Conversational AI
Conversational AI

Top Conversational AI Companies

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855 companies for Conversational AI

imperson's Logo

Los Angeles, United States

11-50 Employees


NatGeo and imperson brought Einstein back to life as a chatbot. Answer questions and provide information about your brand and product offering. Handle complex product inquiries with real-time speed and accuracy. Provide customized offers and steer the conversation towards your sales goals.



Image for Conversational AI Platform

Conversational AI Platform

... Leveraging state-of-the-art, proprietary conversational AI technology, we developed a platform for chatbots that converse with users in natural language on social messaging, voice assistants and the web. ...

OmniBot's Logo

Züssow, Germany

11-50 Employees

Corona Information and Service hotline as a voice conversational AI telephone bot (OmniBot) with real-time supervision by live agents (Majorel) for use in public services.



Core business
Image for Conversational AI &Automation Platform

Conversational AI &Automation Platform

... One Conversational AI and Automation Platform for all people and use ...

VoiceThesis's Logo

Austin, United States

1-10 Employees


VoiceThesis can help your organization make the most out of the next growth phase. Our goal is to demystify technology and help clients overcome the challenge of finding top-notch AI talent. Voice-enabled products are reducing friction, maximizing utility and preserving end-user data privacy. By demystifying tech, we eliminate hype and help our clients chart a realistic product roadmap. Focus on solving technical challenges to help clients create market relevant products and services. Use off-the-shelf components from cloud providers, specialist technology vendors and open-source developers. Engage our network of software developers, solution specialists and infrastructure providers. Provide technical expertise that complements the client and leads to a complete and customized solution.



Core business
Image for Third Generation Conversational AI

Third Generation Conversational AI

... Conversational AI, Voice assistants, Chatbots, Voice analytics, Content understanding, Machine learning, ...

LivePerson Automotive's Logo

Alpharetta, United States

251-500 Employees


LivePerson is making a new grade of AI available. Voice AI: It's time to hang up on IVRs. LivePerson named the #1 Most Innovative AI Company in the world. Voice AI Webinar: It’s time to hang up on IVRs. Combining the power of the world's largest conversational dataset, with decades of experience and a legacy of trust, to deliver safer, more secure AI experiences.



Image for Close more deals with Conversational AI

Close more deals with Conversational AI

... Learn how and why to use Conversational AI for B2B sales and marketing, streamlining your service management with smarter, faster solutions. ...

Milatech's Logo

Miami, United States

1-10 Employees


Milatech trae a tu mano derecha: Mike… Mike es un superbot que te ayuda a automatizar tus ventas por WhatsApp. No somos un CRM, No somos un chatbot como lo conocen muchos, traemos el primer super chatbot que está revolucionando la forma de vender en el siglo XXI. La membresía con Milatech incluye soporte técnico 24/7 para tu negocio. Creemos que el secreto de las interacciones es conversacional. Creemos en que los negocios pequeños y medianos son el futuro de la región, y por eso queremos ayudar a los empresarios a crear negocios sustentables. Mike atiende tus clientes 24/7 y puede reconocer productos en imágenes al integrarse con tu catalogo y completar la venta sin requerimiento humano. Mike es el primer superbot asistente de ventas que se integra con tu canal de WhatsApp y realiza las ventas sin necesidad de ayuda humana. Mike es el primer bot desarrollado por el equipo Milatech.



Image for Headings - Conversational AI

Headings - Conversational AI

... Headings - Conversational AI ...

ContactEngine's Logo

London, United Kingdom

51-100 Employees


ContactEngine is the only proactive conversational AI platform purpose built to engage those customers that never contact you, and to do this without driving any increase in inbound calls to your call centre.



Core business
Image for Proactive conversational AI, the future of customer service | ContactEngine

Proactive conversational AI, the future of customer service | ContactEngine

... Proactive conversational AI, the future of customer service | ...

Botjet.AI's Logo

Hyderabad, India

11-50 Employees


We are building out a suite of sophisticated AI solutions that help businesses use cognitive automation to deliver natural and intuitive services at scale. Our products and solutions are born in the Nuacem AI incubator - a lab, where data scientists, domain and technology experts come together to tackle the toughest challenges to AI adoption. Botjet - is a conversational AI platform that offers the full features and capabilities required to build smart bots. Our goal is to innovate, incubate, develop and launch AI products that support enterprises in the innovation race. We are building state-of-the-art neural network systems to power critical functions like semantic analysis, NLG, speech and language synthesis. Botjet aims to simplify and accelerate chatbot adoption by making it as easy as possible for anyone to build their own bot. Take the first step towards transformation with Botjet. Co-founded in 2016 by established entrepreneur Indarjith Mathivanan and leading technopreneur Vamsi Yeluri, Nuacem is enabling an AI-First world by bringing cutting-edge AI to the real world through its transformative business applications.



