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Top Synthetic Meat Companies in Germany

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60 companies for Synthetic Meat in Germany

Innocent Meat's Logo

Innocent Meat

Rostock, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Innocent Meat is revolutionizing the meat industry by developing a smooth plug-and-produce system that enables meat processors to transition from traditional animal agriculture to efficient in-house production of cultured meat. Their focus on sustainable and responsible meat consumption addresses the pressing challenges of conventional meat production.

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Core business

Innocent Meat

Innocent Meat turns food producer in cell-based meat producers by developing an automated end-to-end clean meat production system.

Peace of Meat's Logo

Peace of Meat

Berlin, Germany


11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company emphasizes its commitment to cultured meat as a sustainable alternative for the future, highlighting its upcoming poultry products like Conscious Chicken and Delicious Duck.

Highlighted product


Products Overview | Peace of Meat

Meat has been on our menu for cen­tur­ies. With good reas­on, cause it’s nutri­tious and damn deli­cious. Sadly, the story behind today’s mass-pro­duced meat is less savoury. The plan­et and anim­als need a break … but the glob­al demand for meat keeps rising. It’s time to rethink our meat for…

NEAT's Logo


Hamburg, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

MEATOSYS focuses on organic cultivated meat, highlighting its potential to address environmental challenges while allowing for meat production without harming animals.

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MEATOSYS | the organic cultivated meat

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Hamburg, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Clean meat, also known as in-vitro meat, is gaining significant attention as a sustainable alternative to traditional meat production, relying on cell culture technology to create a product indistinguishable from conventional meat. This innovative approach has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80%.

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Core business

Clean Meat und In-Vitro-Fleisch

Laborfleisch, Clean Meat, In-vitro-Fleisch: Aktueller Stand, Aktien, Tipps und Links.

Alife Foods GmbH's Logo

Alife Foods GmbH

Leipzig, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The Cultured Schnitzel Company is focused on creating sustainable synthetic meat, aiming to provide a guilt-free alternative that preserves cultural enjoyment of meat without the ethical and environmental drawbacks of traditional production methods. Their vision for the future of food emphasizes the importance of innovation in meat production.

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Core business

Alife Foods - The Cultured Schnitzel Company

MicroHarvest's Logo


Hamburg, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

MicroHarvest is at the forefront of addressing the growing demand for sustainable protein by utilizing biotechnology to produce healthier, animal-free protein from microorganisms. Their innovative approach not only meets the need for alternative protein sources but also contributes to a resilient food system.

Highlighted product


Biotechnology healthier protein from bacteria - MicroHarvest

The future of animal free protein: nutrients that feed the world. We strive for a resilient food system, using the power of microorganisms. Global demand for alternative protein is growing. Our Biotechnology leverages Nature’s most efficient bacteria to make better, healthier and tastier protein. We have over three decades worth of experience in biotechnology, over a decade of experience in business and product development in the sustainable ingredients industry, and extensive experience in the startup world.

The Plantly Butchers's Logo

The Plantly Butchers

Osnabrück, Germany


1001-5000 Employees


Key takeaway

The Plantly Butchers are focused on creating innovative, high-protein, plant-based products that provide a sustainable alternative to traditional meat. Their commitment to animal welfare and resource conservation is reflected in their meat-free offerings, which allow consumers to reduce their meat intake without sacrificing taste.

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Core business

About us | The Plantly Butchers

The Plantly Butchers are redefining meat-free options with high-protein, additive-free products. Check out our job opportunities in Osnabrück!

Cultimate's Logo


Berlin, Germany


1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Cultimate Foods emphasizes the potential of hybrid meat alternatives, which combine plant-based protein with cultivated fat, to enhance taste and accelerate the adoption of synthetic meat products.

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Core business

Home | Cultimate

The Cultivated B's Logo

The Cultivated B



- Employees


Key takeaway

PreFer Industries specializes in cutting-edge technologies for cellular agriculture, focusing on scalable and sustainable protein production. Their recognition at The World Cell-based Innovation Awards highlights their commitment to innovative solutions in the alternative protein sector.

Highlighted product

Core business

The Cultivated B - Scalable technology for next-generation protein production

Cutting-edge technology enabler committed to transform the future of protein production in a scalable, ethical and sustainable way

Planteneers - The Plant Based Pioneers's Logo

Planteneers - The Plant Based Pioneers

Ahrensburg, Germany


51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

Planteneers specializes in developing plant-based alternatives to meat, dairy, and delicatessen products, offering a comprehensive approach that includes everything from raw material selection to large-scale production.

Highlighted product


Pflanzenbasierte Alternative Alternative zu Fleisch & Wurst

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Information about Synthetic Meat in Germany

When exploring the synthetic meat industry in Germany, several key considerations should be taken into account. Regulatory frameworks are crucial; the European Union has stringent food safety and approval processes that synthetic meat products must navigate before entering the market. Understanding these regulations is essential for compliance and market entry. Additionally, the German market presents both challenges and opportunities. While consumer acceptance is growing, there are still segments resistant to synthetic alternatives, which can affect market penetration. However, the increasing awareness of environmental sustainability offers a significant opportunity, as synthetic meat has the potential to reduce carbon footprints compared to traditional livestock farming. The competitive landscape is dynamic, with numerous startups and established companies investing in research and development. Staying informed about emerging players and technological advancements is vital for anyone looking to understand market trends. Furthermore, global market relevance cannot be overlooked; Germany is a key player in the European food sector, and its developments can influence trends across the continent. Lastly, environmental concerns, such as land use and resource management, are prominent in discussions about synthetic meat. As the industry evolves, it will be essential to consider the sustainability of production methods and their impact on biodiversity and ecosystems.

Insights about the Synthetic Meat results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Synthetic Meat

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers698
Amount of suitable service providers309
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2018
Youngest suiting company2022

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Synthetic Meat Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Synthetic Meat

Based on our calculations related technologies to Synthetic Meat are Biomedical (Red), Bioinformatics (Gold), Environmental Biotechnology (Grey), Agricultural Biotechnology (Green), Food Related Biotechnology (Yellow)

Start-Ups who are working in Synthetic Meat are Innocent Meat, NEAT, MicroHarvest, Cultimate

The most represented industries which are working in Synthetic Meat are Other, Food and Beverage, Biotechnology, Retail, Agriculture

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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