
Top Brain-on-a-Chip Companies

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6 companies for Brain-on-a-Chip

Revivocell's Logo

Chester, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We develop complex in vitro models to address multiple issues associated with drug discovery in the pharmaceutical industry. Our mission is divided into 3 objectives – read on to learn more. At Revivocell, Abdullah designs and implements research plans for Liver models on Organ-On-A-Chip platforms, aiming to advance drug discovery and toxicity assessment. Dr Ahtasham Raza enriches Revivocell with interdisciplinary expertise in 3D soft tissue engineering, bioimaging, and drug discovery. Learn about Revivocell's CELLBLOKS® technology, a modular multi-organ/cell type co-culture system that bridges the gap between traditional methods and organs-on-a-chip approaches. We focus on creating realistic in vitro models to provide pharmaceutical companies with superior preclinical data. Through the development of realistic in vitro models, we believe we can reduce the reliance on animals for preclinical testing of pharmaceutical compounds. We will deliver in a timely manner on mutually agreed deadlines.



Image for 3D stack Brain-on-a-Chip - SH-SY5Y model | Revivocell Limited

3D stack Brain-on-a-Chip - SH-SY5Y model | Revivocell Limited

... 3D stack Brain-on-a-Chip - SH-SY5Y model | Revivocell ...

NETRI's Logo

Lyon, France

1-10 Employees


Since 2018, NETRI has developed a unique value proposition on the organs-on-chip market. NETRI solutions offer to generate the level of data (throughput) and biological complexity (relevance) required to validate the predictive nature of compounds in humans, with 3 main areas of differentiation: • High-throughput & interoperable devices: compartmentalization, pump-free and compatible with laboratory equipment. NETRI is convinced that the future of drug trials will focus on the rapid, replicable generation of large volumes of biological data (for artificial intelligence processing), generated with the increased translation offered by organs-on-chip (OoCs) , helping to limit animal experimentation. In this context, NETRI addresses the dermo-cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food health markets to meet their specific challenges. NETRI positions itself within its ecosystem and in relation to its competitors as the only player enabling the innervation and vascularization of any organ, constituting a competitive advantage and a strategic barrier to entry for its direct competitors. NETRI is an industrial start-up that provides human cell-based assays to catalog and learn the complex language of human neurons and translate for pharmaceutical, nutrition & dermo-cosmetics industries developing treatment across all applications. With its holistic approach, NETRI builds the knowledge to bridge between laboratory discovery, human biology and pathophysiology by integrating its organs-on-chip technologies into clients’ standardized processes. NETRI accompanies its clients throughout the development life of their product by providing predictive datas or platforms to understand modes of action in discovery, preclinical or clinical phases.



Core business
Image for news - NETRI

news - NETRI

... Tessara Therapeutics and NETRI to collaborate on the development of next generation 3D brain-on-a-chip ...

Morgridge Institute for Research's Logo

Madison, United States

101-250 Employees


We are a biomedical research institute working toward a fundamental understanding of biology to drive the next advances in human health. We are a catalyst to take science further in collaboration with UW–Madison. The Morgridges and WARF provided the lead gifts that made the institute possible. The Morgridge Science Communication Incubator Lab questions why scientists may or may not be willing to pursue public engagement opportunities. Improve human health through innovative, interdisciplinary biomedical discoveries, spark scientific curiosity and serve society through translational outcomes, in partnership with the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Beginning in 2004, the partners developed the innovative private research institute model and laid the foundation for the institute’s charter in 2006. With support from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI), Morgridge investigator Randy Bartels will be on a quest to break the “ballistic barrier” in biomedical imaging to peer more deeply into living tissue.



Image for Model organisms: Peculiar creatures, big discoveries - Morgridge Institute for Research

Model organisms: Peculiar creatures, big discoveries - Morgridge Institute for Research

... Our Brains: Tissues on a chip ...

Cambridge Consultants's Logo

501-1000 Employees


We provide comprehensive support for new product introduction to minimise problems during launch – and then help our clients plan its ongoing evolution and enhancement throughout the lifecycle. Our goal is for our clients to grow as a result of using our services. Solving technology challenges and creating new products and services. We can provide insight into how technology will disrupt a market and provide clients with an innovation roadmap to transform their business. We apply a combination of creativity and science-led design to ensure products and services reach their full potential. Our robust feasibility analysis establishes what’s possible, minimises risk and provides greater budget and timescale confidence. Once a design is agreed, every day it’s not on the market is a day of lost revenue. We’ve honed our development, test, production and supply chain processes to provide fast and reliable project realisation.