Image for Botjet - Conversational AI Platform

Botjet - Conversational AI Platform

... Botjet - Conversational AI ...

Streamline Democracy Ltd's Logo

Aberdeen City, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

To achieve your goals, we have specific political research-informed templates to use with our chatbot. Fidelise your voters by listening to their concerns and provide a response.



Core business
Image for Conversational AI Bespoke

Conversational AI Bespoke

... Home Conversational AI Streamline Democracy Streamline Democracy Consolidating Voters Involvement Chatbot Home Democratic ...

Onlim's Logo

Innsbruck, Austria

11-50 Employees


Der einfache Einstieg in die Onlim Weltfür Kleinunternehmen. Automatisieren Sie repetitive Anfragen und erhöhen Ihre Buchungen. Kundenerlebnis erhöhen & Leads generieren durch relevante Kanäle. Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Onlim und den Produkten. Lesenswertes zu Updates, Wissen und Insights von Onlim.



Image for Conversational AI Platform

Conversational AI Platform

... Knowledge Graphs | Conversational AI Platform | Conversational AI as a Service | Multichannel Connectors | Analytics | Live Chat | Pricing & Product Details | Company | Jobs | Contact | Chatbot ...

InsureFin Digital-Day's Logo

Munich, Germany

11-50 Employees


Erhalten Sie Zugang zu umfassendem Wissen Lernen Sie Experten aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Technologie kennen, die ihr Fachwissen teilen und in fesselnden Fireside-Chats die zukünftige Entwicklung, Chancen und Risiken von Conversational AI debattieren. Lehnen Sie sich zurück oder bringen Sie sich ein Lassen Sie sich von mitreißenden Diskussionen inspirieren und gewinnen Sie wertvolle Insights und Perspektiven zum Einfluss von Conversational AI auf Finance, Banking und Insurance. Diskutieren Sie mit und bringen Sie Ihre brennenden, offenen Fragen aktiv in unsere Fireside-Chats ein. Vernetzen Sie sich In den Pausen oder nach dem inhaltlichen Programm bieten unsere Events Ihnen viele Gelegenheiten für das persönliche Gespräch. Bei Drinks und Buffet können Sie Diskussionen weiterführen oder neue Kontakte knüpfen.



Core business
Image for Conversational AI als Gamechanger im Finanz- und Versicherungssektor

Conversational AI als Gamechanger im Finanz- und Versicherungssektor

... Privacy is the best policy: Demystifizierung von Conversational AI und Datenschutz. ...

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Facts about those Conversational AI Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Conversational AI

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers612
Amount of suitable service providers469
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company2005
Youngest suiting company2022

Things to know about Conversational AI

What is Conversational AI?

Conversational AI refers to the branch of artificial intelligence that enables machines to understand, process, and respond to human language in a manner that mimics natural human conversation. At its core, this technology combines natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and computational linguistics to interpret, comprehend, and interact in human language. The primary objective of conversational AI is to create digital systems and interfaces, such as chatbots and virtual assistants, that can engage in dialogue with humans in a fluid, intuitive, and contextually relevant manner. This involves not only the ability to parse and understand spoken or typed phrases but also the capability to discern intent, manage nuanced or complex conversations, and learn from interactions to improve future responses. The impact of conversational AI within its field is profound, transforming customer service, user experience, and accessibility across a wide range of industries. By automating and personalizing interactions, it enables businesses to scale operations efficiently, provides users with 24/7 assistance, and offers a more natural, engaging way to interface with technology. Moreover, as conversational AI continues to evolve, its potential applications expand, promising further innovations in how humans interact with digital systems and with each other through mediated platforms.

Advantages of Conversational AI

1. Enhanced Customer Experience:
Conversational AI, such as chatbots and virtual assistants, provides a seamless and interactive user experience. Unlike traditional customer service options, which can be slow and rigid, conversational AI offers instant responses 24/7, ensuring that users receive timely assistance without the frustration of waiting on hold or navigating through complex menus.

2. Scalability:
One of the significant advantages of conversational AI is its ability to handle a vast number of inquiries simultaneously. Where human agents can be overwhelmed by high volumes of requests, leading to longer wait times and decreased customer satisfaction, conversational AI can scale effortlessly to meet demand, ensuring that every customer receives prompt attention.

3. Cost Efficiency:
Implementing conversational AI can lead to substantial cost savings for businesses. It reduces the need for a large customer service team, cutting down on labor costs. Moreover, by automating routine inquiries, it allows human agents to focus on more complex issues, improving operational efficiency.

4. Personalization:
Conversational AI can analyze user data and previous interactions to offer personalized recommendations and support. This level of individualized attention enhances the user experience, fostering loyalty and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

5. Continuous Learning and Improvement:
Thanks to machine learning algorithms, conversational AI systems continually evolve based on user interactions. This means they get smarter over time, enhancing their ability to understand and respond to a wide array of queries with greater accuracy. This continuous improvement cycle ensures that the system remains effective in meeting users' needs.

