
Top Voice Search Companies

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487 companies for Voice Search

Fluid Digital Strategies LLC's Logo

Fluid Digital Strategies LLC

Easton, United States

1-10 Employees


Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates on all things local search marketing related. We respect your privacy and would never sell your information.


Get Found In Local, Mobile, and Voice Search Results.

... local, mobile, and voice search engine optimization, web design, ...

Only Digital's Logo

Only Digital

Glasgow, United Kingdom

51-100 Employees


We’re a team of award winners but, if truth be told, we’re more interested in rewards than awards. Like awards, financial rewards are nice to have. What we’re interested in, is receiving praise and glowing feedback from happy clients. Producing an outstanding ROI and going the extra mile to deliver exceptional service is what turns us on. For us, nothing beats a client saying “Well Done!”.




Lead Genera's Logo

Lead Genera

Norwich, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We are proud to introduce our highly acclaimed Lead Nurturing service, a pivotal component in your journey towards achieving unparalleled success in the dynamic landscape of digital marketing. We are a hands-on agency, plugging in to your business and getting our hands dirty under the bonnet so we can best understand exactly what needs to be done within your business. We produce results that are both impressive and conversion-oriented, so you can invest more of your time where it truly matters to the success of your business. We are relentless in our pursuit of metrics that provide a measurable impact quickly without compromising quality. This dedication yields a strong product for each client – one that has staying power. Our team, equipped with industry-leading expertise and innovative tools, stands ready to transform your lead generation strategies into a consistent stream of appointments. Why settle for less when you can have the leading experts in appointment setting working to scale your business? Automated Lead Generation is the process of utilising technology and systems to streamline and automate the process of acquiring leads for your business.

Core business

How Might Google Voice Search Change The Search Engine Landscape?

... How Might Google Voice Search Change The Search Engine Landscape? ...

Emerald Seven's Logo

Emerald Seven

Seattle, United States

1-10 Employees


We are an agile team that embraces uncertainty, quickly adapting to new circumstances. Emerald Seven is a boutique, integrative design & development studio based in Seattle. Our agile creative studio based in Seattle offers services in interdisciplinary design, modern web development, and custom-crafted content. We design and build human-centered digital products for individuals, companies, and organizations seeking to present their most authentic selves. Emerald Seven is a boutique, integrative design & web development studio based in the Old Ballard neighborhood of Seattle. Our award-winning design & development team is unique in that we not only can geek out over the technical specs, but we can also hold our own with a room full of designers. Kalon was such a fun project, it feels awesome to be recognized for it. This immersive, award-winning site (W3’s in Gold and Silver!) illustrates the Kalon experience in digital form, telling their story through pixels, before you get to experience it in surf, sand, and jungle.


Microsoft Bing Local Voice Search Survey eBook

... Microsoft Bing Local Voice Search eBook Design – Emerald ...



Amsterdam, Netherlands

11-50 Employees


Adopt a hyperlocal marketing approach to focus on a specific area and targets people in highly localized and address-specific regions to drive immediate foot traffic to your physical locations and capitalize on near-me searches. A fraction of every purchase from obenan helps new carbon removal technologies scale.

Core business

Voice search

... Voice search ...

Digital Tour Factory's Logo

Digital Tour Factory

Raleigh, United States

1-10 Employees


Our goal is to help businesses modify or create new processes, culture, and customer experiences to increase growth and revenue. When we started Digital Tour Factory, we wanted to offer measurable solutions that can be monitored in real-time. With our expertise in the field, we aim to help them meet their business goals and provide them with digital solutions to grow their business. At Digital Tour Factory, we envision making digital transformation achievable for all businesses, offering easy and simple solutions.


Voice Search Optimization

... , reputation management, voice search optimization, and website ...

Teknicks's Logo


Jackson, United States

11-50 Employees


Teknicks is one of only 6 growth marketing agencies in the United States accredited as a Google Certified Marketing Platform Partner in Google Analytics, Tag Manager, and Surveys as well as a Google Ads Premiere Partner. We are boutique by design, built around one north star metric; the number of renewed clients. At Teknicks, we work hard to exceed expectations for our clients and that dedication shows. Teknicks maintains its competitive edge by staying at the forefront of digital technology. Teknicks is committed to the improvement of our community and we’re always looking for new ways to help. Growth doesn’t mean you need a team of 50 data scientists, product managers, engineers, and designers launching experiments hoping to find the one hypothesis that will prove successful, and unlock tremendous growth. Growth starts with truly understanding your use case and the value your product brings when solving your users’ problems and fulfilling their needs. Add on full user research capabilities and we are in a class of our own.


