we also have the largest sequencing capacity in the world with an annual throughput of over 280,000 human WGS samples.



Image for Circular RNA Sequencing (circRNA-seq) - Novogene

Circular RNA Sequencing (circRNA-seq) - Novogene

... Circular RNA Sequencing (circRNA-seq) - ...

IndieBio's Logo

San Francisco, United States

1-10 Employees


Watch: SF Demo Day / Jan 19 and NY Demo Day / Feb 7. IndieBio is a program of SOSV, a global venture capital firm providing multi-stage investment to support big ideas. NY and SF next cohorts will start late spring 2023. IndieBio companies include any and all sectors where biology can be used to engineer novel solutions. Become a part of the greater IndieBio community through our virtual and in-person network opportunities.



Core business
Image for Circularis - IndieBio - #1 in Early Stage Biotech

Circularis - IndieBio - #1 in Early Stage Biotech

... Promoter enhancement by circular RNA for gene therapy and ...


Elx / Elche, Spain

1-10 Employees




Image for Citrus exocortis viroid - GENETIC PCR SOLUTIONS™

Citrus exocortis viroid - GENETIC PCR SOLUTIONS™

... Citrus exocortis viroid is a closed circular single-stranded RNA easily transmitted mechanically. It infects many species in the Rutaceae and a few in the Solanaceae and Compositae. Infections in Citrus is symptomless in most. Citrus exocortis viroid is responsible of exocortis ...

FGen's Logo

Basel, Switzerland

1-10 Employees


Optimizing Crucial Drug Manufacturing of APIs with Merck. Acquiring Altar and Circularis to Strengthen Our Capabilities. Ferment 2023 is April 19! Have you registered yet? Enhancing Premium Distilled Alcoholic Beverages with Voodoo Scientific. Biology is the most advanced manufacturing technology on the planet.



Image for Offerings - Ginkgo Bioworks

Offerings - Ginkgo Bioworks

... Developing Circular RNA-based Therapeutics with ...

Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center - Aarhus University's Logo

Aarhus, Denmark

51-100 Employees


The Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO) at Aarhus University is a modern research and education center which was founded by Professor Flemming Besenbacher in 2002. Since then iNANO has promoted research, education and knowledge transfer within nanoscience and nanotechnology with particular emphasis on collaboration across traditional disciplinary boundaries. In 2012 iNANO moved to the newly build and modern iNANO House, increasing the proximity between many collaborating research groups and providing space for an expansion of the necessary research infrastructure. The research at iNANO occurs mainly within five key strategic areas:. On 1 May, iNANO associated Professor Birgit Schiøtt will become dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. The state-of-the-art infrastructure platform at iNANO ranges from clean-room facilities for nanofabrication, over chemical synthesis to cell laboratories, and includes state-of-the art equipment for nanocharacterisation using microscopy, diffraction and spectroscopy techniques. The center hosts a multidisciplinary BSc and MSc program in Nanoscience as well as the PhD school iNANOschool.



Core business
Image for New paper on how tissue-specific expression of the circular RNA ciRS-7 questions its suggested role in cancer

New paper on how tissue-specific expression of the circular RNA ciRS-7 questions its suggested role in cancer

... New paper on how tissue-specific expression of the circular RNA ciRS-7 questions its suggested role in ...

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Things to know about Cirular RNA

What is Cirular RNA?

Circular RNA, often abbreviated as circRNA, is a type of non-coding RNA which, unlike the more familiar linear RNA, forms a covalently closed loop structure without 5' or 3' polar ends. This unique configuration arises from a process called back-splicing, where a downstream splice donor site joins to an upstream splice acceptor site, diverging from the conventional linear splicing of RNA. The circular form provides circRNA with enhanced stability and resistance to exonuclease degradation, distinguishing it significantly from its linear counterparts. Within biological research and molecular biology, circRNA has garnered attention for its multifaceted roles, including acting as a microRNA sponge, thereby influencing the regulation of gene expression, modulating the stability of mRNA, and even encoding proteins in certain contexts. The implications of circRNA functions are profound, particularly in the realm of medical sciences where it is linked to the pathogenesis of various diseases, including cancers, neurological disorders, and cardiovascular diseases. Its stability and abundance in body fluids also make circRNA a promising candidate for biomarker development, offering potential pathways for novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. The ongoing exploration into circRNA biology not only expands our understanding of RNA's complexity but also underscores the potential of circRNA in revolutionizing aspects of disease diagnosis and treatment.

Advantages of Cirular RNA

1. Enhanced Stability
Circular RNA (circRNA) exhibits remarkable stability compared to its linear counterparts. This resilience is due to its covalently closed loop structure, which protects it from exonuclease-mediated degradation. As a result, circRNA can persist longer in cells, providing a sustained functional role, such as acting as a molecular sponge for microRNAs.

2. Diverse Functions
CircRNA plays a multifaceted role in cellular processes. Beyond microRNA sequestration, it's involved in transcriptional regulation, influencing gene expression. Additionally, some circRNAs can encode proteins, offering a new layer of post-transcriptional regulation. This diversity in function highlights circRNA's potential in complex biological mechanisms and disease pathogenesis.

