
Top Zero Trust Companies

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1301 companies for Zero Trust

Datacloak's Logo


Shenzhen, China

11-50 Employees


DataCloak, established in 2018, is a company dedicated to the innovation of data security technologies. DataCloak boasts extensive research and development experience in areas such as large-scale distributed systems, data security and privacy computing, and AI. DataCloak® provides enterprises with an advanced, innovative and secure office that avoids unauthorized access and disclosure of enterprise sensitive data. DataCloak provides enterprises with an advanced, innovative and secure office that avoids unauthorized access and disclosure of enterprise sensitive data. The company integrates infrastructure, cryptography, and AI technologies to provide enterprises with an integrated data security platform that spans endpoints, clouds, and edges. Its products have been widely adopted by hundreds of enterprises, including the People's Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Nanyang Commercial Bank, CITIC Securities, Taikang Insurance, Inspur, Great Wall Motors, Avatar, Duxiaoman, Yunda, China Mobile, and many others. The security governance of unstructured data has become the main direction of development in the field of data security. With leading technology, excellent user experience, and good reputation, DataCloak was selected as a supplier in Gartner Vendor Ratings in 2020.


DACS Mobile Zero Trust Mobile Secure Workspace

... DataCloak | Zero Trust Mobile Secure Workspace|DACS Mobile|Data Security| ...

BastionZero's Logo


Boston, United States

11-50 Employees


BastionZero is leveraging cryptography to reimagine the tools used to manage remote access to kubernetes, server, application, and database infrastructure across cloud and on-prem environments. We are backed by top VCs along with experienced individual operators of cybersecurity and SaaS businesses. BastionZero delivers zero trust access without creating a single point of compromise. BastionZero’s policy system continuously evaluates your authorization controls and provides instant revocation whenever your user or application environments change. Don’t trust BastionZero (or anyone else) with privileged access to your targets. Everything around BastionZero is just better than a homegrown solution, like managing access when someone leaves the company.”. With BastionZero, your engineers authenticate directly to each target. BastionZero is a cloud service, so you don’t need to operate and maintain self-hosted bastion hosts, SSH certificate authorities, VPNs, password managers or jumphosts.Want proof?

Core business

Zero trust infrastructure access platform | BastionZero

... platform delivers fast zero trust access without creating a single ...

Sendrata BV's Logo

Sendrata BV

The Hague, Netherlands

1-10 Employees


Sendrata helpt u om succesvol een Zero Trust Security architectuur neer te zetten in uw organisatie.

Core business

Builders of zero trust security

... Sendrata – Builders of Zero Trust ...

Worldr's Logo


London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


All product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.


Zero trust, zero disruption

... Zero trust, zero ...

Route443's Logo


Maastricht, Netherlands

11-50 Employees


In de snel evoluerende wereld van cybersecurity speelt de strategieafdeling van Route443 een cruciale rol. Onze Consultancy Afdeling is de plek waar de best opgeleide security specialisten op alle niveaus en kennisgebieden samenkomen om onze klanten te ondersteunen, te adviseren en bij te staan bij interne security projecten.

Core business

Reset to Zero-Trust

... may want you to believe, zero-trust isn’t a technology that you can ...

Zentera Systems's Logo

Zentera Systems

San Jose, United States

11-50 Employees


A Zero Trust Fabric provides effective protection, ensuring that every single network access is a known and authorized. Keep your IP safely locked down without impacting productivity.


Zero Trust Security with CoIP Platform

... companies to adopt a Zero Trust security posture for even legacy ...

Gradient's Logo


Boston, United States

11-50 Employees


Gradient Cybersecurity Mesh (GCM) is a true zero-trust solution that stitches together hardware-based roots of trust with nation-state hardened software to eliminate the threat of credential-based cyberattacks. Gradient Cybersecurity Mesh stitches together hardware-based roots of trust with nation-state hardened software to eliminate the threat of credential-based cyberattacks and creates a frictionless user experience without requiring any changes to your existing infrastructure. Learn how Gradient Cybersecurity Mesh makes it impossible to steal credentials in by leveraging the hardware roots of trust already present on most enterprise endpoints, immutably binding the user and device, and continuous attestation. Secure credential issuance and policy management leveraging GCM’s secure enclaves, provide nation-state level protection for credentials. GCM is the only solution on the market that continually monitors the identity and integrity of the device including PCR values at the hardware layer, firmware, OS, and application layers.


