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Top Business Intelligence (Bi) Companies in United States

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60 companies for Business Intelligence (Bi) in United States

Decisive BI's Logo

Decisive BI

Chicago, United States


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

Decisive BI specializes in Business Intelligence (BI) by offering fast and accurate analytic and reporting platforms that enhance business processes through data analytics. With over 20 years of experience in data integration, they provide consulting services that guide organizations in achieving effective analytics and process improvement.

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Business Intelli Solutions's Logo

Business Intelli Solutions

Frisco, United States


251-500 Employees


Key takeaway

Business Intelli Solutions specializes in Business Intelligence, offering comprehensive solutions that encompass the entire process from concept to ongoing support. Their expertise in data warehousing and management consulting helps clients maximize their business strategies and maintain a competitive edge.

Highlighted product


BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE – Business Intelli Solutions

Polytier Solutions Inc.'s Logo

Polytier Solutions Inc.

Stoneham, United States


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Polytier specializes in Business Intelligence (BI), offering services that evaluate project requirements and create actionable roadmaps. With expertise in Power BI, they design informative reports and dashboards to help organizations leverage their data for informed decision-making.

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Power BI, Modern BI, Business Intelligence, Business Analytics

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BI Solutions's Logo

BI Solutions

Harrisburg, United States


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

BI Solutions specializes in transforming data into actionable insights, which is essential for informed management decisions. Their focus on Performance Management (PM) aligns tasks with measurable goals, enhancing overall company performance.

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Company | BI Solutions

VIEW BI's Logo


New York, United States


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

View BI offers a range of Business Intelligence (BI) solutions, including pre-built applications and customizable SDK installations, designed to provide reliable access to data that businesses can understand and trust. Their experienced team ensures fast deployment and effective data management, enabling organizations to make faster and better decisions.

Highlighted product

Core business

View BI - Intelligence you can trust.

Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, System Integration, Report Scheduling, Migration, Generation and Archiving, Framework Manager, ETL.

Business Intelligence Market's Logo

Business Intelligence Market

Orem, United States


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company is expanding its business intelligence vendor network and highlights its platform as a comprehensive resource for comparing BI products. It emphasizes the importance of evaluating BI tools' features and the benefits of cloud-based and user-friendly systems for effective data analysis.

Highlighted product

Core business

About | Business Intelligence Market

Business Intelligence Services of Puerto Rico's Logo

Business Intelligence Services of Puerto Rico

Aguada, United States


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Business Intelligence Services specializes in Power BI consultancy, offering expert visual analytics solutions that help transform data into meaningful insights. Their dedicated team works closely with clients to ensure effective utilization of Power BI for enhanced business intelligence.

Highlighted product

Core business

Business Intelligence Services – My WordPress Blog

Harken Data's Logo

Harken Data

Franklin Township, United States


101-250 Employees


Key takeaway

Harken Data specializes in high-standard business intelligence (BI) and data warehousing (DW), offering a range of services including BI reporting, analytics solutions, and custom data visualization. Their dedicated approach to BI strategy and management enables clients to effectively leverage their data assets for improved business performance.

Highlighted product

Core business

Business Intelligence Services & Solutions Provider Company in New Jersey USA

HARKEN DATA is one of the leading Business Intelligence services & Solutions provider companies in New Jersey USA. Our BI services include BI reporting, smarter analytics solutions, custom data visualization, & BI consulting to improve overall business performance and also proving the staffing solution.

Business Intelligence Technology Solutions LLC's Logo

Business Intelligence Technology Solutions LLC

Princeton, United States


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Business Intelligence Technology Solutions, LLC offers comprehensive business intelligence consulting, BI analytics, and Big Data consulting services. They emphasize a customer-centric approach and provide specialized technology solutions tailored for small and medium-sized businesses.

Highlighted product


Business Intelligence Technolo - Business Intelligence

New page

Ontime Bi's Logo

Ontime Bi

Sugar Land, United States


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company specializes in Business Intelligence (BI) development and implementation, with over 23 years of experience. Their mission is to empower clients by transforming data and technology into actionable insights, enhancing decision-making processes.

Highlighted product


Business Intelligence Services, Decision support services houston, Data analysis company, Business Intelligence implementation services, Mobile Reporting Consultation , BI Implementation company in texas

Business Intelligence Services, Decision support services houston, Data analysis company, Business Intelligence implementation services,Mobile Reporting Consultation , BI Implementation company in texas

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Information about Business Intelligence (Bi) in United States

When exploring the Business Intelligence (BI) industry in the United States, several key considerations come into play. The regulatory landscape is crucial, as compliance with data protection laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is essential for BI companies handling sensitive information. Additionally, staying updated with technological advancements is vital, as the industry is rapidly evolving with AI and machine learning integration, which presents both opportunities for innovation and challenges in implementation. The competitive landscape is characterized by a mix of established players and emerging startups, making differentiation through unique value propositions critical. Market demand is growing, driven by the need for data-driven decision-making across various sectors, including healthcare, finance, and retail. However, companies must also navigate challenges such as data quality and integration from disparate sources to deliver meaningful insights. Environmental concerns are gaining attention, particularly regarding data centers' energy consumption and sustainability practices. As the global market for BI continues to expand, understanding international trends and local market nuances is essential for success in the U.S. Therefore, thorough research into these factors can significantly impact strategic decisions in the BI industry.

Insights about the Business Intelligence (Bi) results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Business Intelligence (Bi)

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers2583
Amount of suitable service providers2687
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company2002
Youngest suiting company2018

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Business Intelligence (Bi) Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Business Intelligence (Bi)

Based on our calculations related technologies to Business Intelligence (Bi) are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

The most represented industries which are working in Business Intelligence (Bi) are IT, Software and Services, Other, Consulting, Marketing Services, Finance and Insurance

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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