How to select right Conversational AI supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP) Capabilities
Evaluate the supplier's proficiency in understanding and processing user inputs in various languages and dialects. This includes the system's ability to comprehend context, sentiment, and intent.

2. Integration Flexibility
Consider how easily the Conversational AI can integrate with existing systems and platforms within your organization. This includes CRM, ERP, and other customer service tools.

3. Scalability
The system should be able to scale in response to your business needs, handling varying volumes of interactions without significant drops in performance.

4. Customization Options
Assess the extent to which you can customize the AI to fit your specific business requirements, branding, and user experiences.

5. Security and Compliance
Ensure that the supplier adheres to industry-standard security practices and complies with relevant regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA).

6. Analytics and Reporting
Look for robust analytics and reporting capabilities that allow you to track performance, user satisfaction, and other key metrics over time.

7. Support and Updates
Consider the level of ongoing support provided, including the frequency of updates and the availability of customer service.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Conversational AI?

Conversational AI is rapidly transforming B2B interactions across industries, offering efficient, personalized, and scalable solutions. In customer service, AI-powered chatbots are revolutionizing the way businesses handle inquiries and support tickets. By automating responses to common questions and escalating complex issues to human representatives, companies can significantly reduce response times and improve customer satisfaction. Sales and lead generation represent another pivotal area where conversational AI is making strides. Through intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants, businesses can pre-qualify leads by asking pertinent questions and gathering crucial information. This process ensures that sales teams focus their efforts on leads with the highest conversion potential, thereby optimizing the sales funnel and boosting efficiency. In the realm of HR and recruitment, conversational AI streamlines the hiring process by engaging potential candidates, scheduling interviews, and even conducting initial screening interviews. This automation not only saves time but also enhances the candidate experience, attracting top talent by showcasing a tech-savvy and innovative company culture. Lastly, in IT and technical support, conversational AI aids in troubleshooting common problems and offering step-by-step guidance. For more complex issues, it can route tickets to the appropriate experts, ensuring that problems are resolved quickly and efficiently, thus maintaining business continuity. Across these diverse applications, conversational AI is proving to be an invaluable asset for B2B companies, driving efficiency, improving customer and employee experiences, and ultimately contributing to a healthier bottom line.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Conversational AI

As of my last update in 2023, Conversational AI has reached a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) between 7 and 9, indicating that it has moved beyond prototype development into system demonstration in operational environments, and in many instances, it is already being fully deployed and used in real-world settings. This advanced TRL is attributed to several technical advancements and widespread integration across various sectors, including customer service, healthcare, and personal assistants. The development of sophisticated natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, which enable machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language in a way that is both contextually relevant and emotionally resonant, has been a cornerstone in this achievement. Furthermore, the incorporation of machine learning and deep learning techniques has significantly enhanced the ability of conversational AI to learn from interactions, improve over time, and provide responses that are increasingly accurate and human-like. The integration of these technologies has allowed conversational AI systems to handle a wide range of tasks, from answering frequently asked questions to providing personalized recommendations and support. Additionally, improvements in speech recognition technology have greatly expanded the accessibility and usability of conversational AI, making it possible for these systems to understand and process spoken language with high levels of accuracy. The combination of these technical advancements underpins the high TRL of conversational AI, demonstrating its readiness and efficacy in operational settings.

What is the Technology Forecast of Conversational AI?

In the Short-Term, advancements in Conversational AI will focus on refining natural language understanding (NLU) and generation (NLG), leading to more nuanced and context-aware interactions. Immediate improvements will include better handling of diverse dialects and slang, enhancing the AI's ability to engage in more personalized and culturally aware conversations. Integration with industry-specific knowledge bases will also improve, enabling more specialized and accurate responses in fields such as healthcare, finance, and customer service. Mid-Term developments are expected to usher in significant progress in emotional intelligence and multimodal interactions. Conversational AI will evolve to detect and adapt to a user's emotional state, providing more empathetic responses and support. This period will also see the growth of AI capabilities to interpret and respond to non-verbal cues such as tone, facial expressions, and gestures when integrated with visual and auditory sensors. This advancement will facilitate a more immersive and human-like interaction, bridging the gap between digital and physical communication. In the Long-Term, the horizon of Conversational AI will be marked by the seamless integration of AI into everyday life, powered by autonomous learning and reasoning capabilities. Conversational AI will achieve a level of sophistication where it can conduct complex problem-solving tasks, make decisions, and offer predictive insights in real-time without explicit human input. These systems will become indispensable personal and professional assistants, deeply embedded in various aspects of daily life, from managing homes to driving innovation in research and development across industries.

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