Image for Sensing | Cambridge Consultants

Sensing | Cambridge Consultants

... Breakthrough unlocks progress in brain-on-a-chip ...

NextG-Com's Logo

London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


Learn about our different licensing models, determine which is the best fit for your company, and connect with an Arm representative. A holistic system approach for designing scalable mobile solutions. Global network of design service companies endorsed by Arm. Accredited partners and approved training centers to deliver some Arm training. The Arm Developer Program brings together developers from across the globe and provides the perfect space to learn from leading experts, take advantage of the latest tools, and network.



Core business
Image for ARM and CSNE from the University of Washington partner to develop brain-implantable chips – Arm®

ARM and CSNE from the University of Washington partner to develop brain-implantable chips – Arm®

... ARM and the Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering (CSNE) have signed an agreement whereby the CSNE will develop a unique ‘brain-implantable’ system-on-a-chip (SoC) for bi-directional brain-computer interfaces (BBCI) aimed at solving neurodegenerative disorders. ...

Loughborough University's Logo

Charnwood, United Kingdom

1001-5000 Employees


Loughborough University is somewhere anyone can realise their full potential. The atmosphere and team spirit on campus inspire and empower people to achieve extraordinary things. This progressive and ambitious attitude is reflected in the success we achieve, as one of the top-performing universities in the country. Loughborough University is also a welcoming place where staff and students should feel they can be themselves. Across everything we do, we are working together to create a better future, for everyone.



Image for EPSRC DTP | Loughborough Doctoral College | Loughborough University

EPSRC DTP | Loughborough Doctoral College | Loughborough University

... Brain on a Chip; Moving into Human ...

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Facts about those Brain-on-a-Chip Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Brain-on-a-Chip

Country with most fitting companiesUnited Kingdom
Amount of fitting manufacturers3
Amount of suitable service providers5
Average amount of employees101-250
Oldest suiting company1909
Youngest suiting company2018

Things to know about Brain-on-a-Chip

What is Brain-on-a-Chip?

A Brain-on-a-Chip refers to a microfluidic device that mimics the biological and functional complexities of the human brain on a miniature scale, typically using live cells within an engineered platform. This cutting-edge technology is a subset of organ-on-a-chip research, which aims to replicate the physiological responses of body tissues and organs in a controlled environment. By integrating neural cells onto these chips, scientists can recreate the cellular architecture of the brain, including its intricate networks of neurons and synapses. This advancement holds significant promise for neurological research, offering a novel approach to studying brain disorders, neuropharmacology, and neurotoxicology without the ethical and logistical complications of animal testing. Moreover, Brain-on-a-Chip technology facilitates the development of personalized medicine by allowing for the testing of drugs on human cells in a way that closely mimics the in vivo environment. Its potential to accelerate drug discovery and improve the precision of treatments for a myriad of neurological conditions marks a transformative step forward in both biomedical research and healthcare. As this technology continues to evolve, its impact is expected to expand, potentially leading to breakthroughs in understanding complex brain diseases and developing more effective therapeutics.

Advantages of Brain-on-a-Chip

1. High Precision
Brain-on-a-chip technology offers unparalleled precision in modeling the human brain's complexity. Unlike traditional methods, it can replicate specific neuronal networks and brain regions, providing a more accurate platform for studying neurological diseases and testing potential treatments.

2. Reduced Ethical Concerns
This approach significantly mitigates ethical issues associated with animal testing. By utilizing human cells to mimic brain activity, researchers can bypass the moral dilemmas of using live subjects, making it a more ethically sound option for neurological research.

3. Cost-Effectiveness
While the initial setup for brain-on-a-chip systems might be high, they prove to be more cost-effective in the long run. These chips reduce the need for costly animal models and can streamline the drug development process, leading to significant savings.

4. Accelerated Research
The use of brain-on-a-chip can dramatically speed up the research process. Its ability to quickly replicate human brain conditions allows for faster testing of hypotheses and evaluation of treatment outcomes, facilitating more rapid advancements in neuroscience and pharmacology.

How to select right Brain-on-a-Chip supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Technology Compatibility
Ensure the supplier's technology is compatible with your research or product development needs, focusing on integration capabilities with existing systems.

