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Top Insect Protein Companies in Germany

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60 companies for Insect Protein in Germany

bygora.com's Logo


Munich, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Bygora is a leading B2B marketplace for novel proteins, highlighting its strong focus on insect proteins. The platform facilitates trading in various forms of insect protein, catering to the growing demand for sustainable protein sources.

Highlighted product


Insect Protein Market - Global Forecast to 2030 - bygora

by Product (Whole Insect, Insect Powder, Insect Meal), Insect Type (Crickets, Black Soldier Fly, Mealworms), Application (Animal Feed, Protein Bar & Shakes, Bakery, Confectionery, Beverages), and Geography

Plumento Foods GmbH's Logo

Plumento Foods GmbH

Pforzheim, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company focuses on making insect-based products a regular part of the diet, highlighting insects as a sustainable and efficient protein source to meet the growing global demand for animal protein while addressing environmental concerns. Their offerings include various edible insects and products like falafel mix with cricket protein.

Highlighted product


EDIBLE INSECTS | Plumento Foods GmbH

dineinsects.de's Logo


Menteroda, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers delicious and innovative products made from insect protein, highlighting its environmental benefits as a superior alternative to dairy and soy products. Their range includes pasta and bars that cleverly mask the flavor of insect flour, making it an excellent option for those who are lactose intolerant or seeking to reduce dairy consumption.

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Core business

Insekten essen│kaufen bei der Nr.1 in Deutschland 🦗

Deutschlands Nr.1 Insekten zum essen, bestellen und kaufen ✅ essbare Insekten als Nahrungsmittel ✅ Insektenprotein ✅ gesunde Rezepte mit Insekten Snacks

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Lower Impact's Logo

Lower Impact

Hanover, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company is a German startup focused on making alternative insect protein widely available. They aim to scale insect production, reduce costs, and integrate insects into the food chain, positioning insect protein as a sustainable alternative to traditional sources like soy.

Highlighted product

Core business

Lower Impact – Insect farming at scale

Insect farming solutions & products With insect protein into the future. Our industrial machinery and farming concept is scaleable, modular and easy-to-use. Mealworms produce high-quality, alternative protein with lower environmental impcat. Contact us Our partnerships and programs Insects as a key to circular economy.

FarmInsect's Logo


Bergkirchen, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company focuses on sustainable insect farming, producing and sourcing larvae for the pet food sector. Their approach not only reduces costs and CO2 emissions but also offers a protein-rich, eco-friendly animal feed solution.

Highlighted product


Produkte | FarmInsect

Proteinreiches Tierfutter - nachhaltig, regional und kostengünstig angebaut. Genau das ermöglichen unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen.

GePro Geflügel-Protein GmbH & Co. KG's Logo

GePro Geflügel-Protein GmbH & Co. KG



1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company offers high-quality, highly digestible insect protein as a key ingredient for aquaculture and pet food. Their commitment to transparency and strict veterinary controls ensures a reliable and traceable source of protein, which is highly valued worldwide.

Highlighted product



Catch-Your-Bug's Logo


Ulm, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Catch-Your-Bug processes edible insects in their Neu-Ulm facility and sells them through their online shop, emphasizing the nutritional benefits of insect protein as a sustainable dietary supplement. Their insect protein bars, made with natural ingredients and insect flour, provide a significant protein boost.

Highlighted product


Insekten Proteinriegel Cranberry-Cornflakes, 35 g - Catch-Your-Bug

Unser Insekten Proteinriegel enthält ausschließlich natürliche Zutaten und das enthaltene Insektenmehl sorgt für die Extraportion an Proteinen. Kerniger Riegel mit fruchtiger Note.

Bugoo UG's Logo

Bugoo UG

Hanover, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Bugoo offers a variety of edible insects, including crickets, grasshoppers, and mealworms, sourced from selected German and European breeders, ensuring quality and freshness. Their product range includes insect flour and flavored insect snacks, highlighting their commitment to providing high-protein food options.

Highlighted product


Insektenmehl kaufen: Heimchen-Mehl & Mehlwurm-Mehl | Online bestellen |Bugoo – Bugoo.de

Our high-protein ingenuity for cooking and baking is now available in a double pack for a special price.

German Insect GmbH's Logo

German Insect GmbH

Schnürpflingen, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, BTBE Insektenzucht GmbH, specializes in producing high-quality feeder insects, making it a relevant player in the insect protein industry, particularly for the pet trade and scientific institutions.

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Core business

BTBE Insektenzucht GmbH

BSF Cycle GmbH's Logo

BSF Cycle GmbH

Göttingen, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Insekten sind eine natürliche und nahrhafte Proteinquelle für Tiere, die wichtige Nährstoffe liefern. BSF Cycle GmbH bietet ein gesundes und umweltfreundliches Tierfutter, das zu 100% aus Soldatenfliegenlarven besteht.

Highlighted product

Core business

Tierfutter aus Soldatenfliegenlarven - gesund & umweltfreundlich! 🦟🐛 – BSF Cycle GmbH

Gesundes Futter für Hühner, Fische, Hunde, Vögel und Nagetiere. Unser Tierfutter besteht zu 100% aus Soldatenfliegenlarven 🐛 (Black Soldier Fly / Hermetia illucens). Insekten sind natürlich für dein Tier und liefern ihnen wichtige Nährstoffe. Besser als Mehlwürmer - aufgrund einer absolut ökologischen Herstellung.

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Information about Insect Protein in Germany

The Insect Protein industry in Germany is gaining momentum, driven by increasing interest in sustainable food sources. Key considerations include the stringent regulatory framework that governs the production and sale of insect-based products, which is overseen by both national and EU legislation. Understanding these regulations is crucial for compliance and market entry. Another significant factor is the environmental impact; insect farming has a lower carbon footprint and requires less land and water compared to traditional livestock. This can be a strong selling point in a market that increasingly values sustainability. Challenges in this sector include consumer acceptance and the need for effective marketing strategies to educate potential customers about the benefits of insect protein. As for opportunities, the growing demand for alternative protein sources, particularly among health-conscious and environmentally-aware consumers, presents a favorable landscape for innovation. The competitive landscape features both startups and established food companies venturing into this space, necessitating a thorough analysis of potential partners or competitors. Globally, the market for insect protein is expanding, with Germany positioned as a key player in Europe, supported by advancements in technology and research. Overall, those interested in this industry should focus on regulatory compliance, market trends, and potential partnerships to navigate the evolving landscape effectively.

Insights about the Insect Protein results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Insect Protein

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers1016
Amount of suitable service providers527
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2017
Youngest suiting company2022

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Insect Protein Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Insect Protein

Based on our calculations related technologies to Insect Protein are Biomedical (Red), Bioinformatics (Gold), Environmental Biotechnology (Grey), Agricultural Biotechnology (Green), Food Related Biotechnology (Yellow)

Start-Ups who are working in Insect Protein are bygora.com, Lower Impact, Catch-Your-Bug, Bugoo UG

The most represented industries which are working in Insect Protein are Other, Food and Beverage, Retail, Agriculture, Consulting

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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