Voice Search Optimization

... see what a successful voice search optimization strategy looks like? ...

Voice Command's Logo

Voice Command

Boca Raton, United States

51-100 Employees


For long-term voice success, our Annually Plan offers the same extensive voice platform listing as the Monthly Plan.

Core business

List Your Business on Voice Search

... listed on all the major voice search platforms: Siri, Google Assistant, ...

FN International LLC's Logo

FN International LLC

Wilmington, United States

1-10 Employees


Passion may be a friendly or eager interest in or admiration for a proposal, cause, discovery, or activity or love to a feeling of unusual excitement. Donec libero dolor, tincidunt id laoreet vitae,ullamcorper eu tortor. Maecenas pellentesque,dui vitae iaculis mattis, tortor nisi faucibus magna,vitae ultrices lacus purus vitae metus. Donec libero dolor, tincidunt id laoreet vitae, ullamcorper eu tortor. Maecenas pellentesque, dui vitae iaculis mattis, tortor nisi faucibus magna, vitae ultrices lacus purus vitae metus.


Chromecast with Google TV – Streaming Entertainment with Voice Search – Watch Movies, Shows, and Live TV in 4K HDR – Snow

... Entertainment with Voice Search – Watch Movies, Shows, and Live ...

GoPro Integrated Technology | GPIT Nigeria's Logo

GoPro Integrated Technology | GPIT Nigeria

Lekki, Nigeria

11-50 Employees


We are not rock stars, ninjas or any other disingenuous buzz term. We’re the trusted partner that takes a proactive approach to your technology. We’re the built-in IT support staff that’s always there when you need us.

Core business

Voice Search SEO

... Voice Search ...

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Insights about the Voice Search results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Voice Search

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers1245
Amount of suitable service providers1170
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1994
Youngest suiting company2020

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Voice Search

What is Voice Search?

Voice search is a technology that enables users to perform searches on the internet by verbally asking questions to an application, website, or device. This innovative feature utilizes speech recognition to understand the user's spoken commands, converting them into text that is then searched online. The technology behind voice search has evolved significantly, leveraging deep learning algorithms to improve its understanding of natural language, accents, and speech patterns. As a result, voice search offers a more intuitive and hands-free method of interaction, making digital content more accessible, especially for users on the go or those with physical disabilities that make traditional typing challenging. The impact of voice search within its field is profound, fundamentally altering how search engine optimization (SEO) strategies are developed and implemented. As voice search queries often differ from typed queries in structure and length, typically being more conversational and longer, content creators and SEO experts are now tasked with optimizing for these types of searches. This includes incorporating long-tail keywords and questions that mimic natural speech patterns into their content. Consequently, voice search is driving a shift towards more natural, conversational content on the web, enhancing user experience by delivering more accurate and relevant search results. Its rising popularity underscores the need for websites and online platforms to adapt to this trend, ensuring they remain competitive and visible in an increasingly voice-first digital landscape.

Advantages of Voice Search

1. Speed
Voice search significantly reduces the time it takes to perform a search query. Users can speak faster than they type, allowing for quicker access to information. This efficiency is especially beneficial when on-the-go or needing immediate answers.

2. Convenience
With voice search, the process of looking up information becomes more user-friendly and accessible. People can initiate searches without the need for typing, which is particularly handy while multitasking or for those with physical impairments that make typing difficult.

3. Accuracy
Advancements in natural language processing have improved voice search's ability to understand and process human speech with greater precision. This leads to more accurate search results, tailored to the user's exact questions or commands.

4. Personalized Experiences
Voice search technologies often integrate with personal assistant devices, offering customized responses based on the user's previous searches, preferences, and behavior. This personalization enhances user satisfaction by delivering more relevant and tailored search outcomes.

How to select right Voice Search supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Accuracy and Speed
Ensure that the voice search technology can recognize and process natural language quickly and with high accuracy, minimizing misunderstandings or incorrect searches.