Gradient Technologies - Zero Trust Cloud Segmentation

... Gradient Technologies - Zero Trust Cloud ...



London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


SURF provides users with freedom of work, letting them interact with applications, data, and each other securely. SURF Security has transformed the browser into your strongest security asset while providing complete end-user privacy – all with full compliance. Through this centralized platform, SURF insists on identity-first access to all SaaS and corporate assets to guarantee a secured and frictionless user experience. SURF enhances security, performance, and productivity for end-users and applications – faster than ever before. Surf has created a safe work environment with all the isolation and safe browsing capabilities of tools like VDI, without the overheads and licenses for the OS. We are changing the world of secured access and work environments. SURF delivers an innovative approach where threats and deployment headaches are simply eliminated. SURF brings Zero-Trust principles to the user via the browser, protecting everyone and everything in the enterprise regardless of role.


Zero Trust Enterprise Browser

... enterprise with SURF's Zero-Trust enterprise browser. Try it now and ...

IoT Armour's Logo

IoT Armour


1-10 Employees


The award-winning solution embraces the Zero Trust principle of 'Never trust, always verify' and harnesses Blockchain digital signatures - not just IP addresses - to identify, authenticate and authorize all devices. Delivering the next-generation ultra-secure enterprise and government networks over 5G. How Block Armour helped a Japanese manufacturer secure its Smart Factory environment.

Core business

Zero Trust Cybersecurity for critical systems, connected devices, & integrated IoT networks

... Zero Trust Cybersecurity for critical systems, connected devices, & ...

Zero Trust [SAS]'s Logo

Zero Trust [SAS]

Saint-Denis, France

11-50 Employees


Notre service couvrant tous les environnements Cloud, On-Premise ou Hybride gomme les irritants des traditionnels solutions silos (telles que EDR, sécurité réseau etc) et SOC Standard. C’est le nombre moyen d’attaques cyber sécurité subies par une entreprise par an.

Core business

Accueil | Zero Trust

... Zero Trust notre enjeu la satisfaction de nos ...

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Insights about the Zero Trust results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Zero Trust

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers2288
Amount of suitable service providers1835
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company2000
Youngest suiting company2017

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Zero Trust

What is Zero Trust?

Zero Trust is a strategic cybersecurity principle that operates on the foundational premise that no entity, whether inside or outside the organization's network, should be automatically trusted without verification. This approach necessitates rigorous identity verification for every individual and device attempting to access resources on a private network, irrespective of their location. Unlike traditional security models that operate under the assumption that everything within the organization’s network can be trusted, Zero Trust mandates continuous validation to safeguard every access request. This model leverages advanced technologies such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), identity and access management (IAM), and least privilege access controls to minimize the attack surface and mitigate potential breaches. By implementing a Zero Trust architecture, organizations can significantly enhance their security posture, enabling them to more effectively defend against sophisticated cyber threats, reduce the risk of data breaches, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. The principle's impact extends beyond mere technical adjustments, fostering a culture of security awareness and vigilance that permeates all aspects of the digital environment. As cyber threats continue to evolve in complexity and scale, adopting a Zero Trust framework has become an imperative for entities seeking to protect their critical assets in an increasingly hostile digital landscape.

Advantages of Zero Trust

1. Enhanced Security Posture
Zero Trust eliminates the traditional trust assumptions within a network, requiring all users, whether inside or outside the network, to be authenticated, authorized, and continuously validated for security configuration and posture before being granted or keeping access to applications and data. This approach minimizes the attack surface and reduces the chances of unauthorized access.

2. Improved Data Protection
By implementing a Zero Trust model, organizations ensure that access to sensitive information is strictly need-to-know. This minimizes the risk of data breaches by ensuring that even if attackers penetrate the network perimeter, they cannot easily access or exfiltrate sensitive information without undergoing stringent verification processes.

3. Increased Visibility and Control
Zero Trust architectures provide organizations with greater visibility into their networks and more granular control over who accesses what resources. This is achieved through detailed logging and analytics, which allow for the monitoring of user behaviors and the detection of anomalies in real-time, thereby facilitating swift responses to potential threats.

4. Regulatory Compliance
Adopting a Zero Trust framework can help organizations meet strict regulatory requirements regarding data protection and privacy. By ensuring that access controls are both stringent and adaptable, businesses can demonstrate compliance with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and others, potentially avoiding hefty fines and reputational damage.

