
Top Cobot Companies

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59 companies for Cobot

Cobots's Logo


Gqeberha, South Africa

1-10 Employees


Cobots (PTY) Ltd's motivation and aspiration is to bring innovative collaborative solutions to the market that are easy to deploy, enhance productivity, improve quality and uplift morale. Cobots (PTY) Ltd motivation and aspiration is to bring innovative collaborative solutions to the market that are easy to deploy, enhance productivity, improve quality and uplift morale. Our cutting-edge products are designed to help companies reach new heights in their operations.


ER5 Mobile Cobot Platform - Cobots

... ER5 Mobile Cobot Platform is a compact mobile workstation for safe collaboration with robot arms. ...

Schweikert Automation GmbH's Logo

Schweikert Automation GmbH

Neuenstadt am Kocher, Germany

1-10 Employees



Roboter Cobot Universal Robots UR5 komplett

... Roboter Elite Robots EC66 Cobot kollaborativ neu nur ca.:10 Stunden ...

Jordan Prozesstechnik's Logo

Jordan Prozesstechnik

Cologne, Germany

11-50 Employees



PTS Cobot Palettierer

... Unser Cobot-Palletizer ist sofort einsatzbereit, innovativ und perfekt für Industrie & Mittelstand. Jetzt umsteigen und Prozesse optimieren! ...

KPI GmbH's Logo


Denkingen, Germany

11-50 Employees


Wir sind Certified System Integrator (CSI) von Universal Robots und spezialisiert auf die Integration von Cobots, Leichtbauroboter und Industrieroboter. Unsere Alleinstellungsmerkmale sind die standardisierten und modularen Roboter-Systeme der V & Q-Line, welche für die Leichtbauroboter von Universal Robots optimiert sind. Damit können wir kostengünstig und in kurzer Zeit Ihre Prozesse automatisieren. Sollten Sie eine kundenspezifische Sonderlösung benötigen, können wir auf langjährige Erfahrung im Sondermaschinenbau mit Industrierobotern zurückgreifen.


Cobots - Universal Robots

... Cobots - Universal Robots | KPI ...

Tulip Technologies's Logo

Tulip Technologies

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

11-50 Employees


A top leading company in Mobile Robots Technology. Tulip Technologies is a leading provider of robotics products, we understand the transformative power of Industry 4.0. This new era of intelligent manufacturing is driven by automation and data-driven insights, offering factories a path to unparalleled efficiency, productivity, and innovation.


Cobot Screwdriving

... Cobot Screwdriving | Tulip ...



Joué-lès-Tours, France

1-10 Employees


Cobots-Solutions importateur exclusif des cobots JAKA® pour la France, la Belgique et la Suisse vous accompagne dans le choix et l'intégration de vos robots collaboratifs au sein de vos lignes de production. Cobots-Solutions distribue également un nouveau type d'actionneur flexible lancé par Soft Robot Tech qui peut simuler l'action de préhension de la main humaine et manipuler des objets de tailles, de formes et de poids différents avec une seule pince. Cobots-Solutions, distributeur des préhenseurs SRT et des robots collaboratifs JAKA® pour les marchés français, belge et suisse, s’est entouré des meilleures compétences pour vous accompagner dans vos projets de robotisation. Cobots-Solutions a choisi Soft Robot Tech et JAKA Robotics parmi une dizaine de constructeurs de Cobots et équipements, ceci après de nombreuses études, rencontres et tests. Solutions de préhension souples et pratiques pour vos produits complexes et fragiles. JAKA est le pionnier des programmations à distance.


JAKA® Ai cobots

... Ai cobots JAKA All-in-one Cobots from 3 kg to 18 kg innovatively adopt the design principles of JAKA S³ (Smart, Simple, Small), and incorporate advanced robotic technologies such as wireless teach, graphic programming and visual feedback. Specifications of the cobots “Ai” version They are revolutionizing the way human-cobot interaction takes place, improving the safety… ...

Mojin Robotics GmbH's Logo

Mojin Robotics GmbH

Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany

11-50 Employees


Wir sind 4am Robotics - der Spezialist für autonome mobile Roboter (AMR) für die Intralogistik.Produktübergreifende Technik und Software treffen bei uns auf ein heterogenes Portfolio, das den Warenfluss flexibel, sicher und allzeit verfügbar von Ende zu Ende automatisiert und Komplexität reduziert.


Autonomous Mobile Cobots

... Autonomous Mobile Cobot | 4am ...