2. Language and Dialect Support
Check for support across multiple languages and dialects, making the technology accessible to a broader audience.

3. Integration Capabilities
Assess how easily the voice search system integrates with existing platforms and systems, ensuring seamless operation and user experience.

4. Customization Flexibility
Determine the extent to which the voice search solution can be customized to meet specific business needs and preferences.

5. Scalability
Evaluate the solution's ability to scale up as your business grows, ensuring it can handle increased loads without compromising performance.

6. Privacy and Security Measures
Investigate the supplier's commitment to user privacy and data security, particularly how they handle voice recordings and personal information.

7. Technical Support and Training
Consider the level of technical support and training offered by the supplier to facilitate smooth implementation and ongoing use.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Voice Search?

Voice search is revolutionizing how businesses across industries find and interact with B2B suppliers. In the manufacturing sector, for instance, companies are leveraging voice search to quickly locate suppliers of specific components, streamlining the procurement process and reducing downtime in production lines. This hands-free search capability allows for multitasking, enabling procurement managers to carry out searches while engaging in other tasks, thus enhancing productivity. In the realm of logistics and supply chain management, voice search facilitates the swift identification of logistics partners and tracking of shipments. This technology has become indispensable for managers needing real-time updates on shipments and inventory levels, allowing for more efficient supply chain operations and decision-making. The healthcare industry benefits from voice search through the efficient sourcing of medical supplies and pharmaceutical products. Healthcare providers can use voice commands to reorder supplies, search for new suppliers, or compare product specifications, thereby ensuring they can meet patient needs without delay. Finally, within the tech industry, voice search aids in finding software solutions and hardware components. IT managers and professionals utilize voice search to compare products, read reviews, and make informed decisions on the best solutions for their needs, all with the convenience of voice commands. These use cases highlight the growing importance of voice search in the B2B landscape, providing a competitive edge through increased operational efficiency and improved decision-making processes.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Voice Search

Voice search technology has rapidly advanced to a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL), currently positioned at TRL 9, which indicates that it is fully mature and has been successfully implemented in operational environments. This high TRL is attributed to several technical advancements and widespread adoption across various platforms, including smartphones, smart speakers, and integrated systems in vehicles. The core technology behind voice search, which includes natural language processing (NLP), machine learning algorithms, and speech recognition, has seen significant improvements in accuracy and response time. These enhancements have been driven by vast amounts of data collected from users worldwide, enabling the algorithms to better understand and process a wide range of languages, accents, and dialects. Additionally, the integration of voice search into everyday devices and applications has been streamlined, providing users with a seamless and efficient way to interact with technology using voice commands. The convergence of improved hardware capabilities, such as microphones and processors in smart devices, with sophisticated software algorithms, underpins the technical reasons for voice search reaching TRL 9, demonstrating its readiness and efficacy in meeting the demands of contemporary users in various operational settings.

What is the Technology Forecast of Voice Search?

In the Short-Term, advancements in voice search technology will primarily focus on improving accuracy and reducing misunderstandings in user queries. Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms will become more sophisticated, allowing voice search devices to understand and process complex, conversational requests more effectively. This phase will also witness the integration of voice search across a wider array of devices, making it more accessible and convenient for users. The Mid-Term phase will see voice search becoming more personalized and context-aware. Technologies such as AI and machine learning will enable voice assistants to learn from past interactions, offering more tailored responses and suggestions based on the user’s habits, preferences, and current location. This period will also mark the beginning of seamless multilingual support, allowing users to switch languages effortlessly during voice searches, thus broadening the technology's global appeal. In the Long-Term, voice search is expected to revolutionize the way we interact with our environment, with the technology becoming deeply integrated into smart homes, vehicles, and public spaces. Voice search will act as a central interface for controlling various aspects of our digital and physical world, offering a hands-free, intuitive way to interact with technology. Furthermore, advancements in AI will enable voice assistants to understand emotional cues, allowing for more empathetic and contextually relevant interactions.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Voice Search Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Voice Search

Based on our calculations related technologies to Voice Search are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in Voice Search are Voice Affinity

The most represented industries which are working in Voice Search are IT, Software and Services, Other, Marketing Services, Media and Entertainment, Healthcare

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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