How to select right Zero Trust supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Compliance and Certification
Ensure the supplier adheres to industry standards and possesses relevant certifications, demonstrating their commitment to security and reliability.

2. Technology Integration
Assess the supplier's capability to integrate seamlessly with your existing IT infrastructure, minimizing disruptions and ensuring compatibility.

3. Scalability
Consider whether the supplier's solutions can scale with your business needs, allowing for growth and expansion without compromising security.

4. Customization
Look for the ability to customize solutions to fit your specific business requirements, ensuring the Zero Trust approach aligns with your operational needs.

5. Support and Maintenance
Evaluate the supplier's support structure, including availability and responsiveness, to ensure you receive timely assistance and updates.

6. User Experience
Consider the impact on user experience, ensuring that security measures do not overly complicate or hinder productivity.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Zero Trust?

In the finance sector, Zero Trust architecture is crucial for protecting sensitive financial data and transactions. By enforcing strict access controls and continuous verification, financial institutions can prevent unauthorized access, ensuring that only authenticated and authorized users can access critical systems and data. This approach significantly reduces the risk of data breaches and financial fraud. Manufacturing companies leverage Zero Trust to protect intellectual property and maintain operational integrity. With industrial espionage and cyberattacks on the rise, ensuring that access to manufacturing designs and processes is tightly controlled is essential. Zero Trust helps by providing a framework that secures both the IT and OT (Operational Technology) networks, preventing unauthorized access and ensuring that production lines are not disrupted by cyber threats. In the healthcare industry, Zero Trust architectures are implemented to safeguard patient data and ensure compliance with regulations like HIPAA. By verifying every access request and segmenting networks, healthcare providers can ensure that sensitive patient information is only accessible to authorized personnel, thus enhancing patient privacy and trust. For technology companies, Zero Trust is a foundation for securing cloud-based services and applications. As these companies often deal with large volumes of data and operate on a global scale, employing Zero Trust principles helps in securing access to resources, regardless of where the user or the resource is located. This is vital for maintaining service integrity and client trust in a highly competitive market.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Zero Trust

Zero Trust, a security concept requiring all users, whether inside or outside the network, to be authenticated, authorized, and continuously validated for security configuration and posture before being granted or keeping access to applications and data, currently stands at a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of around 8 to 9. This advanced TRL reflects the extensive research, development, and real-world application that Zero Trust models have undergone. The approach is deeply rooted in the principle of "never trust, always verify," which has been bolstered by advancements in identity and access management (IAM), network segmentation, encryption, and threat detection technologies. The widespread adoption and implementation of these technologies across various industries signify that Zero Trust frameworks are not only well-understood but also proven in operational environments. The high TRL is further justified by the increasing integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence, enhancing the ability to analyze user behavior, detect anomalies, and automate security responses in real-time. Despite its high TRL, continuous evolution in response to emerging threats and changing technology landscapes remains a critical aspect of maintaining the efficacy and reliability of Zero Trust architectures.

What is the Technology Forecast of Zero Trust?

Short-Term In the immediate future, Zero Trust architectures are set to become more integrated with cloud services, facilitating seamless security protocols across hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Enhanced identity verification methods, incorporating biometrics and machine learning for behavior analysis, will become standard. This phase marks the beginning of a more granular approach to access control, with real-time analytics driving adaptive security measures. Mid-Term As Zero Trust principles mature, the mid-term outlook includes the development of AI-driven security solutions that autonomously identify and mitigate threats, reducing reliance on manual intervention. Interoperability among various security platforms will improve, enabling a more cohesive ecosystem that can dynamically respond to evolving threats. The adoption of blockchain technology for decentralized identity management will also take center stage, offering a more robust mechanism for verifying user credentials and transaction integrity. Long-Term Looking further ahead, the long-term advancements in Zero Trust will likely revolve around the integration of quantum computing technologies, rendering current encryption methods obsolete and establishing new standards for data protection. Zero Trust architectures will be deeply embedded in the fabric of all networking environments, with security becoming an inherent, self-evolving feature. Autonomic security systems, capable of predictive threat modeling and automated mitigation strategies, will become the norm, offering unprecedented levels of protection in an increasingly complex digital landscape.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Zero Trust Companies

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Based on our calculations related technologies to Zero Trust are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

The most represented industries which are working in Zero Trust are IT, Software and Services, Other, Finance and Insurance, Consulting, Defense

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