TSM Robotics Automation Sdn Bhd's Logo

TSM Robotics Automation Sdn Bhd


11-50 Employees


We are in accordance with spirits of dedication, professionalism, and originalism to spread the sparkle of wisdom to every corner of the Earth, and facilitating enterprises striding into Industry 4.0. TSM Robotics was founded in 2014, Collaborate with JAKA, THE WORLDWIDE COBOT INNOVATOR. JAKA robotics is a new and high-tech company aiming at innovation and R&D for new generation of cobots and smart factory. TSM Robotics is on a mission to “Free Your Hands”. Laser SLAM navigation technology in Oasis and automatic mobile robot (AMR), applies to manufacturing, production, material handling & delivery. Provide highly customizable welding robots to major industries, automotive welding, metalworking, manufacturing, electrical, and electronics. TSM Robotics Automation Sdn Bhd was founded in 2014, Collaborate with JAKA, THE WORLDWIDE COBOT INNOVATOR. JAKA robotics is a high-tech robotics automation company aiming at innovation and R&D for a new generation of collaborative robots (cobots) and smart factories.


JAKA Zu 18 Cobot

... JAKA Zu 18 Cobot | 6 Arm Axis Robotic Automation ...

CADE Cobots's Logo

CADE Cobots

Albacete, Spain

51-100 Employees


Las soluciones de CADE Cobots permiten automatizar procesos de despaletizado de productos y/o envases de múltiples formatos. Nuestro objetivo es conocer en profundidad sus personas, productos y procesos para adelantarnos a sus necesidades. Esta web utiliza Google Analytics para recopilar información anónima tal como el número de visitantes del sitio, o las páginas más populares.

Core business

cade cobots

... Gracias a los cobots de CADE Cobots podrás automatizar de forma rápida y segura. Los robots colaborativos hacen que tu negocio sea más productivo, ...

Dominion Automation Inc's Logo

Dominion Automation Inc

Cambridge, Canada

11-50 Employees


With the help of our experienced team, you can improve any step of your production process, from speed regulation to precision positioning. We offer a wide range of equipment to meet all of your needs and dedicated staff to answer all of your questions. For over 15 years, Dominion Automation has provided manufacturing businesses with the programming, equipment, and services they require. To provide our customers with class-leading automation products, services, and equipment that increases throughput and improves quality in all stages of their production. Dominion Automation is a supplier of automated packaging machinery. Dominion Automation provides expert PLC programming, HMI development, industrial networking, and SCADA services for your application.


Cobots in Ontario

... Cobots in ...

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Insights about the Cobot results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Cobot

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers453
Amount of suitable service providers350
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1984
Youngest suiting company2020

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Cobot

What is Cobot?

A cobot, or collaborative robot, is a type of robot explicitly designed to physically interact with humans in a shared workspace. This is in stark contrast to traditional robots, which are isolated from human workers due to safety concerns. Cobots are equipped with advanced sensors, software, and end effectors that enable them to detect and understand their human co-workers' presence and intentions, thereby ensuring safety and facilitating a cooperative working environment. They are inherently designed to be intuitive, allowing for easy programming and operation by personnel without specialized training, thus democratizing access to robotic technology across various levels of skill and expertise. The integration of cobots into the workplace is transforming industries by enhancing efficiency, flexibility, and productivity in tasks ranging from assembly lines to delicate surgical procedures. Moreover, cobots are pivotal in addressing ergonomic challenges by taking over repetitive, straining tasks from human workers, thereby reducing the incidence of work-related injuries and improving job satisfaction. Their role extends beyond mere task execution; cobots are becoming instrumental in upskilling the workforce, as their deployment necessitates and fosters a deeper understanding of automation and digital technology among employees. The impact of cobots is profound, marking a significant shift towards more interactive, adaptive, and flexible automation solutions that promise to redefine the future of work across multiple sectors.

Advantages of Cobot

1. Enhanced Collaboration:
Cobots, or collaborative robots, are designed to work alongside humans in a shared workspace, enhancing the efficiency and productivity of tasks. Unlike traditional automation systems that require separate spaces, cobots safely interact with human workers, allowing for more flexible and dynamic work environments.

2. Easy Integration:
One of the key benefits of cobots is their ease of integration into existing workflows. They are designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive programming interfaces that do not require specialized training. This allows businesses to quickly adapt to changes and reduces the time and cost associated with deploying automation solutions.

3. Increased Safety:
Cobots are equipped with advanced sensors and safety features that enable them to detect and avoid unexpected interactions with humans. This significantly reduces the risk of workplace injuries, making them a safer alternative to traditional industrial robots and manual labor in environments where human-robot interaction is frequent.

4. Flexibility and Scalability:
Cobots offer unmatched flexibility and scalability. They can be easily moved and reprogrammed to perform a variety of tasks, making them a cost-effective solution for businesses looking to scale their operations or adapt to changing market demands.

5. Improved Quality and Consistency:
By automating repetitive and precision tasks, cobots help reduce human error, ensuring a higher quality and consistency of output. This not only improves product quality but also increases customer satisfaction and competitive advantage in the market.

How to select right Cobot supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Payload Capacity
Consider the weight of the objects the cobot will handle. Ensure the cobot's payload capacity exceeds your maximum load requirements for safe and efficient operation.