3. Disease Biomarker Potential
Due to its stability and cell-type-specific expression patterns, circRNA is a promising candidate for biomarkers in various diseases, including cancer. Its unique expression profiles in diseases make it a valuable tool for diagnosis and prognosis, offering a non-invasive approach to monitoring disease progression and response to treatment.

How to select right Cirular RNA supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Quality Assurance
Ensure the supplier provides high-quality circular RNA (circRNA) with comprehensive quality control measures, including purity and concentration assessments.

2. Customization Options
Check if the supplier offers customized circRNA synthesis or modification services to meet your specific research needs.

3. Technical Support
Evaluate the level of technical support and consultation services available. A supplier with knowledgeable support can significantly aid in your project’s success.

4. Product Range
Review the range of circRNA products offered, including various origins (human, mouse, etc.), to ensure they meet your research requirements.

5. Delivery Times
Consider the supplier's reliability in terms of production and delivery times. Prompt delivery is crucial for maintaining the momentum of your research projects.

6. Regulatory Compliance
Confirm that the supplier’s products and services comply with the relevant regulatory standards and guidelines for your research jurisdiction.

7. Cost-Effectiveness
Balance between quality and cost, aiming for a supplier that offers competitive pricing without compromising on circRNA quality or customer service.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Cirular RNA?

Circular RNA (circRNA), a type of non-coding RNA that forms a covalently closed continuous loop, has emerged as a significant player in the realm of biotechnology and healthcare. In the pharmaceutical industry, circRNA is extensively researched for its potential in drug discovery and development. Its unique properties, including stability and abundant expression in various diseases, make it an ideal target for novel therapeutic agents, especially in cancer treatment. Pharmaceutical companies are leveraging circRNA to develop drugs that can specifically target and inhibit cancer cell growth, offering a new avenue in precision medicine. Another vital B2B use case for circRNA is in the development of biomarkers for disease diagnosis and prognosis. Due to their stability and disease-specific expression patterns, circRNAs are being explored as potential biomarkers for early detection and monitoring of diseases. This application is particularly relevant in industries focused on diagnostics and personalized medicine, where accurate biomarkers are crucial for effective treatment planning. Companies specializing in diagnostic tools are collaborating to harness circRNA-based biomarkers, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of disease diagnostics. In the agricultural sector, circRNA also finds application in enhancing crop resilience and yield. Biotechnology firms are investigating the role of circRNA in stress response and plant development, aiming to engineer crops that can withstand environmental stresses while maintaining high productivity. This research is pivotal for agri-biotech businesses focused on developing sustainable agricultural practices and ensuring food security. Through genetic modifications influenced by circRNA mechanisms, these companies are at the forefront of creating more resilient crop varieties, catering to the growing global food demand.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Cirular RNA

Circular RNA, an emerging area of study within the field of genomics and molecular biology, is generally considered to be at the early to mid-stages of the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) spectrum, typically around TRL 2-4. This classification stems from the fact that fundamental principles surrounding circular RNA have been observed and reported, with experimental proof of concept demonstrated in controlled environments. The technical reasons for this positioning include the initial success in identifying and characterizing circular RNAs in various organisms, which has laid the groundwork for understanding their potential roles in gene regulation, acting as molecular sponges for microRNAs, or influencing the expression of parental genes. However, the translation of this foundational knowledge into practical applications, such as novel biomarkers for diseases or therapeutic targets, is still in the formative stages. Challenges that contribute to its current TRL include the complexity of accurately quantifying circular RNAs, understanding their biogenesis, and elucidating their functional mechanisms in vivo. These technical hurdles necessitate further research and development to advance circular RNA technology towards higher TRLs, where its practical utility and commercial viability can be thoroughly evaluated and realized.

What is the Technology Forecast of Cirular RNA?

In the short-term, advancements in circular RNA (circRNA) research are expected to focus on improving detection and quantification methods. With the development of more sensitive and specific high-throughput sequencing technologies, researchers will be able to identify and catalog circRNAs more efficiently. This phase will also see an increased understanding of the biogenesis and cellular functions of circRNAs, laying the groundwork for further exploration into their potential as biomarkers for various diseases. The mid-term outlook involves the integration of circRNA studies into therapeutic development and diagnostic applications. As the functional roles of circRNAs in gene expression regulation and their involvement in diseases become clearer, targeted therapies that manipulate circRNA pathways could emerge. Additionally, the use of circRNAs as non-invasive biomarkers for early disease detection and monitoring will likely advance, supported by growing databases and improved computational tools for circRNA analysis. Long-term, the field is poised to witness the clinical application of circRNA-based therapies and diagnostics. With continued research and technological improvements, circRNAs could become integral to personalized medicine, offering novel treatment options for cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and neurological disorders. The development of circRNA mimics or inhibitors and their delivery systems will be crucial, potentially revolutionizing how we approach treatment and understand the molecular intricacies of human diseases.

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