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Top Business Intelligence (Bi) Companies in India

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60 companies for Business Intelligence (Bi) in India

ElegantJ BI Business Intelligence and Advanced Data Discovery's Logo

ElegantJ BI Business Intelligence and Advanced Data Discovery

Ahmedabad, India


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

ElegantJ BI offers innovative tools and solutions that empower business users to transform their approach to Business Intelligence (BI). With features like Deep Dive Analytics and Smarten's Advanced Data Discovery, users can easily create predictive models and move beyond traditional dashboards, fostering a new generation of Citizen Data Scientists.

Highlighted product

Core business

Business Intelligence Tool | BI Tool | BI Software | ElegantJ BI

Cybacor Security Consultants's Logo

Cybacor Security Consultants

Gurugram District, India


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Business Intelligence (BI) is a crucial aspect that combines various analytical tools and practices to enable organizations to make informed, data-driven decisions.

Highlighted product


Business Intelligence - Cybacor

Prowesstics's Logo


Chennai, India


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company specializes in providing exceptional Business Intelligence (BI) services that transform data into actionable insights. Their offerings include data visualization, reporting, data mining, and predictive analytics, aimed at helping clients understand business trends and make informed, data-driven decisions.

Highlighted product


Business Intelligence Services & Solutions

Our business intelligence (BI) services help to make you the best data driven decisions. BI solutions will extract insights from your raw data

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BIR Solutions India Pvt Ltd.'s Logo

BIR Solutions India Pvt Ltd.

Hyderabad, India


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, BIR Solutions, specializes in business intelligence and data visualization technology, offering high-quality implementation services that enhance business value and provide a competitive edge. Their experienced team has a proven track record of transforming raw data into meaningful information systems.

Highlighted product


Business Intelligence - BIR Solutions

We deliver high quality business intelligence implementation services and solutions that increases business value and gives organizations a competitive edge

Bilight Solutions's Logo

Bilight Solutions

Chennai, India


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Bilight Solutions is a company that specializes in providing a comprehensive Business Intelligence (BI) ecosystem, enabling organizations to leverage data for actionable insights and informed decision-making. Their services include end-to-end BI implementation and consulting, making it essential for organizations to thrive in today's data-driven landscape.

Highlighted product

Core business

Bilight Solutions: Business Intelligence Company

Leading business intelligence consultancy providers | Enable data drive decision making | Top BI tools implementation

SR analytics's Logo

SR analytics

Pune, India


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company is a strategic BI consulting services firm that emphasizes a data-first approach, helping businesses make informed decisions through high-quality BI solutions. They specialize in assisting small and medium enterprises in managing, organizing, and visualizing their data, ultimately enhancing customer experience and advancing data analytics maturity.

Highlighted product

Core business

BI consulting services for Small and Medium enterprises - SR analytics

As a strategic BI consulting services provider, we help SMEs improve customer experience and better manage their data. Click to know how.

Arrowhead Technologies Private Limited's Logo

Arrowhead Technologies Private Limited

Kozhikode, India


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company specializes in creating Knowledge Management systems and is dedicated to Business Intelligence (BI) and complex Business Data Analytics. With a strong emphasis on structuring and visualizing data, they offer expertise in big data solutions and data warehousing, making them well-equipped to help businesses enhance their data-driven decision-making processes.

Highlighted product


Big Data Business Intelligence Software Solutions | Data Warehouse

Best Business Intelligence software vendors offer big data solutions and data warehouse help to structure and visualize your company’s data in the way you need.

BizAcuity Solutions Private Ltd's Logo

BizAcuity Solutions Private Ltd

Kallur, India


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

BizAcuity specializes in end-to-end Business Intelligence (BI) projects, offering custom analytics solutions that enable clients to derive meaningful insights and make informed decisions. Their expertise includes data warehousing, reporting, and the implementation of a comprehensive BI strategy, ensuring effective data management and integration.

Highlighted product


Services | BizAcuity Inc.

BizAcuity has delivered solutions to clients across globe. Our services includes BI, AI&ML, data management, Visual analytics, big data & cloud analytics

BIGINT Solutions's Logo

BIGINT Solutions

Hyderabad, India


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company specializes in Business Intelligence (BI) and offers end-to-end modern data engineering and management services using Azure and Power BI, which enhance decision-making through data intelligence and AI solutions. With over 13 years of experience, the founder, Ranbeer Makin, has a strong background in predictive analytics and data solutions.

Highlighted product


Top Modern BI & Power BI Service Providers | BI Services

We offer end-to-end modern data engineering and management services using Azure and Power BI to manage data and reporting - Big Data, Data Warehouse, Database, and Power BI.

BatchMaster Software Pvt. Ltd.'s Logo

BatchMaster Software Pvt. Ltd.

Indore, India


251-500 Employees


Key takeaway

BatchMaster Software offers a specialized Business Intelligence (BI) ERP solution designed to enhance business decision-making through its dynamic Drag and Analyze tool. This focus on data analysis positions BatchMaster as a key player in providing industry-specific software that integrates and extends operational capabilities for process manufacturing industries.

Highlighted product


Business Intelligence (BI) ERP Software System

BatchMaster business intelligence (BI) solution is for better business decision! Its Drag and Analyze tool is can analyze data dynamically.

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Information about Business Intelligence (Bi) in India

When exploring the Business Intelligence (BI) industry in India, several key considerations come into play. The regulatory landscape is evolving, with data protection laws and compliance frameworks such as the Personal Data Protection Bill impacting how companies handle data. Understanding these regulations is crucial for any business operating in this space. The challenges in the sector include the high level of competition and the need for continuous innovation to keep pace with global advancements. However, opportunities abound, particularly due to the rapid digital transformation across industries, which increases the demand for data-driven decision-making tools. The competitive landscape features both established players and emerging startups, making it essential to assess a company's market position and technological capabilities. Environmental concerns are also gaining traction, as businesses increasingly focus on sustainable practices in their operations and data management. Additionally, the global market relevance of BI solutions presents a significant advantage, as Indian companies can leverage their expertise to cater to international clients. By considering these aspects, individuals can gain valuable insights into the BI industry in India, helping them make informed decisions when researching companies and potential career paths in this dynamic field.

Insights about the Business Intelligence (Bi) results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Business Intelligence (Bi)

Country with most fitting companiesIndia
Amount of fitting manufacturers875
Amount of suitable service providers957
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company2000
Youngest suiting company2020

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Business Intelligence (Bi) Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Business Intelligence (Bi)

Based on our calculations related technologies to Business Intelligence (Bi) are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in Business Intelligence (Bi) are Bilight Solutions, SR analytics, Arrowhead Technologies Private Limited

The most represented industries which are working in Business Intelligence (Bi) are IT, Software and Services, Consulting, Other, Research, Business Services

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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