2. Reach and Flexibility
Evaluate the cobot's reach and flexibility to ensure it can perform tasks effectively within your workspace. The cobot's ability to maneuver around obstacles and work in confined spaces is crucial.

3. Ease of Programming
Look for cobots that offer intuitive programming interfaces. Suppliers should provide user-friendly software that allows quick reprogramming and adjustments by your own staff without specialized training.

4. Speed and Precision
Assess the cobot's operational speed and precision levels. These factors directly impact productivity and quality of work, especially for tasks requiring high accuracy.

5. Safety Features
Ensure the cobot has built-in safety features such as collision detection and responsive emergency stops. These are essential for protecting human workers in collaborative environments.

6. Integration Capabilities
The cobot should easily integrate with your existing systems and machinery. Compatibility with a wide range of end-effectors and the ability to communicate with other machines are key.

7. Support and Maintenance
Consider the supplier's support and maintenance services. Reliable technical support, availability of spare parts, and the option for extended warranties contribute to the cobot's uptime and longevity.

8. Cost-Effectiveness
While initial cost is important, also consider the total cost of ownership, including maintenance, training, and potential upgrades. Opt for a supplier that offers a balance between quality and cost.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Cobot?

Cobots, or collaborative robots, are redefining productivity across various sectors through their ability to work alongside humans. In manufacturing, cobots are deployed for tasks such as assembly, where their precision and ability to work tirelessly can significantly increase production rates and product consistency. They're particularly valuable in electronics manufacturing, where they handle delicate components, reducing the risk of human error and material wastage. In the automotive industry, cobots have found a niche in intricate operations like screw driving and welding. They enhance safety by taking over hazardous tasks and ensuring a level of precision difficult for human workers to maintain consistently. This not only speeds up the production line but also improves the overall quality of the vehicles produced. Pharmaceuticals and healthcare have also embraced cobots for their ability to handle sensitive materials with utmost precision. In drug manufacturing, cobots perform tasks such as filling, capping, and labeling, ensuring high standards of hygiene and accuracy are maintained. Their deployment reduces the risk of contamination, a critical concern in the industry. Lastly, in the logistics and warehousing sector, cobots are transforming picking and packing processes. They are designed to work in tight spaces, picking items from shelves and preparing them for shipping with efficiency that surpasses human capabilities. This not only speeds up order fulfillment but also minimizes errors, enhancing customer satisfaction. Each of these use cases illustrates the versatility and efficiency of cobots across different industries, highlighting their role in optimizing operations, ensuring safety, and enhancing productivity.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Cobot

As of my last update in 2023, collaborative robots, or "cobots," predominantly operate at a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 9, indicating they are fully mature technologies that have been proven in actual operational environments. This high TRL is a result of significant advancements in sensor technology, machine learning algorithms, and robotic actuation and control systems. Sensor advancements, including vision and tactile sensors, enable cobots to perceive their environment with high accuracy, allowing for precise manipulation and interaction with human coworkers and their surroundings. Concurrently, machine learning algorithms have evolved to enhance cobots' decision-making abilities, enabling them to adapt to new tasks through learning rather than requiring reprogramming. This adaptability is further supported by improvements in actuation and control systems, which provide the finesse needed for a wide range of tasks, from delicate assembly operations to more robust material handling. The culmination of these technical advancements ensures that cobots can safely and effectively collaborate with humans in various operational settings, from manufacturing floors to service industries, confirming their status at the pinnacle of technology readiness.

What is the Technology Forecast of Cobot?

In the Short-Term, cobots (collaborative robots) are expected to become more intuitive and user-friendly, with advancements in AI making them capable of learning from human interaction. This phase will see cobots equipped with improved sensors and machine learning algorithms, enabling them to understand and predict human actions more accurately, thereby enhancing safety and efficiency in close-quarter operations. The integration of voice and facial recognition will further facilitate seamless human-robot collaboration. Mid-Term developments will focus on enhancing the autonomy and adaptability of cobots. This will be achieved through the integration of sophisticated AI models that enable real-time decision-making and problem-solving without human intervention. Cobots will be able to perform a wider range of tasks, adjusting their strategies based on dynamic work environments. Additionally, advancements in materials science will lead to lighter, yet more durable cobots, expanding their usability in various industries, from manufacturing to healthcare. In the Long-Term, cobots are poised to achieve unparalleled levels of autonomy and intelligence, working alongside humans as true partners rather than mere tools. Breakthroughs in quantum computing and advanced AI could enable cobots to process vast amounts of information instantaneously, making them incredibly responsive and capable of conducting complex tasks with minimal human guidance. Furthermore, the development of universal communication protocols may allow cobots to seamlessly integrate into global supply chains, contributing to a highly interconnected and automated future workforce.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Cobot Companies

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Based on our calculations related technologies to Cobot are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

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The most represented industries which are working in Cobot are Automation, Other, Manufacturing, Machinery Manufacturing, IT, Software and Services

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