2. Scalability
Assess the supplier’s ability to scale production in response to your project's growth and evolving requirements.

3. Intellectual Property Rights
Verify the supplier's stance on intellectual property, ensuring you retain necessary rights over your research outcomes.

4. Quality Assurance
Look for robust quality assurance processes, including certifications and compliance with industry standards, to ensure reliability and performance.

5. Cost Effectiveness
Consider the overall cost-effectiveness of their offering, including initial investment, maintenance, and potential scalability costs.

6. Support and Maintenance
Evaluate the supplier's support and maintenance services to ensure ongoing operational efficiency and quick resolution of any issues.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Brain-on-a-Chip?

Brain-on-a-chip technology is revolutionizing the pharmaceutical industry by streamlining the drug development process. This innovation allows for the simulation of human brain tissue reactions to various substances, significantly reducing the need for early-stage animal testing. By providing more accurate and human-relevant data, companies can better predict a drug's efficacy and potential side effects, accelerating the path to clinical trials and reducing development costs. In the realm of personalized medicine, brain-on-a-chip devices offer groundbreaking opportunities. Healthcare providers can use these chips to model the neurological conditions of individual patients, enabling the customization of treatment plans with unparalleled precision. This approach not only enhances patient outcomes but also optimizes resource allocation within healthcare systems, making treatments more targeted and efficient. The technology sector benefits from brain-on-a-chip through advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms. By mimicking the neural networks of the human brain, these chips provide a powerful platform for testing and improving AI systems. This application opens new avenues for developing more sophisticated, human-like AI, enhancing capabilities in data processing, pattern recognition, and decision-making across industries. Furthermore, brain-on-a-chip technology is making significant strides in neuroprosthetics development. By closely replicating the functionality of neural tissue, these chips facilitate the creation of more responsive and intuitive prosthetic devices. This progress holds the promise of dramatically improving the quality of life for individuals with neurological impairments, offering enhanced mobility and sensory experiences.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Brain-on-a-Chip

As of the latest updates, the "Brain-on-a-Chip" technology predominantly resides at a TRL between 3 and 4. This positioning reflects the transition from proof-of-concept experiments in controlled environments to initial device validation in a laboratory setting. The key technical reasons anchoring the technology at this level include the complexity of accurately replicating the vast network of neural interactions and the physiological responses of brain tissue using synthetic or semi-synthetic materials. Researchers have successfully demonstrated basic neural functions and interactions on these chips, showcasing their potential for drug testing, disease modeling, and neuroscience research. However, challenges such as long-term viability of neural cells, integration of a more comprehensive range of brain functions, and scaling up the technology for broader applications are being addressed. These hurdles necessitate further refinement and validation of the technology before it can progress to higher readiness levels, where it would undergo real-world testing and eventually commercialization. The intricate balance between the biological fidelity and the technical feasibility of brain-on-a-chip systems underscores the current TRL, emphasizing the need for ongoing innovation and multidisciplinary collaboration to advance this promising field.

What is the Technology Forecast of Brain-on-a-Chip?

In the Short-Term, advancements in "Brain-on-a-Chip" technology are expected to focus on enhancing the fidelity of neural simulations. Scientists are working on improving the chip's ability to mimic brain tissue's electrical and biochemical responses more accurately. This includes refining the integration of living neurons onto microfluidic devices, allowing for better studies of neural behavior and drug testing. The development of more sophisticated models for specific neurological conditions is also anticipated, enabling targeted research and potentially faster therapeutic discoveries. Moving into the Mid-Term, the technology is predicted to evolve towards more complex neural network simulations, bridging the gap between artificial and biological neural systems. This phase will likely see the introduction of chips capable of replicating higher-order brain functions, such as learning and memory consolidation. Such advancements will not only revolutionize neurocomputational models but also pave the way for novel brain-computer interfaces, offering unprecedented opportunities for rehabilitation and enhancing human cognitive capabilities. In the Long-Term, the "Brain-on-a-Chip" technology is expected to achieve a level of sophistication where it can be used to understand and manipulate brain functions at a fundamental level. This could lead to breakthroughs in treating neurological disorders, effectively repairing damaged neural connections, and even emulating consciousness on artificial platforms. The long-term vision includes the seamless integration of these chips with the human nervous system, blurring the lines between biological intelligence and artificial computing, and opening new frontiers in human augmentation and artificial intelligence.

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